Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 559: You unconscience woman, you want to abandon me again

Ye Shutong's eyes flashed, and he smiled gently for a long time: "Then we will see who consumes who."

"The new energy project has ended, and HI Group and Ye's International have no other cooperation projects." He Jingyao smiled slightly, "So I think we should not have too many opportunities to meet in the future."

"There are always some projects that you can't refuse." Ye Shutong's lips are red, "Our Ye family has paid a lot to support President Zhuo, and it's time to ask for rewards."

He Jingyao casually laughed: "Then wait for you to come up with items that I can't refuse to talk about."

Ye Shutong smiled firmly: "I have recently..."

"Wait a moment, I will answer the phone." He Jingyao heard the ringing of the bell and interrupted Ye Shutong's words without any words. He picked up the mobile phone and put it in his ear, "Hey" lightly.

Then, without knowing what the other party said, his face was bloodless!

"...Dr. Leslie's daughter, Gu Jenny?" he repeated hoarsely. "Are you sure?"

After a pause, he took a deep breath: "I know."

When he was finished, he hung up the phone forcefully, his fingers clenching the phone tightly, shaking slightly. The eyes are even more black, like a storm is brewing.

Ye Shutong frowned: "What's wrong?"

"Miss Ye, our cooperation is over, please don't go in or out of my office again." He Jingyao gave her an indifferent glance, grabbed his coat on the sofa, turned and strode away.

Ye Shutong froze for a moment and hurried up: "He Jingyao!"

But soon, she was stopped by Adam.

Adam's tone was calm but tough: "Miss Ye, please go here."

Ye Shutong's face was green, and he turned and said, "I'll wait for him at the office."

"Sorry, you can't go in without the president's permission." Adam continued to smile.

Ye Shutong's face was even more ugly.


State Guesthouse.

Confirming that Ning Yichen had left, the woman hiding in the bedroom was relieved a little.

"Gu Zhenni? When did you change your name? It's so ugly!" Next to her, a little boy about three or four years old wrinkled his nose.

She sighed and rubbed the little boy's face: "I didn't expect that the person who came to the reception would be him..."

Seeing her, Ning Yichen will definitely tell He Jingyao, what's next...what should she do?

The little boy's eyes lit up: "Did the man just be my father?"

"...No." She said sullenly, holding the boy in her arms, with a trace of sadness across her face, "Did I not show you my father's picture..."

"Forget." His face was straight and straight, "I have a bad memory."

"...Do you want to see your father?" She thought about it seriously, "I can..."

"Ah! Gu Zhixi! You unconscienceful woman, you want to abandon me again!" The boy was anxious and began to struggle in her arms.

"Who said you're going to abandon you! Don't make trouble!" Zhi Xi couldn't help crying and fixing his small body, "I just..."

The little boy grunted and rubbed his feet on the ground: "You just didn't plan to ask me anymore, I heard them all!"

"What did you hear?" She broke her son's face curiously.

"I heard that you had to discuss with grandfather to send me to He's house." The little boy said slowly, "If grandpa is not willing, you must have done it already."

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