I saw Xia Houchuan’s WeChat, the first person to chat recently was actually Song Jiang! !! !! Ny

Ma, is it the same name? Or is it really Song Jiang?

Lin Hai looked at Song Jiang’s head, a wretched middle-aged man, and his temperament was very consistent. can

The point is, Lin Hai doesn’t know if Song Jiang looks like this.

“Let’s see what we talked about, and then ask Third Young Lady!”

Lin Hai directly opened the dialogue between Song Jiang and Xia Houchuan and looked at it.

Xia Houchuan: Alliance Leader, a subordinate incompetent, there was a major change in the capture of the Meng Family Imperial Family, and the mission failed.

Song Jiang: What? After so many years of operation, I have sent you 2 assistants, but you have failed? You stupid! !! !! (Annoyed expression behind) Xia

Hou Chuan: Alliance Leader is angry, there is a reason for this … Xia

Hou Chuan explained the story to Song Jiang on WeChat. Song

Jiang: I don’t care, since you have failed, you have to take full responsibility! I order you now, return to the Pill Dao sect, take away all the savings of the Pill Dao sect over the years, and redeem your guilt! If you fail again, you know the consequences! summer

Hou Chuan: Yes, yes! many thanks Alliance Leader Kaien, I will return to Pill Dao!

Song Jiang: Remember, do n’t bring any helpers. After you get Pill Dao’s savings, meet me at the headquarters of Hongyu Country! “

Red Cloud Country Headquarters? “Look

After finishing the chat record of Xia Houchuan and Song Jiang, Lin Hai’s brow sharply raised. no

Tianmeng’s headquarters is in the ruby ​​country? and

Moreover, Song Jiang turned out to be an Alliance Leader! This

The news was so shocking that it made Lin Hai feel a little dazed for a while.

According to 扈 Third Young Lady, mustn’t spirit be too far away from the stars?

Why is Tian Kuixing in the country of Tianyun, but the spirit of Song Jiang is in the country of red jade? difficult

Dao, it ’s really not a person, just a duplicate name? “

Ask 扈 Third Young Lady! “forest

With deep questions, Haineri left Haiyue restaurant and rode Little Hong to the Flying Star Pavilion.

Today’s Flying Star Pavilion, under Ying Rong’s leadership, has rebuilt sect.

To cultivator, this is naturally a piece of cake. In just a few days, it has been built up and looks very elegant.

“Pay respects to Senior Brother Lin!” Fei

When the disciple on duty at the Star Pavilion saw Lin Hai coming, he hurriedly and respectfully stepped forward to salute. “

No courtesy, is senior brother Ying available? “”

Back to Senior Brother Lin, Pavilion Lord is in the room! “

Lin Hai nodded, went straight to Ying Rong’s room. Come

At the Flying Star Pavilion, although I was looking for Third Young Lady, but I didn’t see the honor, which was obviously inappropriate. “

haha, Lin Hai, sit and sit! “should

When I saw Lin Hai’s visit, my face was full of joy.

After the two were seated, Lin Hai with a sigh of admiration, moved towards Yingrong Road.

“In just a few days, the Flying Star Pavilion has been in order, and senior brother Ying has contributed!” “

Lin Hai, don’t make up all these falsities with me! “Ying Rong smiled and waved.

Afterwards, his face calmed, and solemnly moved towards Lin Hai asked. “

By the way, your master, came to me yesterday and added my WeChat friend with a mobile phone. “”

The other person’s name, Chen Yan, was a beautiful woman. “

“This Chen Yan said, it’s your secretary, and he’s very kind to me. He said that he should add a friend, and he will discuss things in the future.”

Having said that, Ying Rong frowned slightly, and asked Lin Hai with confusion.

“I was going to ask you, is this true?”

Uh … “Lin Hai froze, then suddenly laughed.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yan is efficient enough and has established a connection with the Flying Star Pavilion.

“Senior brother Ying, rest assured, Chen Yan is my secretary, and I am my own!” Lin Hai said with a smile. “

Oh, all right! “Yingrong nodded,” the Lord came in person, I didn’t expect there would be any fake, but just a little doubt, yes, what does the secretary mean? “”

Secretary is just an assistant! “

Lin Hai chatted with Ying Rong a few more words, and told him that all matters can be negotiated with Chen Yan, Chen Yan can take full control and decide everything.

The boss with Ying Rong’s mouth open couldn’t understand why Lin Hai had such trust in this Chen Yan woman.

Lin Hai didn’t need to explain to Ying Rong either. He bid farewell to Ying Rong and went directly into the core of Tian Kuixing. Whoosh


Just when Lin Hai entered, a shadow suddenly appeared, and moved towards Lin Hai Yingying worship. “

Third Young Lady, I’ve seen a big official! “

Lin Hai didn’t make nonsense, and took out Xia Houchuan’s cell phone directly. “

Third Young Lady, look who this person is! “

Lin Hai opened Song Jiang’s WeChat, clicked the beginning, and handed it to 扈 Third Young Lady.

扈 Third Young Lady with a hint of doubt, put the pretty face over and stared.

When you saw Song Jiang’s head, she couldn’t help but tremble, and a sudden murderous intention flashed in the two beautiful eyes! “

Songjiang dog thief! !! !! “扈

As soon as the Third Young Lady reached out and held the phone in his hand, the turbulent murderous intention was like a tide, and instantly moved towards all around, spreading wildly.

“Master, how did you get Song Jiang’s phone? Where is this dog thief now?”

The Third Young Lady’s voice was cold, her breathing was short, and she asked anxiously. because

Excited, the lovable body couldn’t help shaking. “

Third Young Lady, calm down, this is not Song Jiang’s phone! “forest

Hai hurriedly said, 扈 murderous aura emanating from Third Young Lady, it is too terrifying!

Especially at Star Core, the scent of Third Young Lady is unreserved, with the full release of murderous intention. that

Murderous aura, which was thick and horrible, made Lin Hai feel a palpitation and breathlessness.

If Lin Hai hadn’t cultivated the way of stars and had little success, I’m afraid that this murderous aura alone would make Lin Hai explode!

扈 Third Young Lady heard it, looked up violently, and looked at Lin Hai with a puzzled look. “

This is someone else’s mobile phone, and there is Song Jiang among friends! Lin Hai said hastily. 扈

The Third Young Lady froze, Murderous aura on her body, and then gradually dispersed, her face lost.

“Executive officer, just now Third Young Lady was too excited, lost self-control!” “

this is nothing! “Lin Hai waved his hand, all around the Murderous aura dispersed, and immediately made Lin Hai very easy. The same

At times, my heart can’t help but utter a tongue. Retinue

The true strength of Third Young Lady is too terrifying.

The breath she just released should have exceeded Celestial Immortal, right? “

Officer, whose phone is this, can you find Song Jiang through him? “

扈 Third Young Lady suddenly grasped Lin Hai’s arm tightly and asked nervously. forest

At the arm of the sea, I felt that the tender and smooth little hands of Third Young Lady were slightly damp. Look

Come, 扈 Third Young Lady is really nervous and excited to the extreme, there is sweat in my palm. “

The mobile phone was Pill Dao’s Sect Master Xia Houchuan. Xia Houchuan was dead, but Song Jiang sent a message saying that Xia Houchuan should go to the skyless union headquarters of the Red Jade Kingdom to find him! “”

Ruby Country? Wutianmeng headquarters? “Third Young Lady’s eyes suddenly flashed a murderous intention.

“I’ll go to the Skyrim League headquarters of the Red Jade Kingdom and kill this thief !!!”

Talking, 扈 Third Young Lady took off and moved away.


Seeing this, Lin Hai hurriedly reached out and took hold of Third Young Lady’s arm.

“Don’t worry, mysterious and unpredictable, even if you arrive in the Red Jade Kingdom, you may not find the headquarters of the Skyless League!”

扈 Third Young Lady pretty face changes, anxiously said.

“What then?” Lin

Haiwei frowned and thought for a while, then used Xia Houchuan’s mobile phone to open Song Jiang’s WeChat, edited a message, and sent it.

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