Chapter 1176: Stupid, not as good as a bird raised by my brother!

Lin Hai suddenly came to the spirit and tried his best to move towards the front.

“Even if you run to the sky, don’t want to escape the palm of this Island Lord!” The Island Lord snarled, and a few flashed, already chasing Lin Hai behind him!

“Just hold on, victory is here!”

Lin Hai thought about it, and just about to use Level 9 talisman to stop Island Lord, his face changed suddenly!

“My day!” Lin Hai’s mind was startled, and he was shocked to find that Level 9 talisman had run out!

“Paralyzed, cheating!”

There was no time for Lin Hai to think about it. In desperation, Lin Hai directly grabbed two ten-level talisman, just like the heavenly girl scattered flowers, and moved towards behind and moved out!

boom ~ boom ~ boom ~!

There was a series of loud noises behind him, all kinds of spells flying together, sealing the Island Lord’s pursuit!


Island Lord yelled. Although this ten-level talisman is only equivalent to Golden Core Realm’s attack, the threat is not great, but it cannot hold up a large number.

As a last resort, Island Lord had no choice but to stop, use his arms to move, and suddenly a white light group, directly extinguished the sky’s spell, and died in an instant!

“Where to go!” Island Lord screamed angrily, even by Lin Hai, a little Golden Core Realm, ran out so far and hadn’t caught it, it was a shame to him!


The air trembled, the Island Lord’s silhouette disappeared instantly, and the next moment appeared above Lin Hai’s head!

Lin Hai was so shocked that I knew that Island Lord was pursuing all the way, but he didn’t use all his energy!

“I lose, I lose, I lose!”

Lin Hai kept waving his hands and threw talisman into the air in an attempt to force Island Lord back!


Island Lord shouting loudly, a gust of wind was blowing in front of him, and the talisman thrown out by Lin Hai was rolled up and exploded beyond 1000 meters!

“I lost, I …” Lin Hai threw talisman constantly, but suddenly his hands stopped suddenly, his eyes almost protruded!

“Fuck, the tenth grade is gone!”

Lin Hai was shocked to find that the talisman in the holy realm was thrown away by himself!


Seeing victory in sight, it was only 3 meters away from the destination, but at this critical moment, they ran out of food. Isn’t it fun?


Suddenly, Lin Hai’s body trembled, and he was instantly wrapped in a white light cluster dropping from the sky. No matter how Lin Hai could break free, he couldn’t get away!

“Haha, you run away!” Island Lord’s laughter sounded with a thick drama.

“Run your sister, can you run early?” Lin Hai cursed, looking at the vacant space close by, and felt very sorry.


At this time, an eagle croaked suddenly from the sky, and then a golden streamer suddenly cut through the sky and headed for Lin Hai!

“Haha, Little Hong!” Lin Hai rejoiced.

“En?” Island Lord was startled, looked up suddenly, just to meet the silver aperture in Little Hong’s eyes.


Island Lord’s head was suddenly dizzy, and he felt a sudden spin, turning his feet involuntarily.


At the same time, the silver light cluster that wrapped Lin Hai disappeared instantly, and Lin Hai immediately got out of trouble!

“Haha, Little Hong did a great job!” Lin Hai laughed loudly and praised!

“Asshole!” Island Lord knew immediately, following the words of Little Hong. The hawk’s eyes were too weird, and he hurriedly took a leap, but at the same time, don’t go over and avoid the area covered by the silver aperture.

Ka ka!

The Island Lord has just recovered, but he heard the sound of thunder, and then two golden lightnings have arrived!


Island Lord waved his angry arm, and suddenly a wave of white air greeted two lightnings, instantly shattering the lightning!


At this time, the sound of the eagle chanted again, but saw that Little Hong had flew into the air, Lin Hai stood proudly on Little Hong’s back, carrying his hands, and looked at the Island Lord with disdain!

“A thousand years of shit, but that’s it!”

“Asshole, let’s go!” The Island Lord was so angry that he suddenly caught a volley, and suddenly a huge white palm appeared in the sky, and moved towards Little Hong caught it!


A sharp sky-splitting sound started, Little Hong’s body rushed into the sky like a sharp arrow, white palm rubbed Little Hong’s tail, grabbed the air!


Island Lord’s face turned wild, his face was horrified, and his eyes were full of incredible!

He caught this, but under the anger, he carried out 800 years of deeds in order not to give Lin Hai a chance to escape!

But he didn’t expect it, this sudden bird Demonic beast was so fast that it was incredible!

“Hmph, stupid, is not as good as a bird raised by my brother!” Lin Hai’s sarcasm sounded again, but already appeared 500 meters in front of Island Lord!

Island Lord suddenly looked up and saw Lin Hai standing on Little Hong’s back, looking at him with contempt, but he didn’t run away, his chest suddenly exploded!

“This damn Lin Hai is so abominable that you can’t even run. This is the contempt of Chi Guoguo. Is there really no way for this Island Lord to take you?

Thinking of this, Island Lord was angry, loudly shouted, and the silhouette suddenly jumped into the air and came straight to Lin Hai!

“Haha, here it is!” Lin Hai suddenly flashed his eyes, revealing surprise!

Lin Hai’s abnormal expression fell into Island Lord’s eyes, which immediately shocked him, and raised an ominous premonition in his heart.

Before I can understand what’s going on, the scene suddenly changed, and then the silhouette of Lin Hai and Little Hong disappeared out of thin air!

“Not good, it’s a Formula!” Island Lord was shocked and immediately guessed that he had fallen into the Formula!


At this time, behind the Island Lord, a loud roar suddenly came, and then a huge demonic beast appeared behind him.

“Dead!” Island Lord then waved, Demonic beast slammed and burst!

“Hmph, such insignificant ability!” Island Lord whispered, seeing the Demonic beast in this Formation, so low in strength, suddenly showing disdain, and heart relaxed at the same time!

Judging from the strength of the Demonic beast, this should not be a profound formula. Even if you don’t understand the Formula, you can easily break it with reliability and brute force!


I just started thinking about where to start, breaking the formation, and suddenly a beast roar came, and then the Island Lord was surprised to find that the Demonic beast that had been destroyed by himself had come alive again!

“Extinction!” Island Lord waved again, a white rays of light, directly demonstrating Demonic beast’s head, slamming to the ground and dying!


But then Demonic beast came back to life, screaming and rushing to Island Lord!

“Go!” Island Lord raised his hand and destroyed it again.


Then Demonic beast was alive again!


“Fuck, can’t you kill?” Island Lord frowned, and immediately became irritable.

Although this Demonic beast is not strong enough to threaten itself, it is dead and alive, alive and dead, endless, but it is really annoying!

“No matter it, break the formation first!”

With this in mind, the Island Lord silhouette flashed, and the Demonic beast was easily thrown away, and moved towards one direction!


Suddenly, a dazzling semicircular rays of light appeared in front of Island Lord out of thin air.

“Not good!” Island Lord was startled, Zhen Qi swayed, and stopped his forward momentum in an instant, then fell back to the ground with a flash of rays of light in his eyes!

“What is this?”

Raising his hand, in the palm of the Island Lord, a rays of light moved towards the front.


Sure enough, the previous semicircular rays of light appeared again, blocking the Island Lord’s attack back!

“Space blocked!” Island Lord frowned, finally seeing clearly!

This semi-circular rays of light is like a pot lid, covering a dozen or more li in a circle!

“Hmph, inferior Formation, just break this mask and the Formation will break!”

Island Lord’s eyes flickered with disdainful rays of light, then shot abruptly, and moved towards the front!


Rays of light reappeared, rendering Island Lord’s attack invisible, and then regaining calm.

“En?” Island Lord’s face changed, “Can you stop me from hitting 30% of my power?”


Island Lord shot again, the attack was resolved again, and Formation was safe!

“How is this possible!” Island Lord suddenly shrank!

In this blow, he used 50% of his strength, and the Formation still hasn’t broken!

“Break for me! !”




Island Lord’s attacks one after another, the force was getting stronger and stronger, and finally until the full force was used, even thousands of years of deeds were put out, but found that the Formation is still indestructible!

“What the hell is going on!” Island Lord shouted angrily, finally feeling uneasy!

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