Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 560: My name is Uncle Wu

Zhi Xi sighed faintly and touched his face: "I am not willing to..."

"Well, I don't believe it! You, a woman without conscience, you don't love me at all. Actually, I'm not born of you at all!" The little boy was still angrily, retaliatingly pulling her sweater, soon Cut a line out of her sweater.

Zhi Xi reluctantly took her son's hand down and thought for a while, "Xiao Bao, your father...needs you more."

"Don't call me Xiaobao!" He jumped three feet tall, his hair all exploded, "Call me Gu Weiwu! What little Bao, it's so bad!"

Zhi Xi put out a tone of consultation: "If you go to your father, your father will definitely give you a name..."

"Then I'm called He Weiwu!" His eyes rolled, "Don't call me Xiao Bao anyway!"

When I went out and shouted Xiaobao, eight out of ten turned around, and two called babies!

It's awful to die.

Gu Zhixi's face fell, and he poked his head: "Do you think He Weiwu is very nice? Majesty your grandfather!"

He was complacent: "Then I am called the mighty uncle!"

Gu Zhixi was crying and laughing, and hugged him: "Come on, let's have breakfast first."

"What's the matter after breakfast?" He nestled in her arms, his face distrustful, "Are you going to secretly throw me to my dad? I told you that if you did this, I'd go find my dad immediately Ten and eight little wives, mad at you!"

Gu Zhixi slapped it on his butt: "Do you still want to see your dream lover?"

"Humph..." He chinned arrogantly.

Zhixi put his son at the dining table and tied him a scarf around his neck. Then he stuffed the spoon into his hand: "Eat well, and dare to eat everywhere, I will take you back to S country immediately. "

"I knew it threatened me..." He picked up the spoon and scooped a spoon of egg custard, and slowly stuffed it into his mouth. His two short legs were shaking and his eyes were still restless.

"What are you looking at?" Zhi Xi stared at him.

"I want to listen to a song..." He lengthened his tone, and his face was wronged.

Zhi Xi helplessly stroked her eyebrows, took out her phone, found Lu Qixi's latest album, clicked to play, and soon, a crisp and ethereal female voice sounded in the room.

The mighty uncle suddenly bent his eyes and happily ate the egg custard.

Lu Qixi is the most famous Chinese singer in the past two years. The new talent has won a lot of fans with his unique temperament and ethereal voice. The little guy is also one of them. If this trip is not to use Lu Qixi as a bait , This dead boy is not yet willing to come.

Because he always thought she would throw him to Hee's house, and refused to ask him.

Actually... it's true that her son is so worried, because she did touch this thought several times.

If there is a son with him, he... he should not be lonely?


Looking at the little white and tender guy on the opposite side, her heart seemed to be blocked by something. If she is separated from her son, how should she persevere?

She poked the porridge in the bowl, and she had never been confused.

"I'm done!" The little guy on the opposite side suddenly opened his mouth, throwing the spoon away and taking off his short legs to get off the table.

Zhi Xi was taken aback, and quickly stood up and walked over to hold him up: "You're tumbling again! What do you do if you fall down?"

"The mighty uncle would not fall so easily!" He shook his head.

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