Lin Hai’s pupils contracted sharply, and the blood was sucked by powerful forces, which greatly disrupted the operation. It was extremely difficult to avoid Jason’s attack.

“Thunders everywhere!”

In a critical moment, Lin Hai drank in secret, forming a thunder pool all over his body instantly, countless arcs flickering, crackling, and instantly intertwined with the thick blood mist.


Jason’s fangs have already touched Lin Hai’s neck, and even have begun to imagine that the smell of Lin Hai’s fresh blood is unexpected, and his body is paralyzed instantly.


“Abominable, the way of thunder again!”

Jason was shocked. Before Lin Hai killed Hatano Kojima and Shikigami, he used thunder all over the place. At the beginning he was still wondering why the formidable power of the thunder pool was not great, but why it can make

The situation is reversed!

Now, he knows for himself that the terrifying of the thunder pool, although not fatal, can instantly paralyze and lose freedom of movement!

Although he was shocked by Zhen Qi, the paralysis was instantly removed, but deep fear was revealed in his heart.

You know, the masters’ tricks, this blink of an eye, is enough to kill the opponent countless times.

Fortunately, Jason’s blood mist is able to control the blood of people within the body, restricting people’s movements, and this thunderstorm has the same effect. While his movements are controlled, Lin

Why is the sea different?

“Thunder way, I can’t save your life!”

Jason had a grinning smile in his eyes, continued to move towards Lin Hai’s neck, and bit it down.

“is it?”

Lin Hai faintly smiled, the corners of his mouth slightly skimmed, revealing a disdainful smile.


Jason froze, looking at the slight sarcasm in the corner of Lin Hai’s mouth, and his heart suddenly felt a little unpleasant.

“Not good !”

Suddenly, Jason had a strong sense of crisis in his heart, his body broke out, and he wanted to distance himself from Lin Hai!


Suddenly, Lin Hai coldly shouted, a thick wall of ice, appeared immediately behind Jason, and Jason’s body slammed against the ice wall, hitting the ice wall directly


However, this short stop is enough time.

I saw Lin Hai’s left arm suddenly reached out, turning his palm into a claw, with flickering purple rays of light, suddenly moved towards Jason and grabbing.

“No way, your blood is not affected!”

Jason was shocked. Lin Hai was so surprised that he was so surprised. Although his blood mist field was partially offset by thunder and lightning, the rest was enough to affect

Sound the actions of Lin Hai.

But looking at Lin Hai’s lightning-fast catch, how does it seem to be affected by himself?

His body is blocked by the ice wall. At this time, it is too late to try to avoid Lin Hai. At the thought of Jason’s cold eyes, he suddenly punched and moved towards Lin Hai!

Although he is not good at this close combat, but it is only relatively speaking, no matter how Jason is also Nascent Soul power, Prestige of this Fist, the space of explosion is a twisted, strong air

Was pushed and caught up with Lin Hai.


A muffled noise came, the fist palms intersected, and an air wave rolled up immediately, as if an explosion had occurred.

Lin Hai ’s body was blown away by huge forces and strikes. Although Lin Hai can fight higher levels, the strength of within the body Zhen Qi is far less powerful and hard than Nascent Soul.

When hit hard, the blood suddenly surged, the internal organs were in shock, and he was about to vomit blood.

However, not only was Lin Hai not panicking, a slight sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Because, the palm of his hand was already locked by Jason’s fist, and he pulled it together.


Jason’s body was taken flying by Lin Hai, and suddenly a thick fear rose in his heart, and he could not help yelling and scolding.

He thought that this fist would be able to smash Lin Hai’s severe injuries, even break his arm, but he didn’t think about it. His palms were connected. Lin Hai’s hands even sent a powerful thunder and the like, letting him all

Instant paralysis!

What’s more terrifying is that this continuously Thunder Force is more thunderous than before. I do n’t know how many times it is stronger. No matter how hard he tries, he ca n’t even drive it.

Except for the body, all the meridian bodies were passed through by a strong electric current. At the same time, the body was unconscious.


Lin Hai’s body finally stopped. He pulled Jason’s body forward, his palm was fastened on his neck, and the constant current of purple current kept Jason covered by lightning.

Hit different jitters, revealing deep fear in his eyes.

“Jason!” The Misty Chicken Turn pale with fright, cry out in surprise.

Speaking late, it was fast, all of this happened in a short time, and Misaki Chicken was repulsed by Lin Hai, but before he attacked again, Jason had already fallen in the forest

In the hands of the sea.

“Oh my god, how did you do that?”

Jason yelled with deep unwillingness and incredible, moved towards Lin Hai in horror.

Lin Hai caught Jason’s neck and lifted his feet off the ground, coldly smiled.

“To make you stare, let me tell you! The big brother’s arm is called Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm!”

Lin Hai finished speaking, his palm suddenly tightened, and Jason’s neck was broken.

“No, you killed Jason!”

Roaring misi chicken, a deep shock came out of his eyes.


At this moment, a bloody red villain suddenly flew from the top of Jason’s head, and with great horror, moved towards the distance and fled quickly.

“Nascent Soul?”

Lin Hai coldly smiled, everyone killed, how can you let Nascent Soul escape?


Lin Hai stared at the cold, and moved towards Nascent Soul, who was far away from Jason, and suddenly pointed, indifferently.


Suddenly, a flame appeared out of thin air, instantly engulfing Jason’s Nascent Soul!

“Do not!!!”

Jason’s Nascent Soul, screaming in horror, was burned to ashes in the blink of an eye!


Jason ’s tragic death naturally attracted the attention of several other foreign Nascent Souls. All of them were terrified. No one didd’t expect the most powerful Jason among them, and Misla.

In the case of the Ji Luo double battle with Lin Hai, it was the first to fall.

However, this sudden moment gave Little Ying and Immortal Zui Jiu a chance.

The two men’s attacks fell on the opponent almost simultaneously.


Suddenly, two screams came. Nascent Soul, fighting Little Ying and Immortal Zui Jiu, was both powerful and killed.

The two Nascent Souls, who had just escaped from within the body, were burned directly by Lin Hai with fire.

The scene suddenly became extremely quiet, and the battle between Long Teng and Xiong Guo master also stopped.

In the blink of an eye, the 3 Nascent Souls fell down powerfully, and even Nascent Soul failed to escape. All of them were stunned. Each and everyone was short of breath, and even the atmosphere was scared.

The three dead people are not Chinese cabbages, but Nascent Soul standing on the cultivation world Peak. There is nothing better than you can see.

Moreover, the legendary werewolf and vampire!

Just die like that?

Everyone felt like they were dreaming.

Misi spicy chicken Luo looked at Lin Hai, his eyelids beating constantly, and finally his eyes showed fear.

Before they came, they were 7 Nascent Soul powers. They thought they could sweep everything, with no difficulty, they could capture Lin Hai, take it back to patriarch, and ask Divine Beast where he was.

But didn’t expect that after a while, Lin Hai and the others slaughtered an almost, and in the blink of an eye he was left with another werewolf.

And Lin Hai’s gaze was moved towards Misi spicy chicken at this moment. The cold chill was like a sharp sword, which made Misi spicy chicken tremble in his heart and his throat rolling for a while.

Lin Hai looked at each other.


Lin Hai swayed the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, pointed finger towards Misaki Chicken, and spoke coldly.

“Roll over, die!”

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