sou! little

Hong swooped in front of Xia Houchuan.

Lin Hai stretched out his hand and hurled Xia Houchuan directly into the air.

“Lin Hai, forgive me, forgive me!” Xia

Hou Chuan looked pale, with deep fear in his eyes, and spit blood in his mouth, weak and weak.

Lin Hai’s three arrows, although shooting at Xia Houchuan, the formidable power is already less than 3%.

But the powerful strength of Thunder and the Golden Way still runs through Xia Houchuan’s body.

Rao is the body of Xia Houchuan’s Great Ascension. At this moment, his body is red with blood dyed, and is on the verge of dying.

“Sorry, I promised Duguchen to avenge him!”

“Because of the day before yesterday, today’s fruit, your fate today is caused by yourself. Let’s take it!”

Lin Hai’s tone was indifferent. After speaking, he suddenly pressed his right hand on Xiahouchuan’s head. “

Magic Absorbing Palm! “

Lin Hai drank in secret, and the dark mist rose instantly. The horrible suction sucked out Xia Houchuan’s True Yuan. “

Lin Hai, what have you done to me, why is my True Yuan losing! “”

No, no! “

Xia Houchuan scared the Great Saint, and the fear of death almost collapsed.

However, Lin Hai looked indifferent and begged him for mercy.

Quickly, Xia Houchuan lost his vitality.

Under dying serious injuries, he was drained of True Yuan, and Xia Houchuan died instantly and became a corpse.


Xia Houchuan’s fleshhy body had just died, and Primordial Spirit broke away from his body, running away with deep fear. forest

Seeing it, it was a sneer. “

If you let you escape, wouldn’t you lose faith in Duguchen? “嗖


Lin Hai flicks to shoot with the finger, suddenly a blaze of flame across the space, blinked on Xiahouchuan’s Primordial Spirit.


A short scream from Xia Houchuan, Primordial Spirit was directly burned to ashes.

Lin Hai threw it away and threw Xia Houchuan’s body from a high altitude. with

At that time, I took off the Storage Ring on Xia Houchuan’s finger. war

Goods, don’t charge for nothing!

boom! summer

Hou Chuan’s body fell heavily to the ground.

“If anyone wants revenge for Xia Houchuan, even if he comes to me, I’ll be waiting anytime!” Lin

Hai left a word, and the Golden-Red Clouds crown, which will be shot down by the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin, was also taken into the sky by volley. Chirp

!! small

A red hawk, wings shook, disappeared into the sky. to

After Xia Houchuan’s death, there was no need for Lin Hai to worry about what happened to Pill Dao.

With Jin Shuo and Wang Xu there, and Chen Yan secretly arranged, I believe they will be handled properly!

Lin Hai had just left Pill Dao, and he saw a dark cloud rushing forward.

The people above are Demon Venerable and Immortal Zui Jiu.

“Lin Hai, are you there?” “

What are you doing here? “Lin Hai asked Little Hong to stop and asked.”

I just, I just felt that there was a wave of energy in the Divine Law, and I hurried up. “”

Pill Dao, what happened? “forest

Haiwen heard, it was slightly smiled.

“Xiahou Chuan returned to Pill Dao and was killed by me.” “

His magic weapon Golden-Red Clouds crown also fell into my hands! “

“Oh?” Immortal Zui Jiu heard that and pump suddenly shrank.

“You said, Golden-Red Clouds crown, in your hands?” Drunk

Jiuxian didn’t care about Xia Houchuan’s death at all, but heard the Golden-Red Clouds crown’s name, and became nervous for a while. “

Well, here it is! “forest

The idea of ​​the sea moved the Golden-Red Clouds crown out. drunk

Jiuxian eyelids twitched, took the Golden-Red Clouds crown behind him, and watched. very

Quickly, Immortal Zui Jiu trembled and froze.

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, are you all right?” “

This Golden-Red Clouds crown is not a thing of Kunlun! Said Immortal Zui Jiu, looking heavy, somewhat absent-minded. Lin

When Haixin moved, Suddenly gave Chu Liner the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin, which he also took out. “

what about this? “drunk

After Jiuxian stunned, complexion greatly changed, and reached out and took Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin in his hand.

“This is an imitation of Luo Baoqian, not Kunlun’s thing!” “

Lin Hai, where do you come from? “forest

Naturally, Hai Lin cannot be said to have been given to him by Chu Liner. Even if his relationship with Immortal Zui Jiu is close, he cannot expose what he can communicate with the prefecture. “

It happened by accident. “Lin Hai said without thinking.

“Lost treasure money, Golden-Red Clouds crown, mixed Yuanyuan, 3 magic imitations of the battle of the gods, all are born, what should happen, after all, it will happen.” Drunk

The wine immortal Elder sighed, his face deeply worried. forest

Hai couldn’t help it, asked moved towards Immortal Zui Jiu.

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, what exactly is going to happen, what is the relationship with the imitation of Divine Law? Can you not be so mysterious?”

Immortal Zui Jiu shook the head slightly. “

I said, must not be reveled. “forest

Hearing heard, completely silent. “

Well, then I won’t ask! Lin Hai waved his hand.

Later, I took the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin and the Golden-Red Clouds crown back and rode away on Little Hong.

After returning to the Haiyue restaurant, Lin Hai suddenly remembered that he seemed to hear the information prompt before, but had not had time to check it. Christine

Hi, I have a new understanding of Great Karma Art, the current progress (25/100)

I rely on, Great Karma Art!

Lin Hai remembered instantly that Xia Houchuan had a clear comprehension when he was killed by himself.

However, the progress of this Great Karma Art is really too slow. very

Too late, Lin Hai has lost interest in him. “

I hope this Great Karma Art will surprise itself when it reaches 100%, otherwise it will be too terrifying. “sit

In the room, Lin Hai took out Xiahouchuan’s Storage Ring.

No matter how much this product is, it is also a Sect’s Master. There should be some good inventory, right?

Sinking, Lin Hai explored Storage Ring. “

I rely, a lot of medicine pill! “only

Taking a look, Lin Hai was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Xia Houchuan’s Storage Ring is not low in grade. The space inside it is hundreds of square meters, which is more than one foot high.

In one corner, there are close and numerous kinds of medicine pill. forest

The sea took a rough look. There are tens of thousands of medicine pills above Grade 7 alone.

Below Grade 7, there are countless more. except

In addition, there are some precious herbs, which are also packed in a corner.

At the same time, there are some magic cultivation techniques, piled up in a mess, full of a huge treasure. “

Mad, really rich! “

Lin Hai couldn’t help but secretly whisper, but fortunately, now all these things belong to themselves.

“En? Xia Houchuan’s mobile phone!”

Soon, Lin Hai raised a brow and moved his mind awkwardly to take out a clumsy mobile phone.

Open it and see that there is nothing but a WeChat in it, which is the characteristic of Earth Immortal mobile phones.

“Leave this phone first!”

Lin Hai collected Xia Houchuan’s phone and then instructed. “

Call Chen Yan over here! “”

Yes! “Outside Lin Hai’s room, Chen Yan had already arranged for the waiters. Listen

Go to Lin Hai’s order and hurried to find Chen Yan. Do not

After a while, Chen Yan knocked on the door and walked in. The pretty face was slightly tired.

“Sect Master, are you looking for me?”

“It’s hard for you in Chinatown!” Lin Hai couldn’t help feeling guilty when she saw Chen Yan’s expression tired. “

Where does Sect Master speak? “Chen Yan smiled and tapped the hair on his forehead.”

This is all I should do. “forest

The sea reached out and gently pats Chen Yan’s shoulder.

Subsequently, Xia Houchuan’s Storage Ring was passed to Chen Yan. “

There are some resources in it, you can take a look at the arrangements. “”

it is good! Chen Yan was also polite and took it over. “Nothing else, I will leave first, and everyone is still waiting for my meeting.” Chen

Yan said, smiled slightly, turned and twisted Xiaoman’s waist, and left Lin Hai’s room.

“Superwoman!” Lin Hai smiled bitterly as she looked at Chen Yan’s back.

Picking up Xia Houchuan’s phone and opening WeChat, Lin Hai looked at the avatar and name, it was Xia Houchuan. “

See who this old fellow is in contact with! “forest

Hai opened a chat with Heaven Realm, and soon Xia Houchuan’s recently contacted friends appeared in sight. can

When Lin Hai saw his first friend, his face suddenly changed, and he jumped up. “

Damn, how could it be him! ”

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