Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 561: I know you like dad the most

Zhi Xi covered his face with black lines, and ruthlessly rubbed his cheek: "Your grandfather!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he yelled, "Grandpa saves me!"

"Your grandfather is meeting with the president this time, but you can't care about you." Zhi Xi sneered and rubbed him fiercely, until the tears that rubbed him were so heavy that he let him go.

She understands why He Jingyao likes to squeeze her face so much, hey, it feels so good.

Thinking about it, she rubbed her son's face again.

The little guy stared at her angrily: "Gu Zhixi, I want to sever your mother-child relationship with you."

"Oh." Zhi Xi responded coldly, dragging his collar and holding him back to the room. "Observe me the word, do you need to know at least four words of Uncle Majesty today?"

"Woo, I have a headache..." He grumbled and started pretending to be pitiful.

"Your father was a genius since he was a child. Although you are under four years old, it is not difficult to recognize a word?" Zhi Xi poked his forehead, and he was right. "I think you are so lazy, even if your father is When you see you, you have to wonder if you are his son!"

He smiled: "Then I probably inherited you! And, even if my father doubts, it is you who doubts, what does it have to do with me..."

"Shut up." Gu Zhixi rubbed his eyebrows, hey, headache.

This kid has been greedy, sleepy, and playful since he was a kid. When he taught him how to recognize words, he pretended to be pitiful. Will not be mad at her.

With such a thought, it is estimated that she still put her son beside her better.

She sighed sadly.

"Okay, okay, it's not difficult to recognize words." He heard Zhi Xi sighing, and his self-esteem was hurt. "Not only can I recognize the mighty uncle today, I can write it."

Zhi Xi caught his little meaty hand, with a doubtful expression: "Really?"

"Really!" He snorted arrogantly.

Zhi Xi couldn't help but smile, put him at the customized small desk, opened the children's literacy book, searched and found, found the mighty prestige, and pointed out: "This word reads prestige."

The little guy looked at it seriously for a long time, frowning: "It's hard to recognize."

"Don't you say you want to call the mighty uncle?" Zhi Xi sullen his face.

He tangled his fingers tangled: "Then I change the name... My name is, um... my name is me! That's right, I will call me in the future!"

Zhi Xi poked **** his head: "You are not allowed to watch those crudely made costume dramas!"

As she said, she flipped it over to a word: "What does this word say?"

The little guy glanced and said, "He."

Zhi Xi continued to turn: "What about this?"

"Jing." He rolled his eyes.

"what about this?"

"Yao... I know everyone!" He was very unhappy. "You know to nag dad all day long, and I don't like him anymore!"

"No, you can't help but like him!" Zhi Xi looked at him seriously.

The little guy drilled into her arms with all his hands: "Oh, I know you like Dad the most! Go to him if you like him!"

Zhi Xi got a sour nose and said for a long time, "No, I can't go to him."

She insisted until now, how can she give up halfway.

In fact, her will was not firm at all. If it wasn't that there was a little guy in her stomach, maybe she could not wait to go back to him if she had a good injury.

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