咚dong dong!

Just as Lin Hai was holding the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin, his face was full of excitement, and there was a sudden knock on the door. forest

The sea was startled, and the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin was put away, and then majestic.

“Come in!”

Pushing away, Chen Yan twisted his waist and hurriedly approached Lin Hai. “

Sect Master, Jin Can and Wang Xu sent WeChat, and Xia Houchuan returned to Pill Dao. “

“What ?!” Lin Hai heard, and he stood up, a cold glow flashing in his eyes.

“Unexpected, how dare he come back?”

Chen Yan Zhu Lip lightly started, continued. “

Jin Can and Wang Xu, while lobbying Pill Dao Zong’s discipline, Xiahou Chuan suddenly returned, ready to take away all the Pill Dao’s savings over the years. “

“Pill Dao Zong disciples tried their best to oppose Xia Houchuan, and Xia Houchuan flew into a rage out of humiliation, killing Pill Dao Zong 3 high-ranking high-ranking officials on the spot!” “

According to Jin Can, Xia Houchuan’s behavior has caused public outrage. Pill Dao and Disciple all saw his true face, and did not dare to die, and stalemate with Xia Houchuan! “”

Jin Can and Wang Xu, hiding in the crowd, transmitted the news. They suggested sending someone over immediately to kill Xiahouchuan. “”

Later, I’m afraid he let him run again! “

Lin Hai heard that it was coldly smiled and her eyes were cold light. “

this time, He is unable to escape! “

sou! Lin

After Hai finished speaking, the silhouette flashed, and it was already outside, Little Hong’s body appeared at the same time!


Lin Hai jumped onto Little Hong’s back and instantly golden light flashed, disappearing into the sky.

Little Hong’s speed today is comparable to soar into the clouds and mount the mists.

Looking down, I saw close and numerous on the square, surrounded by the crowd, bustling, filled with indignation!

And at the very center, an old man with a gaunt face was roaring in anger. very

So far, he stretched out his hand directly, grabbed a Pill Dao sect disciple not far away and twisted his neck. “

Mard, Pill Dao Zong Neng has today, it is all my merit! “

“I’m here to take what I deserve, why not!” “

Whoever dares to stop, don’t blame me for not remembering the old feelings, they just end! “summer

Hou Chuan pointed towards a dozen corpses on the ground, gnashing teeth said fiercely. “

Xia Houchuan, you beast, you must kill the same sect! “

“It’s you who killed Great Elder, and destroyed the reputation of Great Elder. You are the scum of Pill Dao!”

“Trust in the skyless alliance, treason for glory, you Xiahouchuan is the shame of my Pill Dao Sect!”

We are dead and won’t let you take away the accumulation of Pill Dao tens of thousands of years! Dan

Several older disciples of Dao Sect, hair stands up in anger, moved towards Xiahouchuan for a while.

Xia Houchuan was anxious when he saw this.

He came back this time, but at the risk of mortal danger, how could he delay it too long?

If it wasn’t for the failure of the mission, the Alliance Leader was furious and asked him to bring back Pill Dao’s XNUMX years of accumulation and redeem his guilt.

How dare he come back?

You know, at this time, the immortal dao Paragon, who has no sky alliance, didn’t come with him.

There is a Great Ascension Early-Stage in other areas, and returning to Pill Dao Sect alone is tantamount to entering dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

Once the news leaked, he couldn’t wait to leave.

Fortunately, he knew that Pill Dao’s group of disciplines was only immersed in the technique of Pill Dao all day long.

On the cultivation base, no one surpassed him, and he was almost cut off from the outside world.

Even if an individual has a cell phone, they are connected to each other and basically isolated from the outside world. no

Then, a message was sent out, and the Imperial Family knew that Xiahou Chuan was back, and he was finished!

But even so, he didn’t dare to fight too much, fearing the news would be revealed.

What just made him didn’t expect is that these pedantic people of Pill Dao Sect were not afraid of death. he

They killed a dozen or so individuals. He didn’t frighten them. He blocked him out with a meat shield. when

Of course, he didn’t expect even more that Jin Can and Wang Xu also returned to sect.

Moreover, Chen Yan has been sent the news that he returned. “

Mad, don’t force me, really when I dare not kill you all! “

The longer the time drags on, the more scared Xia Houchuan becomes, finally finally angry!

A buzz, a powerful breath, released the murderous aura, moved towards Pill Dao Sect disciplines swept away.

“Stay away for me, whoever stops who will die!”

In front of Pill Dao, the disciplines are not afraid, and the expression of stubbornness flashes in their eyes. “

Even if it’s dead, it won’t let your beast sound! “”

Mad, then you will die! Xia Houchuan flew into a rage out of humiliation, suddenly shot, and took a shot of Pill Dao, who was moving towards the front!

suck! on

At this time, a sharp sound of breaking air came, and then a flash of golden rays of light, instantly attacked the high-level Pill Dao Zong’s palm print, and shattered.

“Who?” Xia

Hou Chuan changed suddenly, looked up suddenly. but

Seen in the sky, a golden-winged silver-eyed eagle, with wings spread and suspended.

Above the eagle’s back, a white-haired man, with a cold face, stood on his bow. that

His indifferent eyes with a murderous intention, like a sword, were moved towards him.

“Lin Hai !!!” Xia

Hou Chuan was crying out in surprise, scared and shivered. root

Ben didn’t even have the courage to do it. He reached out and took out a thing and put it on his head. Hum


Suddenly, the golden light was magnificent, up to a few ten zhang, covering the sound and shadow of Xia Houchuan all at once. forest

Seeing it, it was a sneer.

“Don’t fight away?”

“You are so beautiful!”

With a few thoughts, a coin-sized copper coin appeared in the hands of Lin Hai.

It was the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin that I just got from Chu Liner! “

disease! “

Lin Hai abruptly a light shout, sacrificing the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin.

sou! drop

The copper coins flew into the air all of a sudden, and then strangely gave out black, white, and two-colored wings.

The wings flickered, disappeared, and when they reappeared, they were already in the golden light. this

At that moment, the golden light that towered for a few ten zhang was dissipating, and Xiahou Chuan had already disappeared.

Just when the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin entered the golden light, golden light flashed, and the instant Annihilation!

This space was restored to its original state instantly.

However, I saw a silhouette with an ancient Chinese woman’s hat on top of her head.

咣 Dang! summer

Hou Chuan was running. The Golden-Red Clouds crown on his head seemed to have lost spirituality all of a sudden, and fell directly from Xia Houchuan’s head to the ground.

“What’s going on?” Zheng

Xiahou Chuan, who had escaped a disaster in Anxi, could not help but change his face.

I hadn’t waited for the reaction, and suddenly felt three dangerous breaths suddenly appeared behind me. “

not good! “summer

Hou Chuan was frightened, and turned back in a hurry, but saw 3 golden arrows, with a strong penetrating power, was approaching! “

roll! “summer

Hou Chuan was scared of the course entirely to break, angry roar, waved his arm in haste, and the flames flew out to meet Lin Hai’s arrow!

peng peng peng! 3

The muffled sound came, and the arrows instantly turned the flame into a fly ash, fire star flowing in all directions.

However, the arrows went out of their way and shot at Xia Houchuan’s chest.

“Ah !!!” Xia

Hou Chuan was full of fear, and suddenly fell into despair, with a deep horror in his eyes and a sorrow!

puff puff puff!

Three arrows passed through the chest, directly flying Xia Houchuan’s body, and banged heavily against the stone wall.

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