Lin Hai took out his mobile phone and looked at it. As soon as his eyes lighted up, he jumped up and was surprised. ”

Lin Er Princess! “

Lin Hai really didn’t expect, it turned out that Chu Liner sent himself a WeChat.

Quickly open for viewing.

Chu Liner: Well, you have no conscience, have you forgotten this Princess? (Behind is an angry expression)

Lin Hai: haha, how can it be! No one can forget that we are cute and lovely, charming Lin Er Princess! (Behind is a raised eyebrow expression)

Chu Liner: Believe your funny words! I have n’t been in touch for so long, and I have n’t forgotten, hmph!

Lin Hai: Oh, I’m afraid you’re busy! In other words, do you miss the big brother? If you think about it, just say it. Is there any embarrassment? (Behind is a smirk expression)

Chu Liner: Miss you moneybags! Seriously, do you have a town spirit jade?

Lin Hai: How do you know? (Behind is a shocked expression)

Chu Liner: Nonsense, didn’t you ask me at the beginning, did you know the town spirit jade? If you did n’t, why did n’t you ask me? forest

Hai: I’m going, Liner Princess, I haven’t seen you for a few days. You have a good IQ, let the big brother look at me! (Behind is a thumbs up expression)

Chu Liner: Well, this Princess has always been exceptionally intelligent, okay? Stop talking nonsense, bring the town spirit jade!

Lin Hai: The friendship between the two of us is naturally no problem for you, but you have to give something back, such as your bathing picture, photo album and so on. (Behind is a drooling expression)

Chu Liner: pei pei pei! roll! You big gangster, smelly shameless! (Behind is a crazy expression)

“Ha ha ha ha!” Lin Hai held a mobile phone and burst into laughter. Do not

Knowing why, every time I chat with Chu Liner, tease her and watch her flustered and exasperated, Lin Hai is in a very good mood.

ding dong! you

Send Chu Liner the town spirit jade!

Joking is a joke, Chu Liner wants magic weapon, Lin Hai naturally will not regret it. Chu

Liner: Thank you for your conscience! (Behind is a pouting expression)

In the prefecture, Chu Liner’s gorgeous and pretty pretty face couldn’t help showing a sweet smile. small

Confused: Liner Princess, what have you been doing this time? Also, what do you want to do with Spirit Jade? forest

Hai asked, worried.

Chu Liner: Well, don’t mention it, it’s annoying! (Behind is an unhappy expression) Xiao

Confused fairy: Hey, what annoys our lively and cheerful spirit, Princess? Doesn’t your dad think you can’t marry and no one wants it, and arranges a blind date for you every day? (Behind is a rolled-up expression)

Chu Liner: Let’s die! No one wants you to marry. This Princess is clever, born with beauty, loves people, flowers blooms, ghosts and ghosts … (10000 words omitted)

Lin Hai looked at the screen of the phone. The long message that could not see his head was dizzy for a while. small

Confused: Liner Princess, can we talk about business? (Behind is a sweaty expression)

Chu Liner: There have been some anomalous events in the prefecture. It is suspected that a mysterious organization has penetrated the prefecture. Chu

Lin Er: This Princess everyday all has to work overtime and deal with various things, it’s really annoying, Ahhhh! “

mysterious organization? Lin Hai was shocked, and he couldn’t help thinking of the skyless alliance.

Little confused: What is the name of the mysterious organization? Chu

Lin Er: Have you got water in your head? I said the mysterious organization, the name of the understood, and what is mysterious? (Behind is a look of contempt)

“Eh …” Lin Hai’s face suddenly turned black, and Fuck was ridiculed by Chu Liner.

Chu Liner: I ’m not telling you, there is an extremely powerful soul trouble, this Princess uses the spirit jade to suppress him, and then delays with you, this Princess ca n’t sleep beauty, Ahhh, my tender skin what! !! !!

ding dong! you

Send Chu Liner a box of Mimida Mask. small

Confused: Don’t thank Brother, I’m so understanding! (Behind is a smoking expression)

Lin Hai had already ordered Chen Yan as soon as he entered the world of Earth Immortal. He bought several production equipment and put it into the demon pot. that

The pack of werewolves have also been divided into special masks for Jade Pond Fairy. forest

There are a lot of goods in the sea’s refining demon pot, and Chu Liner is given a box, which is definitely a piece of cake. Chu

Lin Er: Mask? ha ha ha ha, love you, what? (Behind is a kiss expression) Xiao

Confused: I rely, you deprived me of my first kiss! (Behind is an expression of fear) Chu

Lin Er: Let’s die, big hooligan, smelly shameless! I’m not talking to you, I’m really busy.

Ding dong!

Chu Liner has sent you the magic weapon Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin, please check it in the Universe Bag.

“Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin? What?” Lin

Hai couldn’t help but hesitated, opened the Universe Bag, and saw a one-dollar coin, placed in it.

Lin Hai gently put his hand on the copper coin, indicating that the information immediately appeared.

Magic name: Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin

Treasures of bronze: imitations of ancient treasures and treasures, which can produce wings and knock down magic weapons of the same and lower ranks. law

Po grade: low grade Divine Item “

Damn! “

After Lin Hai read this information, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he was instantly excited.

Unexpectedly, this Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin turned out to be an imitation of Divine Law’s treasure. This

Next, it’s great!

Although this Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin does not have any attack power, it is the ancestor of all ranks below its magic weapon! miss you

In the original battle of the gods, Xiao Shengming was unknown. A nameless member of the family was shot down by Zhao Gongming’s Binding Dragon Rope with falling money!

Lin Hai has this treasure, it can be said that there is basically no need to fear any magic weapon! “

Liner Princess, it’s really intimate, it’s so interesting! “

Immediately a deep surprise appeared on Lin Hai’s face, but soon it was a stun. This

Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin, where did Chu Liner come from?

Is it…

Lin Hai pupils shrank, thinking of something he couldn’t even believe.

Hurry to pick up the phone and send another message to Chu Liner.

Little confused: Liner Princess, where did you get the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin? Over

It took a long time for Chu Liner’s message to reply. Chu

Lin Er: Didn’t tell you that a mysterious organization was found? I got them by killing one of their bosses.

Lin Hai saw the information, his head buzzed, and his heart was shocked!

Could this be true?

Every leader of Wutianmeng, whether it is Jian Wuyi or Xia Houchuan, has an imitation of Divine Law.

Today, the leader of the mysterious organization in the prefecture also has a Divine Law treasure. forest

The sea is simply impossible, without associating the two. but

Yes, Skyrim is an organization in the Earth Immortal world. How could there be even a local government?


Lin Hai thought it was impossible. At this moment, it really became more and more confused.

What is the origin of this skyless alliance, can it penetrate the three realms? also

That is to say, behind Skyless Alliance, simply is Kunlun! forest

Suddenly the sea felt messy and extremely chaotic. Imitate

In the middle of the Buddha, an invisible big hand is controlling everything. small

Confused: Liner Princess, I have the opportunity to check if this mysterious organization is called Skyless League!

Chu Liner: Skyrim League? I know, I wo n’t tell you. People are hurrying and have to work overtime again. Wū wū wū …

After concluding the conversation with Chu Liner, Lin Hai took the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin out, and an excited expression appeared in his eyes.

“I don’t know, this copper coin is good to use!”

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