Lin Hai naturally had no opinion, followed Meng Family Old Ancestor and returned to the Imperial Family.

Also coming together are Demon Venerable and Immortal Zui Jiu. Meng

Old Ancestor brought Lin Hai and the others directly into the back room. turn off

Behind the door, his face instantly became extremely dignified. “

Unexpectedly, behind Xia Houchuan, there is no sky alliance! “Meng Family Old Ancestor’s voice was deeply shocked.”

Yes! Demon Venerable slowly nodded, “Unexpectedly, the skyless alliance is finally going to fight against the country of heaven. Meng

Home Old Ancestor sat on a chair and looked up at the ceiling as if he were getting older. “

I thought that having Lin Hai renewed my life for half a year, I could protect the country from the disaster. “

“Didn’t expect, behind Xia Houchuan, it turned out to be a mysterious and powerful country of heaven, it seems that I Meng Family Imperial Family, hard to avoid calamity.”

“That may not be so!” Demon Venerable frowned, and said with a touch of pride.

“I let go of the immortal dao Paragon, which is considered a courtesy and a soldier, today, which shows my attitude.”

“I do n’t want Demon Venerable to be against him, but if Demon Venerable is determined to invade the Kingdom of Heaven, I Demon Venerable will never sit idly by!”

Meng Family Old Ancestor heard it, with deep gratitude, looked at Demon Venerable. “

They all say that Demon Venerable, who does not distinguish between good and evil, acts on the basis of preferences and is a cruel and murderous demon. “”

Who knows, you Demon Venerable’s blood of loyalty to the country? “

“Ha ha ha ha!” Demon Venerable laughed, and then his face slumped.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is where my Demon Venerable grows. Naturally, I will not look at foreign forces and erode them!”

“However, Old Meng, don’t get me wrong. My Demon Venerable just protects the country of Heaven, but it doesn’t mean it will protect you Meng Family Imperial Family!”

“This, I naturally understand!” Meng Family Old Ancestor nodded.

Lin Hai was on the side and finally couldn’t help it, chirping. “

Demon Venerable Senior, Meng Senior, what kind of organization is this skyless alliance, and why are you so afraid? “forest

Although Hai already has some understanding of the skyless alliance, it is obviously only a superficial one.

Look at Demon Venerable and Meng Family Old Ancestor, you must know more secret things.

Meng Family Old Ancestor glanced at Lin Hai, sighed and said. “

I can only tell you that Skyrim is more powerful than your imagination! “”

If the Skyless Alliance really wants to infiltrate our country of heaven, we have no resistance at all! “

After Lin Hai listened, a flash of doubtful rays of light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes fell on Demon Venerable’s body. “

Can’t even Demon Venerable Senior resist? “magic

Zun laughed for a while, helplessly shook the head. “

Wutianmeng is an organization, and I am just one person, how to fight against it! “”

I just hope that the Skyless Alliance can understand that I let go of the good intentions of those immortal dao Paragon today! “”

If the sky-union insists on penetrating into the country of heaven, I will never let them out! “

Lin Hai couldn’t help but nodded, and finally understood why Demon Venerable had to let Xia Houchuan go. just

What to say, suddenly ding dong, Lin Hai’s WeChat rang. take

Out of the phone, Lin Hai glanced, and immediately raised a brow.

“It was sent by Jian Wuyi!” Sword

Wu Xun: Sect Master, I received the latest order from Sky Alliance, acted in a low-key manner, and secretly controlled the tassel city, never allowed to expand, and sent trusted people to guard the Shura Temple closely!

“Shura Temple ?!”

After Lin Hai read Jian Wu’s information, pump suddenly shrank. “

Is it true that the purpose of Wutianmeng entering the kingdom of heaven is to repair the temple? “

The thought of mysterious in Xiuluodian, Lin Hai felt more and more, this is very possible! small

Confused: understood! You follow the instructions of the Sky Alliance, and report important things in time! magic

Zun and Meng Family Old Ancestor sat down again and discussed the current situation. most

In the end, helplessly came to a conclusion.

Facing the powerful and mysterious skyless alliance, they can only passively defend, there is no other way!

In other words, all initiative is in the hands of the skyless union.

There is no follow-up to Skyrim, but that’s all.

Once they make a comeback, they can only meet the enemy and have no other choice.

“I’m going to see Lao Lin and Xue Wuxue’s family, it’s time to clean up!”

Meng Family Old Ancestor stood up, and a cold cold glow flashed in his eyes, which made Lin Hai feel uneasy. Look

Come, this old man who has n’t had a lot of time is going to play hard. from

Drive Imperial Family, Lin Hai and Demon Venerable Immortal Zui Jiu and return to Haiyue restaurant.

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, you said earlier that when Xia Houchuan escaped, the magic weapon used was also an imitation of the Divine Law treasure?”

Without outsiders, Lin Hai asked with doubts, with doubt. “

Not bad! Immortal Zui Jiu’s face was solemn, nodded.

“That’s the Golden-Red Clouds crown of the Holy Mother Holy Mother!” Lin

Hai couldn’t help but think of the Binding Dragon Rope imitation in Jian Wudi’s hands, and he was even more surprised. “

Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, why did Divine Law suddenly appear again and again? “

“Does it mean that Kunlun is behind Kunlun?” Drunk

After listening to Lin Hai’s words, Jiuxian was not surprised, but was silent.

After a long time, it was differentially said.

“Not all Divine Law treasures are in Kunlun!”

“But first, Lin Yu’s astronaut, and Xia Houchuan’s Golden-Red Clouds crown, Kunlun magic weapon appeared one after another, making my mind suddenly a little disturbed!”

Having said that, Immortal Zui Jiu suddenly stood up and moved towards Lin Hai.

“Brother Lin Hai, let’s go to the Lin Family. I want to ask Lin Yu, where is this mixed Yuanzhang coming from!”

“Okay!” Lin Hai nodded agreed, and he was just thinking about it. He wanted to see Lin Yu.

Demon Venerable was unwilling to travel with the two. Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu went out of the restaurant and headed straight for the Lin Family.

“Lin Yu Young Master, have you ever been back?” To

At the entrance of Lin Family, Lin Hai asked directly towards the guard. “

My Young Master has returned home safely. “

“Please also inform me, say Lin Hai begging to see you!” Shou

Wei Yi heard the start of Lin Hai’s report.

Lin Hai’s name is now unknown, so he quickly turned around and entered the manor.

After a while, the guard returned, and moved towards Lin Hai respectfully.

“My Young Master, please come in!”

Lin Hai frowned and joined Immortal Zui Jiu as the guard entered the Lin Family. Do not

However, the guard did not bring Lin Hai into the living room, but took Lin Hai directly to Dao Field! far

Far away, Lin Hai saw an upright young man with his back to the direction they came from, standing proudly. From

The back of the young man, Lin Hai recognizes at a glance, it is Lin Yu undoubtedly!

“Brother Lin Yu, I trust you have been well since we last met?” Lin

Hai came to play Dao Field, moved towards Lin Yu, cup one fist in the other hand said with a slight smile. Shua


Hearing Lin Hai’s words, Lin Yu turned abruptly, a bright glow in her eyes, flashing like a sharp blade! “

Ok? “forest

The sea was suddenly surprised, but from Lin Yu’s body, she felt a terrifying murderous aura.

“Lin Hai, what inheritance did you get in the 7 halo?” Lin

Yu’s eyes were like electricity, staring at Lin Hai, coldly asked. forest

Hai frowned suddenly, Lin Yu’s tone of voice, and a questioning, really made Lin Hai dissatisfied. “

No comment! “forest

The sea eyelids froze, indifferently said. “

Oh? “

Lin Yu smirked slightly. “

7 In the halo of light, whoever gets the chance, only you and me! “”

Not as good as you and me! “唰


As the words landed, Lin Yu’s hands suddenly appeared a rays of light with a sharp sword, with a sharp edge, moved towards Lin Hai, and stabbed straight!

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