Chapter 1175: Introducing the King!

“Not good !”

Lin Hai felt terrible, knowing that it was Island Lord who had made up his hands and had to deal with himself and Yu Tianze.

With the terrifying strength of Island Lord, even if he and Yu Tianze are tied together, they are not opponents!

“Lin Hai, I’ll stop him, you run away!” Yu Tianze flashed with determination in his eyes.

“What did you say!” Lin Hai snapped. At this critical moment of life and death, as a man, would Lin Hai let a woman cover herself and escape?

With a thought, Lin Hai couldn’t see it. He raised his hand and threw a Level 9 talisman, moved towards mid air!


The sky suddenly burst into flames, Lin Hai and Yu Tianze felt a little pressure!

“Huh? Interesting!” Island Lord whispered softly in the air, thinking that he could shoot Lin Hai and Yu Tianze to death at will, but unexpectedly had a power that was as powerful as Nascent Soul’s blow, and directly took himself Attack to destroy!

Taking advantage of this respite, Lin Hai turned his head sharply, thinking about good strategies!

Regardless of fleeing or fighting together, facing the mighty Nascent Soul of the Island Lord, he and Yu Tianze will never succeed!

The only way is for the two to run away separately. In this way, maybe there is still the possibility of survival!

“Have it!” Lin Hai eyes shined and suddenly thought of a way!

“Jade girl, I bring Island Lord, you go out of the fire array, rescue the girl Yueru as fast as possible!”

After all, the two had a soul-to-soul connection. Lin Hai glanced at it and Yu Tianze understood what Lin Hai meant.

Although it would be very dangerous for Lin Hai to lead the Island Lord alone, Yu Tianze also knew that he and Lin Hai would not be able to survive without the rescue of Len Yueru!

moved towards Lin Hai nodded, two people respectively moved towards two directions, turn around and run!

“Haha, want to break up and escape? All I can say is that you are too unclear about terrifying the power of the Millennium Road!”

Island Lord suddenly burst out laughing, and then two white rays of light, like silk, moved towards Lin Hai and flew away with Yu Tianze.

Yu Tianze’s direction of escape was originally moved towards the yin and yang away from the fire array, seeing the white rays of light approaching, without the slightest hesitation, he jumped into the array and whispered in his mouth!

“Girl Yueru, I’ll help you!”

Leng Yueru was solemnly fighting against the attack of the yin and yang away from the fire. When Yu Tianze rushed in, he suddenly frowned and waved his hand, killing the white rays of light behind Yu Tianze!

“How did you get in here, Lin Hai?”

“Lin Hai brings Island Lord, I will help you break the formation!” Yu Tianze hurriedly!

“What!” When Leng Yueru heard it, Lin Hai turned to Island Lord alone, and the complexion changed suddenly.

Then the attack in his hand suddenly speeded up and furiously countered the Formation. Although nothing was said, anyone could see the anxiety on her face!

“Girl Yueru, you can save Lin Hai only if you go out! I know this yin and yang away from the fire array, and you know a little 2. You protect me, I will look for a living door!”

“You understand Formation?” Leng Yueru raised her eyebrows. “That’s not fast!”

Leng Yueru and Yu Tianze, while breaking the formation with all their strength, Lin Hai and Island Lord also fought!


Another Level 9 talisman was thrown out, blocking the white rays of light from Island Lord, Lin Hai continued to run wildly!

“Any more?” Island Lord’s eyes were so bright that he couldn’t think of so many magic weapons in Lin Hai’s hands!

Seeing Yu Tianze walking right into a trap, entering the yin and yang away from the fire array, the Island Lord didn’t have to go any further, the silhouette flashed, and he went straight to Lin Hai and chased after him!

“Catch this kid alive, all my magic weapons are mine!”

Lin Hai ran out not far, and felt the overwhelming tumbling behind him, knowing that the Island Lord had caught up.

With a thought, the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade was in hand, Lin Hai suddenly turned around and jumped with a knife!

“Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace!”

Facing the power of Island Lord, Lin Hai didn’t hesitate to use his strongest blow directly!

“weng! ”

The huge golden stick figure, carrying the domineering spirit of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, scratched his head and went straight to Island Lord.


Island Lord was scared by a shivered, golden terror that contained the shadow of a stick, so that he felt the threat of death, and suddenly complexion changed greatly!


Shouting loudly, Island Lord with his hands facing each other in the air, suddenly pulled out a huge rays of light sphere, and the moving towards golden stick figure flew away!


The golden stick figure collided with the rays of light sphere, and the sphere was instantly crushed. The Island Lord’s body slammed and stopped, and the golden stick figure turned into a light spot and disappeared into the air!

“What a terrifying move!”

Island Lord’s complexion kept changing, and his eyelids kept jumping. If he hadn’t experienced it himself, he wouldn’t believe anything. This terrifying knife was actually a Golden Core realm!

“There must be something secret in this Lin Hai!”

Island Lord’s eyes flickered, and he became more and more determined to catch Lin Hai alive. He had a hunch. Lin Hai’s body might have a chance to break him through!

Looking up, Lin Hai’s silhouette has ran out thousands of meters away, but Island Lord was keenly aware that Lin Hai’s footsteps had become a bit futile.

“It seems that Lin Hai’s previous terrifying stab has exhausted Zhen Qi!”

Island Lord coldly smiled, and then the silhouette suddenly disappeared, the next moment has appeared beyond 100 meters, and the distance from Lin Hai has been rapidly approached!

As Lin Hai ran, he was frightened, and at the same time, he felt once again the powerful terrifying of Nascent Soul, such as Island Lord!

My previous move, Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace, has activated the domineering spirit, formidable power is not the same as it was at the beginning, but even so, it only blocked the Island Lord a little, but did not hurt the slightest!

“Unfortunately, although I realized Daoxing, I didn’t understand how to use it, otherwise this move-type formidable power is more than that!”

Lin Hai dashed while swallowing a medicine pill, slowly recovering Zhen Qi.

Soon, a huge coercion appeared behind him, approaching quickly!

“Fuck, why did he catch up!”

Lin Hai cursed, and to the utmost speed, he still lags behind the Island Lord. It is not easy to escape!

With a thought, take out a Level 9 talisman again, Lin Hai hurts for a while!

However, at the critical moment, I can’t take care of that many, and I don’t look back, and moved towards behind and threw it out!

“weng! ”

What was thrown out this time was a Defense Talisman puppet, behind Lin Hai, a golden wall suddenly appeared, blocking Lin Hai from the Island Lord that he was chasing!


Island Lord shouting loudly, showing the way of doing things, suddenly two consecutive white rays of light fell on the wall!


The wall exploded, and looked at Lin Hai, Island Lord coldly smiled, running away several hundred meters away.

“Look at how many treasures you can save your life!”


The silhouette of the Island Lord disappears instantly, and the rapidly moved towards Lin Hai approaches!

“Fuck, here it is again!”

Lin Hai thought of it and pulled out two Level 9 talismans!

“View treasure!”

Bang bang!

There were two loud sounds again, two Level 9 talisman blasted behind Lin Hai, blocking the Island Lord that they were chasing!

“Asshole!” After being blocked by Lin Hai, a little Golden Core Middle-Stage, after another two, Island Lord finally felt a little overwhelmed!

“Give me back!”

Island Lord screamed and hurried to catch up, far from Lin Hai and far away, before Lin Hai attacked, Island Lord raised his arms, and suddenly two rays of light went straight to Lin Hai!

This time, he is going to take the initiative!

Lin Hai was running wildly, and suddenly felt the two terrifying breaths behind him.

“Get off!” Lin Hai kept on his feet, loudly shouted, followed by 2 talisman of 3, and moved towards behind him!

Bang bang bang bang!

There was an uninterrupted roar behind them, and the two terrifying breaths finally weakened until they disappeared!


“You’re paralyzed!” Island Lord almost fell to the ground with anger, and the muscles on his face trembled!

At this time, Lin Hai, looking at an open space not far ahead, suddenly lighted up.

“Haha, finally here, watch the big brother draw you in!”

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