Chapter 1177: Serial Formation

Seeing Island Lord trapped and unable to escape, Lin Hai’s heart finally let go.

“This mystery Undead Wraith, although the blood mist Demonic beast that is immortal is a slag to Island Lord without any threat, but the function of confining space is really a powerful metamorphosis!”

Lin Hai was very fortunate to have kept his own hands before, just in case Little Hong had set the position in advance and laid out the secret technique, now it has really played a big role.

“Let’s go to save people!” Leng Yueru and Yu Tianze are still in the yin and yang fire area. Although Yu Tianze is also proficient in Formation, it is still unknown whether they can escape from danger.


Little Hong tweeted, fluttered her wings, and disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye. After a few breaths of effort, she reached the yin and yang away from the fire!

“Not good!” Lin Hai was surprised when he saw this, and something unexpected happened inside!

I saw Leng Yueru at this moment, holding Yu Tianze in his arms with one hand, waving with one hand, resisting the attack of Formation, cold Yan’s face was covered with sweat beads, and there were already signs of mess under his feet.

And Yu Tianze’s eyes were closed tightly, his lips were blue, and blood was leaking from the corners of his mouth.

“You wait for me outside!”

Lin Hai couldn’t care less within the body Zhen Qi was worn out, jumping from Little Hong, several rushes and rushed into the Formation!

“weng! ”

As soon as Lin Hai went in, there was a sudden flame under his feet, like a fire snake, moved towards Lin Hai and devoured!


Lin Hai loudly shouted, raising his hand is also a flame flying out, while his body hovering, moved towards galloping away.

“weng! ”

Lin Hai was in midair, and the fire snake appeared in front of him again, spitting the flames, and moved towards Lin Hai.

Lin Hai didn’t dare to carelessly, both palms pushed forward at the same time, and two lightning bolts burst the fire snake!

However, before Lin Hai landed, the ground suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, the flames were tumbling, and the manic flames were like wild beasts with open mouths, waiting to devour Lin Hai!

Lin Hai’s face turned wild, but suddenly, a cloud of black mist appeared out of thin air, tangling Lin Hai, pulling directly out of danger!

“Why did you come in?” As soon as Lin Hai landed, Leng Yueru asked anxiously.

“I’m here to help you out!” Lin Hai glanced at Yu Tianze after speaking.

“How’s Jade Girl?”

Leng Yueru shook his face and frosted, and waved a Fire Dragon Extinguishing Kill before throwing Yu Tianze into Lin Hai’s arms.

“She went to breaking the formation before, but she missed it, but was injured by the formation. She couldn’t die, but the injuries were not minor!”

Lin Hai catches Yu Tianze’s soft lovable body, relaxed.

As long as a person is not dead, with her own medical skills and medicine pill, she can be rescued!

But Lin Hai’s mind also flashed a little doubt. Yu Tianze Formation made out of the ordinary. Since you can recognize the yin and yang from the fire array, you should know the way to crack it. It is protected by Leng Yueru, why was it hurt by the formation ?

“If you understand the Formation, break the formation as soon as possible. This Formation is really good, I’m afraid I can’t hold it for too long!” Leng Yueru said hurriedly while resisting the attack of the Formation.

This yin and yang is so magical from the fire array that it seems like it has thoughts, and it automatically gathers most of the attacks on Leng Yueru’s body. Rao Yueru has been acting for 3000 years, and it is gradually unable to resist.

“Okay, give me some time!”

Lin Hai didn’t want to think about anything else either. He promised to carry Yu Tianze on his back, a flash of rays of light in his eyes, opened Heavenly Eye Technique, and looked down!

Lin Hai has already reached the peak of Formation Dao, and with the help of Heavenly Eye Technique, a yin and yang fire array is exposed to Lin Hai’s eyes without any cover!

But after seeing the formation clearly, Lin Hai’s face changed suddenly!

“It turned out to be a serial formation!”

“What do you mean? Can it be broken?” Leng Yueru didn’t understand Formation and asked Lin Hai when he looked different.

“The people in the center of the city are really great generosity. They even arranged dozens of large arrays in a series. There are arrays in the array that echo each other. When they start, they move their whole body. Once the yin and yang fire arrays are broken, other large arrays Will open at the same time, but ten times more dangerous than now! “

“What!” Leng Yueru heard, his heart sank immediately.

“If so, wouldn’t this be a solution?”

“In theory, it is true!” Lin Hai took a deep breath, solemnly nodded.

“Not only can’t the Formula be broken, but even the birth gate can’t leave, because the birth gate in this array happens to be the Death Gate of other formations!”

Such a mysterious way of lining up, even Lin Hai’s mind, was extremely shocked and admired.

“This is definitely from the writing of everyone!”

“In the end, is there any way to go out? Can we be trapped and die here?” Leng Yueru Daimei raised a ball, and the sweat on her face became more and more dense!

“Let me think about it!” Lin Hai brows tightly frowns, spinning quickly in his head, thinking about countermeasures!

This yin and yang fire is a deep formation, but compared to the formation documented in the Supreme Taoist hundred formation diagrams, the principle is as simple as a kindergarten level.

But the difficulty is difficult at present, not because it can’t be cracked, but it is afraid to crack!

“The only way, only by controlling the flames in the Formation and exiting the Death Gate can there be a vitality!”

“But the flame is motivated by the Formation, and how can it be controlled? Entering the Death Gate is the same as committing suicide!”

Lin Hai stared at the fierce jumping snake that continuously moved towards Leng Yueru, and the fire star that bloomed after being destroyed by Leng Yueru.


And at this time, it was a fire snake with several feet, dropping from the sky, and moved towards Leng Yueru, and the baring fangs and brandishing claws looked like alive, almost like life!

“En?” Lin Hai stared at the serpent, and suddenly a rays of light flashed in his eyes, becoming blurred.

Later, Lin Hai was shocked to discover that the body of the fire snake in the sky has gradually become countless close together, extremely tiny fiery-red particles, jumping and fleeing!


Just as Lin Hai was surprised, Leng Yueru tenderly shouted, a huge black palm suddenly appeared in the sky, and the fire snake was smashed into powder!

“Lin Hai, is there any way, I’m afraid I can only stick to it for another quarter of an hour!”

A slightly anxious voice came from Leng Yueru, with a lot of exhaustion, but Lin Hai was stunned, his eyes straight, like a woodcarving clay sculpture, staring in the air, the fire snake that had become powder !!

“Fiery-red particles, countless fiery-red particles!”

Lin Hai was shocked to find that after the fire snake was smashed by the palm of Leng Yueru, the fiery-red particles that had been densely packed together suddenly split 40% 5 and burst apart, spreading throughout the sky!

Lin Hai didn’t blink, staring at the fiery-red particles in the sky, his fists clenched involuntarily, and his body shuddered slightly.

“Fiery-red pellet, what’s that!”

Lin Hai murmured like a loss of spirit, the whole body’s nerves tightened suddenly, with intense excitement in tension!

Lin Hai felt faintly, as if he suddenly touched a wonderful thing, he could almost clear the comprehension!

“What, what!”

Lin Hai was so anxious, anxious like a fire, it was a little bit worse, just a little bit short of it!

At this moment, two fire dragons suddenly appeared in the sky, and they went straight to this Leng Yueru and threw down.


Leng Yueru tenderly shouted, suddenly a huge black rays of light long sword was cut off in the volley, and the two fire snakes were directly cut off!

The two fire snakes dissipated in an instant, and turned into countless fiery-red light spots, floating in the air, and lasting forever!

And these fiery-red spots of light fell in Lin Hai’s eyes, but it made Lin Hai’s mind buzz and explode!

Then, Lin Hai’s eyes suddenly flashed, and his mind suddenly became very empty, as if a avenue of heaven suddenly opened!

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