Xia Houchuan heard his nose almost crooked.

Fuck, what makes people go and leave their lives?

Life is gone, people still have a feather duster?

“Lin Hai, are you ill, are you?” “

Don’t you dare not listen to the words of Demon Venerable Senior! “

Xia Houchuan scolded Lin Hai while verbally provoking the relationship between Lin Hai and Demon Venerable. magic

Zun is also a slightly frowned eyebrow, took a look at Lin Hai, differly said. “

Lin Hai, I said, let them get off, why are you blocking? “forest

Hai turned his head and looked at Demon Venerable, his tone resolutely.

“Demon Venerable Senior, it was Lin Hai who deliberately opposed you, but I and Xia Houchuan have a feud to understand!” “

Oh? Demon Venerable raised a brow and took a deep look at Lin Hai, no longer talking.

“Xiahou Chuan, the day you plotted Pill Dao’s Great Elder, the lonely old king’s furnace, you poisoned his life, and even created a rumor frame, damaging his reputation, and using mean means!”

“Lin is not talented, so he has to inherit the inheritance of Senior, and promise to avenge him!” “

Today, your retribution is here! “

When Xia Houchuan heard this, his face suddenly changed, and fiercely looked at Lin Hai, coldly said. “

Lin Hai, for a dead ghost, you are the enemy of me, bad my major event, is your brain flooded? “唰


Regarding Xia Houchuan’s scolding, Lin Hai no longer answered, but took the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade directly. “

Ouyang, I fought with Xia Houchuan. If someone interferes, kill without mercy! “

“Yes!” Ouyang Puhui promised, with a sharp murderous intention, one after another swept over Xiahouchuan’s immortal dao Paragon, who had no sky alliance.

As long as anyone dares to have act to act blindly without thinking, Ouyang Puhui will immediately take the lead and kill it! “

Lin Hai, you lunatic, when I’m afraid you won’t succeed! “summer

Hou Chuan flew into a rage out of humiliation, pointing at Lin Hai, swearing.

Originally, the matter of seizing the imperial power of the Kingdom of Heaven was due to Lin Hai’s failure.

Xia Houchuan didn’t know what kind of punishment he was going to face. He had already hated Lin Hai for a long time.

Now, Lin Hai’s unwillingness to treat him again makes Xia Houchuan lose his mind.

“Since you are courting death, I will fulfill you!” Said

Now, without waiting for Lin Hai to start, Xia Houchuan stepped on Xiangyun’s foot, and even took the lead to go straight to Lin Hai. “

dead! “

On the way, Xia Houchuan screamed angrily, and then the two flames instantly turned into giant knives, and moved towards Lin Hai!

“Such insignificant ability!” Lin

The corner of the mouth of the sea was smirked, with a disdainful sneer. Chirp


Suddenly, a fiery Fire Phoenix appeared out of thin air, opened its mouth, and instantly swallowed the two huge swords transformed by flames.


Xia Houchuan complexion greatly changed, I couldn’t believe the scene I saw.

Although he also knows that Lin Hai’s cultivation base is extremely powerful and belongs to the most Peak existence of the younger generation. but

No matter how strong he is, he is only a newcomer to Spirit Transformation, and he is a Great Ascension Early-Stage! surface

To himself, Lin Hai should have no resistance. can

Why is it that the result is the other way round, the flame of Lin Hai directly devours the own Dao method? “

Air-Severing Slash! !! !! “on

At the time of Xia Houchuan’s aggressive face, Lin Hai suddenly coldly shouted, and the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand suddenly split off. Click

!! instant

In the meantime, there seemed to be a flash of light flashing in the air, a blue brilliance that cut through the space, with the no sharphold one cannot overcome the sharpness, and immediately enveloped Xiahouchuan under the blade glow! “

Xiahou Sect Master! “no

The immortal dao Paragon of Tianmeng could not help but greatly changed. To

Their cultivation base, naturally, they can see how powerful formidable power is in Lin Hai. although

Of course, it may not be worth mentioning to them. but

It is Xia Houchuan’s Daoxing, after all, on Pill Dao.

Even though the cultivation base realm is much stronger than Lin Hai, it is simply impossible to resist Lin Hai, which is far more powerful than his realm! “

Ok? “

Just as they instinctively tried to save, a cold murderous intention came suddenly. but

Seeing Ouyang Puhui’s eyes fell on them like a sharp blade.

There is no doubt at all, if anyone dares to move, he will be immediately attacked by Ouyang Puhui. when

Of course, if that’s the case, they may not be afraid because of their strength.

But the point is, there is a trembling Demon Venerable next to it!

Who knows if they are going to save Xia Houchuan, Demon Venerable will do it.

As soon as Demon Venerable hits, it can kill them instantly. Who dares to take this risk? on

In such a hesitant effort, Lin Hai has completely sealed all the retreats of Xia Houchuan. Do not

In an accident, waiting for Xia Houchuan, only dead end was left.


At this time, a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out.

In the rays of light, a horrific force hit the sword of Lin Hai instantly.

bang! one

The loud noise and the horrible counter-shock force directly bounced Lin Hai’s Three Pointed Double Edged Blade high.

Even the body of Little Hong was shocked and flew up to a distance of 100 meters.

“What’s going on ?!” Lin

The sea was shocked and looked up in horror, but saw Xia Houchuan’s hands, suddenly there was an extra pearl, a golden light glittering crown!

Above the crown of the sun, golden rays of light soar into the sky, 3 40 feet tall, turning this space into a vacuum. Strong

The terrible horror caused the waves to be rolled outward, making it impossible for people to approach. and

As soon as Xia Houchuan reached out, he put the Xia Guan on his head. Follow

Later, under everyone’s incredible gaze, the silhouette of Xia Houchuan suddenly disappeared.

“Not good !”

Lin Hai was startled, wondering what treasure it was, so terrifying.

It would be difficult if Xia Houchuan took the opportunity to run away and wanted to find him again.

weng! a few

After the rest, the golden glow dissipated, and the sky was restored to sobriety and calmness. Of course

However, the silhouette of Xia Houchuan has already escaped disappear without a trace.


When Lin Hai saw this, he suddenly cursed.

“Seal Divine Law treasure, Golden-Red Clouds crown !!!”

Immortal Zui Jiu was in the distance, suddenly crying out in surprise, his face horrified.

“Yes, absolutely right! This magic weapon is the Golden-Red Clouds crown of the imitation Fire Mother Holy Mother!”

Demon Venerable is also shrinking with a deep wrong look on his face.

Apparently, Treasure, by whom Xia Houchuan escaped, was shocked.

“You haven’t got off yet, don’t you want to leave?”

Demon Venerable glanced at him, moving towards the immortal dao Paragon, coldly said. “

go! “

This group of immortal dao Paragon has long wanted to leave. magic

As soon as the honorable word was out, he immediately turned around and fled with the cloud. This

For a moment, Pill Dao’s disciplines, who didn’t know anything at all, were completely dumbfounded. One

Every one was at a loss, expression flustered, and so far they were a little overwhelmed, what happened.

It wasn’t until Meng Dexue led him away that Pill Dao was in chaos.

This group of normally only knows pill concocting. Pill concocting room teachers who rarely participate in the battle of rivers and lakes are all lost in an instant. “

Notify Chen Yan and arrange for Jin Shuo and Wang Xu to return to Pill Dao and see what happens! “forest

The sea moved towards Ouyang Puhui whispered a word. Europe

Yang Puhui was nodded, left with a cloud, and returned to Chinatown. “

oh! ”突

Then, Meng Family Old Ancestor sighed, and then looked at Demon Venerable.

“Demon Venerable, come sit with me!”

Demon Venerable nodded, followed by a glance at Lin Hai, with a grave road. “

Lin Hai, come with you! ”

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