In Lin Hai’s words, the Mischi Chicken Luo was shivered, his eyes were round and staring at Lin Hai, and his heart could not help raising deep fear.

Before they came, they were 7 Nascent Souls who were powerful. When they had an absolute advantage, they were all slaughtered by Lin Hai on the side of Ling Hai. Now he and one of his subordinates are left. The situation is instantly reversed. How dare he go?

Although there are dozens of people on their side, most of them are Golden Core Early-Stage and Middle-Stage. Even the Golden Core Late Stage has only 5 or 6 people. Followed by Sea Moon Sect, it is only a powerful one to deal with each Great Sect. Also, in the presence of Nascent Soul’s power, it is not enough to look at all.

Moreover, Lin Hai is not alone. In group battles, each Great Sect is bound to stand on the side of Lin Hai, and they are still extremely vulnerable.

“Everyone, retreating now is death, go up together and kill him!”

Suddenly, the Misaki chicken moved towards the people from all the countries who came together, and roared like death.

“Kill!” These foreigners watched their own Nascent Soul awesome each and everyone died. At the same time they were deeply frustrated, they had already fallen into deep despair. Now Mish spicy chicken Luo takes the lead, and another Nascent Soul is big. I was the first to rush out, everyone was crazy, and gave a hissing cry, moved towards Lin Hai flutter

go with.

At the same time, Misty Chicken Luo suddenly turned his eyes, expression flustered, his body did not advance and retreat, but moved towards the entrance of Misty Peak.

“Fuck, how insidious he is!”

Lin Hai’s eyes have been staring at Misjiji Luo. Now that he saw the goods instigate the crowd, he turned around and ran away, and a sudden contempt rose in his heart.

However, even though Lin Hai found that Misaki Chicken had run away, there was nothing he could do. So many Golden Cores swarmed up, and there was a Nascent Soul power in it, each holding a heart of death, even Lin Hai couldn’t bear it.

All kinds of spells, like raindrops, moved wildly towards Lin Hai, and Lin Hai’s Three Pointed Double Edged Blade danced, but he couldn’t achieve not one drop of water can leak out. The spell hits him, spitting blood and flying away.

“** Force, right? Brothers!”

On the side of Sea Moon Sect, I immediately quit, Guangtou Qiang screamed, slammed his arms and sleeves, greeted Li Lingtao Yun Zhou and the others, and revealed the magic weapon, and he was about to rush over.

“Don’t move!”

Suddenly, Liu Xinyue spoke faintly, stopping Guangtou Qiang and the others.

“Madam, the Master has vomited blood, we will not be able to wait any longer, and the Master will hang up!” Guangtou Qiang said anxiously as he watched Lin Hai going backwards and forwards.

“Rest assured, your Master will be fine!” Liu Xinyue was very calm, always with a smile on his face, apparently full of confidence in Lin Hai.

“But, but … oh!”

Guangtou Qiang patted his thigh in a hurry, but Liu Xinyue could not help but listen to it. For a while, the Disciples of Sea Moon Sect could only look anxious, watching Lin Hai be beaten back and forth, and he continued to have Taoist strokes. I don’t know how much blood was vomited on my body.

“Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and there are too many people to stand.”

The Great Sect people were also shocked by this sudden scene, and then they shook their heads and sighed. No matter how fierce a tiger can’t hold the wolves, all these foreigners are desperate. Rao is Lin Hai’s strength can cut Nascent Soul, but also There was no power to fight back instantly.

Not only that, if this continues, I am afraid that Lin Hai himself will not be able to survive.

“His grandma, the cultivation world is also popular!”

At the same time Lin Hai’s body collapsed, he scolded in his heart. Although he suffered a minor injury in an instant, Lin Hai didn’t worry about anti-happy, and even got excited in his heart.

“This Star Saint Physique, really awesome!”

Although Lin Hai ’s Star Saint Physique has just tempered, and even the door has n’t entered yet, just after being attacked, Lin Hai feels faintly that there are stars rays of light blooming from within within the body, helping to offset part of it. attack.

Although there are very few offsets, it is enough for Lin Hai to be excited. After all, he has n’t started yet, but has this effect. If he tempers for a while, I ’m afraid that he will stand here and let the attack. Your own defense!

“Xian’er said that Star Saint Physique is one of the 3 Saint Physiques in the Three Realms. If tempering is successful, let alone these people, I am afraid that Divine Immortal in the sky may not be able to help himself!”

For a while, Lin Hai looked forward to Star Saint Physique.


Another red blood mist hit Lin Hai’s body. The attacker was also waved by Lin Hai and cut into two pieces.

Looking at this group of people who were crazy, he shouted that he could not understand the language, and moved away towards his own attack. Lin Hai looked cold and cold.

“I was only trying to kill the culprit, but why are you waiting too aggressively, and Humour Lin is going to kill!”

After speaking, Lin Hai ’s eyes suddenly flashed white crystals, and then the entire space became extremely cold, as if Heaven and Earth had turned into an ice cave, and countless white ice crystals began to appear in mid-air.中 凝。 In the cohesion.

“Not good, express resistance!”

“This is the trick when Lin Hai killed 8 great experts!”

The faces of the Great Sects changed dramatically, exclaiming with horror, and their eyes were full of fear.

The sudden chill caused the attack on Lin Hai’s body to be affected instantly, as if his blood was frozen so that he could not flow, and he couldn’t help showing panic.

“Ice a thousand miles!”

A sound of indifference, with a icy coldness, sounded in mid-air, fell into the ears of everyone, attacked dozens of people in Lin Hai, and instantly stagnate, and then suddenly appeared numerous ice crystals on the body surface, freezing them in among them!

“I go!”

Looking at these dozens of life-like ice sculptures with different shapes, the Great Sect people froze their teeth, but the heart kept twitching and their faces were shocked.

“Too terrifying, Lin Hai this move, you can freeze so many people at once!”

“And there is Nascent Soul in it, and it’s not immune!”

Everyone looked towards Lin Hai’s eyes, more and more awe.

“cough cough !”

Lin Hai coughed twice and spit out a mouthful of blood again. Although the Great Accomplishment of Ice Road, freezing so many cultivators of Golden Core and above at one time, Lin Hai felt a collapse and the injury could not help worsening.

As soon as he thought about it, Lin Hai took out a medicine pill and swallowed it. An instant heat flow was flowing through his body. Lin Hai within the body’s injury recovered quickly.


At this moment, the ice crystals in front of him suddenly burst into pieces, Lin Hai looked up, but saw the bear country Nascent Soul werewolf, but he got rid of the ice and escaped.

However, he has been terrified by the previous freezing, coupled with the escape of Misaki Chicken, and he has no courage to fight again, with a look of fear, and turns around and runs!

“Although the Frozen Mile is powerful, the biggest role in dealing with people with great strength is to control, not kill the enemy!”

Lin Hai shook his head secretly. The Golden Core might frost and rupture the heart directly, and died, but for these Nascent Soul’s power, you still need to make a knife, otherwise it will be difficult to hurt their lives.

Looking at this Nascent Soul’s power, because he had just escaped from the frozen state, and the blood was not smooth, he caused a slightly awkward and rapid escape.

Now that he has decided to launch a killing ring, how can he let him escape?

“Keep your life!” Lin Hai coldly shouted, arm swayed, Three Pointed Double Edged Blade raised high, cut through the sky, and slashed sharply!

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