Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 562: What are you proud of, your dad doesn't necessarily recognize you

The study time of the morning was still disturbed by this little guy.

Zhi Xi looked at his white and tender bun face and sighed helplessly. Anyway, she really couldn't control him.

Dad saw this little guy as if he were a sweetheart, even if she occasionally sinks her face for a long time, let alone teach him.

The little guy knew what she was thinking as soon as she saw her, and said in a decent way: "Oh, am I not too young? When I am older, I will definitely be able to learn very well, not worse than my father. Poor."

Zhixi felt relieved in his heart, and the kid said in the next second: "Anyway, Grandpa has a lot of money, and he can't spend it, and Dad has a lot of money, and he can't spend it. I can't be hungry, so I can't learn if I can't learn Well."

Zhi Xi was half-dead by his anger: "How can you have this kind of thought for nothing!"

He shook his head: "Grandpa said! He said he will leave all his money to me, telling me not to be too hard."

......It is not her fault to teach her son well!

Zhi Xi thought with tears in his face, picking up this boy who was determined to be a playboy: "What do you feel proud of, your dad may not even recognize you!"

"If Dad refuses to recognize me, it must be because you did something sorry for him, hehehe..."

"Shut up! It's because you are stupid and lazy, not like him at all!"

"But I look like him!"

"...Don't you say you have a bad memory, you don't remember what he looks like!"

"Anyway, I am very handsome with him! The handsome guys are similar."


Zhi Xi was completely defeated.

Fortunately, after a crazy morning, the kid was sleepy after lunch and slept with his belly open.

Zhixi touched his bun face, covered him with a quilt, and left the bedroom.

It snowed again in Yangdong City last night, Su Zhixi stood at the window, still thinking of the explosion that suddenly sounded that day.

In fact, she had passed out at that time. When she woke up, she was no longer in Yangdong, but on an island in country S.

Four years have passed in a flash. He Jingyao has always been reluctant to appear in public, that is to say, she has not seen him for four years.

Four years. They are so short together, but so long apart.

She blinked hard and forced the violent tears back.

"Zhi Xi?" Suddenly came a thick and deep male voice behind him.

She quickly raised her smile and turned back: "Dad, you are back."

"Huh." Gu Bingjun took off his coat and smiled: "How about Xiaobao?"

"He is sleeping." Zhi Xi suddenly remembered something, "Did you tell him that your money will be his in the future, so he can study hard?"

Gu Bingjun felt guilty and rubbed his temple: "Did I say that?"

"Dad." Zhi Xi looked at him helplessly, "You are too used to him."

"He's still young." Gu Bingjun remembered his beloved grandson, a little tenderness in his eyes, "And this kid is very smart, you are too anxious."

Gu Zhixi couldn't help but frowned, and Gu Bingjun had to beg for mercy: "Well, I won't intervene in his education. You are his mother."

"How is your meeting with Mr. President today?" She smiled and changed the subject.

"Well." Gu Bingjun's face sank. "Take me as a scapegoat and want to invest. There are a lot of good things to say. There are few serious promises. Compared with Cheng Youlin, it's too petty."

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