“Third Young Lady, do it!”

Seeing Song Jiang approaching, Lin Hai’s eyes flashed, moved towards 扈 Third Young Lady shouting loudly!

“Hah! ”

扈 Third Young Lady heard Lin Hai’s order and struck out suddenly, seizing the golden halo. boom


The golden halo burst suddenly, a ripple flashed, and the silhouette of Song Jiang appeared. “

Songjiang dog thief! !! !! “Look

After clearing Song Jiang’s features, Third Young Lady suddenly cry out in surprise, and then the horrible murderous intention suddenly filled.

“Third Young Lady, how are you?” Song

Jiang had been furious, but he was shocked when he found out that the other party was a Third Young Lady.

Before, his attention was all on Lin Hai. although

However, after seeing Lin Hai behind, followed by a woman, she did not care, thinking that she was Xiahouchuan’s maid.

Besides, 扈 Third Young Lady kept his head down, and Song Jiang didn’t notice.

Now, 扈 Third Young Lady suddenly appeared in front of Song Jiang, which immediately made Song Jiang surprised and happy! “

Huh, it’s me, Third Young Lady, Song Jiang Dog Thief, didn’t you expect? “

扈 Third Young Lady is as beautiful as a knife, staring at Song Jiang, fiercely said, hatred in the heart, choppy! Song

Jiang was surprised, and with a deep surprise and puzzlement, he looked at Third Young Lady.

“Third Young Lady, why do you call your elder brother so?”

“Oh!” 扈 Third Young Lady spurned. “You dog thief is worthy of a brother!”

“Today, I will kill you and revenge for my lost family!”

After that, 扈 Third Young Lady silhouette flashed and turned into rays of light of azure, disappeared. under

For a moment, there was already a sky above Song Jiang, a powerful azure arrogance, moved towards Song Jiang’s head, heading down! Song

Jiang’s eyes were sharp, he pulled out a residual image, and flew back towards the lake.

At the same time, a punch punched out blandly, and the instant violent energy hit the airwaves, colliding with the aura of azure. boom

!! One

A loud sound came from the Tao, the air waves rolled in mid-air, and the rays of light 4 splashed and shot. Whoosh


扈 Third Young Lady’s lovable body, if heavily hit, shakes for a while, and then flies away.

Song Jiang was cold and cold, floating above the lake, and a cold and severe rays of light flashed in the triangular eyes. “

Third Young Lady! “

Lin Hai aside, it was startled, completely didn’t expect, Song Jiang turned out to be so strong. hand

With a wave of his arm, a mass of snow and ice turned into silk, moved towards 扈 Third Young Lady, galloping away, wrapped around 扈 Third Young Lady’s waist.

Lin Hai pulled it gently, pulling the lovable body of the Third Young Lady back.

扈 Third Young Lady was unstable, and fell into Lin Hai’s arms. The pretty face was pale and bloodless, and bloodshot blood leaked from the corners of her mouth.

“You are hurt?”

Lin Hai frowned, hurriedly took out an Earth Spirit Pill and fed it to the Third Young Lady.

At the same time, Lin Hai was a little surprised.

Although Song Jiang is the leader of Shuibo Liangshan, Lin Hai remembers that his strength is not high!

In the 108 generals, even if it is not the last, it is also the last ten.

And the strength of Third Young Lady is not weak. Playing Song Jiang is not a problem.

But now, how could it be that Song Jiang was safe and sound, but instead the Third Young Lady was injured? Retinue

The Third Young Lady took the medicine pill, the injury was not serious, and she recovered almost immediately.

As soon as he reached out and pushed Lin Hai away, the silhouette flashed, and moved towards Song Jiang rushed over.

“The dog thief died!”

hu ~ green

The color of anger, turned into a double-edged sword, with a sharp blade glow, moved towards Song Jiang strangling away. “

Third Young Lady, that’s enough! “

Song Jiang screamed angrily, and suddenly punched out a fist, the terrible air waves hit the sun and moon.

clang! day

The Moon Sword was suddenly raised by Lao Gao, hitting the lovable body of the Third Young Lady, flew upside down again, and was retreated by the shock. Song

Jiang is as stable as Mount Tai, but his dark face brings a killing intent. “

I miss the feelings of brother in the past, so I will tolerate you again and again! “”

If you dare to take another shot, do n’t blame me for not remembering the old feelings! “”

Pooh! “扈 Third Young Lady stood still, with a deep hatred in her eyes, she spurned.

“I am the Third Young Lady, and I hate you 3 rivers and 4 seas!”

“Without killing your dog thief, I will never stop the Third Young Lady!” Said

After that, 扈 Third Young Lady leaped up again, the sun and moon swords appeared out of thin air, flashing rays of light, slashing sharply!

“Courting death!” Song

Jiang was finally angry, coldly shouted, and his fists smashed out like two hammers, one after another!

boom! One

The fist smashed on the sun and moon blades, and a strong black boxing shadow appeared, which directly smashed the sun and moon blades into pieces.

Immediately after that, another punch followed, screaming and hitting the towering chest of Third Young Lady! Retinue

When the Third Young Lady saw this, her pretty face changed slightly, and it was too late to hide.

A deep sense of weakness, rise in the mind. it is good

It was not easy to find Song Jiang, the dog thief who killed his whole family. Not only did his enemies fail, he also took his life.

扈 Third Young Lady is not afraid of death, but feels that this death is really uncomfortable!

“Go!” Eye

Looking at Song Jiang’s punch, he would attack the chest of Third Young Lady. Sudden

Then he drank loudly and came from the side. Follow

Later, a Fire Phoenix suddenly appeared, hitting Iron Fist of Song Jiang! boom


The violent shock shook the air.

Fire Phoenix collided with Iron Fist, which immediately caused Song Jiang’s attack to stagnate, causing countless air waves, 4 splashing and flying. and

Fire Phoenix, like life, turns into a huge Fireball, which will stop Song Jiang’s fist and make it impossible to go further! boom


After a few breaths, a loud noise came, Fire Phoenix and Iron Fist burst at the same time, like a bomb exploding, the waves rolled! puff


Lin Hai a mouthful of blood squirted, and the body was thrown high by the impact.

When the person is in mid-air, the stars rays of light flicker, and the star armor condenses instantly. Of course

However, even before he died, he burst into pieces and turned into countless starlight.

boom! forest

The body of the sea fell heavily to the ground. Wow

!! forest

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the sea, and his face became incredibly pale in an instant, and his face was shocked.

“Lin Hai, how are you ?!”

The Third Young Lady saw this, cry out in surprise, and the lovable body flashed. When Lin Hai approached, she held Lin Hai in her arms. “

Mad, is Song Jiang peony? Why is it so fierce? “forest

Hai cursed, hurriedly took out an Earth Spirit Pill, ate it, and recovered his injury. with

At that time, looking at Song Jiang’s innocence on the lake, Lin Hai had one’s hair stand on end inside!

Now, what else is it on Shuibo Liangshan, is that waste that only knows Zhao’an?

In the punch just now, if it wasn’t for Lin Hai’s sky fire, Nannan’s power was used.

I am afraid at this moment, it is by no means so simple.

“Lin Hai? You are not Xia Houchuan!”

Song Jiang heard Lin Hai’s shout from Third Young Lady, and her face suddenly changed. forest

As soon as the sea pressed hard, it rose from the ground. although

Although the injury has only recovered by 30-40%, Lin Hai will never admit to facing Song Jiang, a character he hates.

“Hmph! You’re a fool, now you know?”

After speaking, Lin Hai’s body twisted, and the muscles on his face rolled up. very

Quickly, Xia Houchuan disappeared and changed back to Lin Hai.

Song Jiang watched Lin Hai’s changes and suddenly showed a shocked face, apparently calmed by this weird scene.

But soon, Song Jiang looked cold, coldly said. “

What about Xia Houchuan? “forest

Haizu froze, “Dead!”

“You killed him ?!” Song Jiang was so angry that he stared at Lin Hai’s eyes, like a knife! forest

The sea shrugged slightly, with deep disdain and mischief. “

you guess? “”

I guess your sister! Junior, suffer! Song Jiang was furious, suddenly raising his arms, his two fists turned into a black hammer, and moved towards Lin Hai smashed!

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