
The huge blade glow cuts the air, like a blue flash of lightning, surrounded by thick flames, and moved towards the werewolf Nascent Soul’s head, locking him instantly!

“Do not!”

The werewolf Nascent Soul was so powerful, he felt the strong and coercive pressure above his head, and the breath of death was so close that he made his heart tremble, gave out an unwilling roar, waved his fist moved towards the sky, and smashed it!


It was as if the gas-filled pocket was ruptured. Nascent Soul, who had already scared the courage, could not fight against Lin Hai’s Prestige of a Single Blade. He was instantly smashed as soon as he touched. Blade glow turned him and the directly Nascent Soul of the body, split in half.


A huge flame rose, instantly burning his body to ashes.

Lin Hai’s arm swayed aside, lifting Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, two eyes closed, bright light glittering, looked towards the huge ice sculpture in the middle of the square.


As Lin Hai drank softly, the ice crystal oh la la broke instantly and turned into countless tiny white particles, which dissipated in the air in a blink, leaving only the bright, dazzling crystal brilliance under the sun.

鍣楅€? 鍣楅€? 鍣楅€?…

One after another, the sound of corpses falling to the ground, all the foreigners were frozen into ice lolly, extinct, extinct, lying on the ground crooked, until the death still maintained the previous attack posture and expression.

Looking at the bodies of dozens of people, lying in front of himself so quietly, Lin Hai’s heart was at this moment without any fluctuation, and there was no longer the kind of impatience and anxiety that he had before.

Weak are prey to the strong, after all, this is the eternal law of this World. If it weren’t for their cultivation base stronger than them, then the person lying on the cold ground at this moment may be himself.

“Next life, keep your eyes open!”

Lin Hai said faintly, flicked the fingers, suddenly a group of flames flew out, and instantly zoomed in at midair, enveloped all the corpses on the ground in the flames, and swallowed them in the blink of an eye, turning them into ashes.


Lin Hai pointed a finger, the flames disappeared, the ground was clean, and no trace of ashes was left. As if nothing had happened here, it was completely invisible, with dozens of lives, ending here.

“Sect Master Lin is mighty!”

“Sect Master Lin wins glory for me and is my great hero!”

“Sect Master Lin, don’t accept the disaster, I want to worship Sea Moon Sect!”

“I want to join Sea Moon Sect, and I’m willing to start from the floor!”

After a short silence, the horrified crowd was all crazy, whether it was the Great Sect people or the Loose Cultivator, they all shouted with excitement and excitement.

7 Nascent Soul masters, with legendary werewolves, Shikigami, vampires, and everything, arrogant and despotic came to Sea Moon Sect, at the opening ceremony of Sea Moon Sect, want to drive Lin Hai away, the arrogance is unbelievable!

However, this is just a blink of an eye. These Nascent Souls who are powerful enough to make them feel desperate, together with dozens of experts who came together, are all killed and killed here, ending in a skeleton doesn’t exist !!

All this shows that Sea Moon Sect is too powerful and Lin Hai is too powerful!

Some Sect Sect Masters have even begun to solemnly charge Outer Sect Disciple. No matter what happens in the future, they will never be allowed to conflict with Sea Moon Sect. Even if they lose money, they can’t bear it.

And those Loose Cultivators are even more excited. They have long wanted to worship some sects. Now Lin Hai has shown such a powerful strength. If they can join Sea Moon Sect, their future may not be like Lin Hai today. So brilliant!

Longteng was on the side, looking at Lin Hai who was out of the limelight, and then thinking that he could not even destroy an enemy, he suddenly felt dull and couldn’t help but coldly snorted.

“Hmph, Lin Hai, you are too embarrassed, how can you let the leader of Xiong Guo run away!”

“He is unable to escape!”

Lin Hai coldly smiled, disdainful glance at Long Teng, this Long Teng’s speech is really annoying, always like a believe oneself infallible, aloof and remote, I really do n鈥檛 know where he came from!

“Can’t run?”

Long Teng sneered, his face sullen, and Lin Hai squinted.

“It’s really boosting shamelessly. I can’t speak my mind. It’s been a few minutes. I’m afraid people are already hundreds of miles away. Even if I want to chase …”


Long Teng was talking, and suddenly a heavy object flew from a distance and landed at his feet.


Long Teng was startled, and looked down hastily. After seeing clearly, the pupils contracted for a while, and the boss who opened his mouth suddenly couldn’t believe his eyes.

“This this鈥︹€?#8221;

Long Teng’s lips trembled, and his heart was so shocked that he couldn’t speak properly.

I saw that it was not someone else who fell at his feet, but it was Misaki Chicken who escaped before!

“You, why are you back!”

Long Teng’s face was so aggressive that he couldn’t help asking, he couldn’t think of it, what was going on?

Lying on the ground, Misaki Chicken Luo, with a very complex look, looked at Long Teng. He had both fear and helplessness, and he also had a sense of superiority in intelligence.

“Silly, you think grandfather is willing to come back!”

Misi spicy chicken Luo looked at Long Teng like an idiot, and said in a harsh Chinese language, speechless.

Not to mention that Long Teng didn’t know what was going on, even he didn’t know how he got here.

Misaki chicken flees all the way, almost out of the realm of the Sea Moon Sect, and is grateful that he is smart enough to sacrifice the fools to attract firepower, and then when he escaped, he suddenly became stiff and was taken by him. Behind him, silently restrained.

This time, you can scare the soul flew away and scattered, and want to go back and see who actually shot it, but found that the sea of 鈥嬧€媋ir is blocked and the body is completely restrained, except for the eyes that can blink, other parts Can’t even move.

With so full of fear, Misaki Chicken was brought back to Misty Peak, and then forcefully, fiercely fell in front of Longteng.

From start to finish, in addition to smelling the delightful fragrance from the person behind him, the mischievous chicken Luo guessed that it was a woman who did not know anything else.

“You said something stupid!” Long Teng was furious. As soon as Lin Hai boasting shamelessly was finished, he couldn’t catch the miserable chicken. As a result, he was thrown at his feet. Face, he had made him dull before people.

As a result, the bear countryman who demolished his platform actually scolded himself for being stupid, and even made Long Teng angry, and he was so angry that he scattered all over Misaki.

“You’re just a fool!” Mist Spicy Chicken Luo was also depressed in his heart. Anyway, he thought he was dead, and he was afraid of something, and he scolded with Long Teng.

“Fuck your mother, you’re stupid!”

“Your mom is stupid!”

“Your whole family is stupid!”

“You idiot, stinky idiot!”


Longteng and Misi spicy chicken Luo, one stood and one lay, both of them were blushing with red eyes, big eyes staring at small eyes, no one was convinced, scolded there, and everyone was shocked.

Lin Hai was on the sidelines, stunned for a long while before laughing.

“Fuck, are these two really Nascent Soul powers? Or are they descendants of Divine Dragon and werewolf?”

Isn’t that just two hooligans?

Long Ao was on the side, covering her face, closing her eyes in annoyance.

“A shame, how shameful he is!”

“Enough!” Lin Hai really couldn’t stand it anymore, frowned, and said lightly.

Long Teng and Misi Spicy Chicken Luo cursed two more words before they stopped, both of them moved towards Lin Hai.

Lin Hai glanced at the miso chicken on the ground, and suddenly a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Lin Hai, please forgive me, my werewolves, I will miss your great grace!” Feeling Murderous intention in Lin Hai’s eyes, Misi spicy chicken Luo shivered all over, said hurriedly. “Braise your life?” Lin Hai coldly smiled, “You such a mean man who sacrificed his life in exchange for escape, do you think I will spare you?”

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