Lin Hai frowned, didn’t expect Lin Yu, and started to disagree. and

Moreover, Lin Yu’s sword stabbed, rays of light flickered, as if there were countless sword shadows, covering Lin Hai.

Lin Hai only felt that a strong binding force came from Jianmang, and this sword turned Lin Hai into a strong sense of crisis. “

open! “

Lin Hai didn’t dare to carelessly, and stopped drinking. The Three Pointed Double Edged Blade appeared in his hand, and an arc passed in an instant.


Unprecedented in front of Lin Hai, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations. The blue blade glow was like a barrier, protecting Lin Hai in it. Tinkling of small bells

clang clang clang! !! !! One

A rush of metal impact sounded, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Yu pierced thousands of swords, all of which were blocked by Lin Hai with a knife. huge

The big impact made Lin Hai’s feet slide back and forth, and even the bluestone on the ground cracked!


Lin Yu missed a shot, the silhouette suddenly disappeared, and the next moment appeared in midair. “

disease! “

Lin Yu a light shout, the sword in her hand came out, and suddenly the rays of light ten thousand zhang! “

not good! “forest

The sea was shocked. The rays of light emitted from the long sword were like a path of laser light, heading for Lin Hai. speed

The speed is so overwhelming!

ka! Lin

The sea knife handed one-handed, and suddenly pushed the palm forward. The terrible chill appeared out of thin air and instantly formed a thick ice wall as hard as iron.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~!

Jianmang lasing on the ice wall, piercing numerous narrow deep holes instantly, slag splashing, almost freezing the space.

“Well?” Lin Yu took out the sword, and was actually intercepted by Lin Hai’s Xuanbing way, suddenly surprised.

As he was preparing to attack again, Lin Hai brows tightly knit with a rage. “

Lin Yu, you are enough! “

Lin Yu shouted, and then he shouted, and put away the long sword. Follow

Later, his eyes flickered brightly, staring at Lin Hai, asking in doubt. “

Lin Hai, I remember your way of ice, it is not so powerful at all! “”

Could it be that the opportunity you get in the 7-color halo is this more advanced way of ice? “forest

Hai glanced at Lin Yu and asked not to answer.

“What chance did you get?”

Lin Yuwen heard and suddenly laughed.

“Do you think I will tell you?”

“Then you still ask me!” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, said ill-humoredly. forest

Yu holds the sword in both hands, and has restored the former indifference and arrogance. “

Say, what are you looking for? “

Before Lin Hai spoke, Immortal Zui Jiu suddenly took a step forward, calmly. “

Lin Yu, where did you come from? “forest

Yu was still grim and expressionless, but when he heard 3 words of mixed yuan, complexion greatly changed. “

How do you know, Hun Yuan! “

Lin Yu asked Immortal Zui Jiu with deep shock.

“You don’t need to worry about it, you just need to tell me, where did you come from!”

This matter is very important! “

After Lin Yu listened, the shock on her face gradually dissipated, and her indifferent face was restored. “

Why should I tell you? “”

you! Immortal Zui Jiu was in a hurry, and then Lin Yu’s words were fine. Why did he tell himself?

“Lin Yu, this matter is really important, you believe me!” Immortal Zui Jiu said with a touch of pleading.

Lin Yu shook the head gently, “If there is nothing else, you can go!”

Immortal Zui Jiu was unwilling, but knew that he couldn’t ask any more if he stayed.

Helplessly sighed, Immortal Zui Jiu took Lin Yu with a hint of complex expression. “

If you do n鈥檛 say, do n鈥檛 ask! “”

But just to remind you before you go, it may not be a good thing to get a mixed Yuan! “

“Then you don’t worry about it!” Lin Yu said calmly, indifferently said.

Immortal Zui Jiu smiled helplessly, shook the head.


Lin Hai also felt that there was no need to stay, and he was ready to leave as soon as he turned. “

Lin Hai! “forest

Yu suddenly spoke and stopped Lin Hai. “

What else? “forest

Yu gave Lin Hai a playful look, and said differently.

“My family, Old Ancestor, is now in retreat to heal the wound. After he is healed, I hope you will come to the Lin Family!”

Lin Hai eyes flash with a cold light, not coldly smiled. “

This matter, you already said in the 7-color halo that day. “

“My answer is the same as that day!”

“Oh?” Lin Yu corner of the mouth raised, “Are you really ready to let me catch you back?” “

Ah! Lin Hai chuckled, then stared at Lin Yu, saying a word.

“It depends on you, is there that ability!”

After speaking, Lin Hai turned around and strode away from the Lin Family with Immortal Zui Jiu. One

On the way, Lin Hai found Immortal Zui Jiu frowning, seeming to be worried, and couldn’t help asking. “

Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, what happened to you? “drunk

Jiuxian flashed, sighed. “

I’m thinking about the thing about Hun Yuanzhen and Golden-Red Clouds crown! “forest

Hai was silent for a moment, then asked curiously. “

Just now, you and Lin Yu said that getting a mixed Yuan may not be a good thing. “”

Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, do you know any secrets that are inconvenient to say? “

Immortal Zui Jiu step one stopped, looking up at the sky, showing pity.

“If the mix of Yuanyuan and Golden-Red Clouds comes from Kunlun, it will naturally make me worry.”

“But if there is another source, I am afraid a huge catastrophe is coming, and then the people are plunged into an abyss of misery!” Lin

The sea blinked, the more confused it became. “

Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, what is going on here? “drunk

Brewmaster just gently shook the head. “

When it 鈥檚 time to know, you will know! “

“The time has not come, must not be reveled!”

Yu Yiqinxicai Shanbenguishe

Hay suddenly covered his face and was completely drunk. This

Fuck, my appetite was hung up by Immortal Zui Jiu.

In the end, the goods resembled a big Xian’er, and the sentence must not be reveled. Row

, Don’t you say, big brother is too lazy to ask. forest

Hai simply asked, he still has a lot of things to do, and he didn’t take care of the rare treasure. return

To Haiyue restaurant, Chen Yan is convening a meeting and orderly tasks. see

Lin Hai came in and Chen Yan got up quickly and was about to report to Lin Hai.

“You go on, you go on, it’s good when I’m air!” Lin

Hai Lianlian said, and at the same time he ran away, leaving Chen Yan for a while didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

This arm-flinging shopkeeper is really handy.

Lin Hai came back to the room and thought about the previous events, especially sorted out the situation of Tianyun Country.

Meng Family Old Ancestor has half a lifespan left, and in this half he will have to clear all obstacles. Xue

There is no need to ask the family, it will inevitably be cleansed. and

The fate of Hua Family cannot be guessed by Lin Hai. although

Although the old family of Hua Family Old Ancestor chose neutral, but it is one of the 4 Royal Family after all.

Meng Family Old Ancestor is prepared to dispose of it, I’m afraid he is the only understood himself. forest

Home, it must become the Meng Family Imperial Family, the most reliable stop. Of course

However, once the Meng Family Old Ancestor dies, the power of the Lin Family will far exceed that of the Imperial Family, posing a threat to the Imperial Family.

Will Meng Family Old Ancestor use up the Lin Family and get rid of it together to prevent future problems? also

Or, leave Hua Family to balance Lin Family? “

Conspiracy is really troublesome! “

Lin Hai is getting more and more headaches. This kind of thing is more exhausting than cultivation. “

Regardless of the future situation of his country, that’s what Meng Family Old Ancestor should worry about! “

“I just support Chen Yan fully, and let her grow my Sea Moon Sect is enough!” Lin

Hai left this messy 7 8 bad thing behind his head.

Just preparing for cultivation, suddenly ding dong, WeChat rang.

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