Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, without fear, looked at each other with helpless expressions. ”

Do you smoke him, or should I smoke him? “Lin Hai shrugged.

“I can’t do it, you come!” Immortal Zui Jiu hurriedly shook the head, resolutely.

“Oh!” The conversation between Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu immediately made the village ambassadors and villagers feel scorn. This

The two goods can really pretend to be strong, but at the critical moment, the second has been suggested? can

Immortal Zui Jiu said a word below, but made their scornful smile rigid.

I saw Immortal Zui Jiu, sighed gently, and then pats Lin Hai’s shoulder.

“You know, as soon as I shot, he had to move his head, so let’s work hard for you!”

“Also!” Lin Hai nodded, “Then let me do it!”

“However, dealing with this kind of goods is not as hard as stepping on an ant, Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, don’t blame yourself, I will draw him!

The conversation between Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu made the village ambassadors and the villagers stunned, and they were all stupid.

Damn, these two guys are fucking too shameless.

It’s all this time, and the face can still be pretending to be red and heartbeat.

They do n’t pretend to be too forgetful, do they think they are so good? “

hehe, he he he he! “The village ambassador was directly laughed at.”

you two …… “Raising your finger at Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, the resident in the village did not know what to say.”

Are you pumping me? “

“Come, smoke here, I’ll see, how do you smoke me!” Zhu

Cun Shi dismissed his face with a scornful face, pointed at his own face, and said scornfully.

“You, do you let me smoke?” Lin Hai narrowed his neck and said timidly.

“Yes, can’t you? I let you smoke, you smoke, you smoke!” Om


As soon as the village ambassador had finished speaking, the thunder pool suddenly started around him, and the crackling electric arc covered his whole body instantly. “

Damn! Resident

The village was taken aback by surprise, with a shocked expression in his eyes, his face was incredible!

He thought that Lin Hai had a Spirit Transformation period, that is, pretending to be in front of himself.

If you really do, you wo n’t dare to borrow Lin Hai’s courage, and give yourself a kneeling begging for mercy next moment.

But didn’t expect, Lin Hai didn’t play cards according to the routine at all, he actually started to deal with himself.

However, after being shocked, the ambassador to the village became more disdainful. One

A small Spirit Transformation environment, even to do it yourself, is simply overestimate one’s capabilities. on

This point of Thunder System Magic Technique, falling on himself, is no different from tickling. “

courting death! “Both

However, Lin Hai took the lead, and the village ambassador suddenly shot out, loudly shouted. lift

Hold your palm and get Lin Hai under your palm!

“En? What’s up!”

He just moved his palm, but found a strange numbness.

Later, the village ambassador found in horror that his arm could not move!

pa! just

When he was terrified, a sudden crisp sound came. Follow

Later, there was only a hot pain in the right face, and Lin Hai opened his mouth and drew a solid!

sou! Lin

After the sea was drawn, he immediately volleyed and retreated, and distanced himself from the village ambassador.

weng! same

For a time, the resident village caused the within True Body to erupt, removing the power of thunder and lightning, and restored the freedom of movement.

However, with a deep incredibleness, he covered his swollen right face and paused. Do not

It was only him, the villagers next to him, all mouths wide opened in horror, with incredible shock and fear in his eyes!

The dignified ambassador to the village, the Great Ascension of aloof and remote, was really drawn under their noses? day

Ah, isn’t he dreaming?

Suddenly, everyone felt, how could all this be so unreal?

“Hey, you made me smoke!” “

I ’ve been a kind person since I was a kid, will to help others, I ’m really sorry to reject you. “

“I know you’re very moved now, but it’s absolutely unnecessary. I, this person, do good deeds and never ask for reward!” Lin

The sea costume looked timid, with a narrow neck and a weak road. puff

!! “

ha ha ha ha ha ha! “drunk

Jiuxian was on the side, and he laughed while holding his stomach.

Raising his finger at Lin Hai, he was almost out of breath. “

Brother Lin Hai, you are too hurt, you are cheap and sell well, you see, people’s angry faces have become pig liver! “

“I will kill you!!!”

The embarrassed garrison, whose face was so angry, had been blasted by his chest. true

It’s falling miserably in a very easy task, ah, I actually got a mouthful in front of so many people.

The other party pretended to be an innocent undersampling, isn’t it too much?

He wouldn’t have faced him if he had killed them!


In time, the resident village waved his arm, a huge black palm print, with terrifying air waves, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and moved towards Lin Hai and filmed it.

“Rewind!” Village

When the people saw this, they were frightened and evacuated madly.

The palm of the villager’s anger was really terrifying. If

Don’t hide far, just the aftermath of this palm can make them crushed! forest

Hai Jian stationed in the village with a palm attack, his face suddenly calmed. Do not

With Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm, the blow of the Great Ascension is worthy of Lin Hai’s attention. eye

Looking at this palm, with a terrifying air wave, roared and reached the top of his head.

Lin Hai’s brow could not help but raise his arm suddenly, and a blast of flame blasted out from the palm of his hand!


The flames were so intense that they turned into a huge Fire Phoenix in mid-air, and instantly met the ambassador’s hand! boom

!! pause

In time, a loud noise came and the air wave burst and rolled 4 times.

The black palm print was directly devoured by Fire Phoenix and instantly became invisible. “

what! !! !! Resident

The village made a horror, and his face was incredible. he

How didn’t expect, Lin Hai, a Spirit Transformation realm, actually waved his own Dao attack! also

He didn’t wait for his shot again, but saw Fire Phoenix with the blazing heat that almost incinerated the air, and moved towards him. “

Get away! “

The presence of the resident in the village was shocked, and the flame of Fire Phoenix made him feel a deep threat. he

There is a strong premonition that if the flames are brought in, he will be burned to ashes instantly!


At the room, the villager made a punch and suddenly a huge black fist squeezed the air and met Fire Phoenix. Of course

Later, this seemingly fierce punch, after encountering Fire Phoenix, turned out to be like paper encountering fire, which was basically impossible to withstand a single blow, and instantly became invisible.


Seeing this, the ambassador to the village was finally afraid. just

A frightened shout just came out, and the whole person was instantly consumed by Fire Phoenix!

Hiss ~ see

At this scene, the villagers in the distance are all suck in a breath of cold air, revealing the color of deep fear.

Anyone did n’t expect, and in their mind was close to the invincible resident village ambassador, so burned to death! that

So, how terrible Earth Immortal is from these two heavenly nations!

Unable to help, the eyes of the villagers looked towards Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu were instantly filled with fear and chills! “

Ah, forgive me, I don’t want to die! “on

At this moment, a fearful hissing sounded suddenly, making the villagers stunned.

Subsequently, pumps shrank, moved towards the sound, one after another ecstatic.

“Village in the village, not dead!”

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