Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 553: Jing Yao is here

The most prosperous downtown area of ​​Yangdong City does not know when to have a new bar called Four Seasons.

The low-key and restrained decoration, the inconspicuous entrance, hardly attract the attention of ordinary people.

Ning Yichen hurriedly presented her ID, quickly came to the third floor, turned around, and pushed away the only box on this floor.

"Come?" Yun Shenhan looked up at him, smiled, and pushed a glass of wine in front of him. "Jingyao will arrive in five minutes. Wait a minute."

Ning Yichen handed over the cocktail Yun Shenhan handed over to him and drank it. He sighed slightly tiredly: "It's okay, I'm fine tonight."

"It's really rare." Yun Shenhan raised an eyebrow. "You are now the chief secretary next to Mr. President. Is he willing to let go?"

Ning Yichen aroused a sarcastic and cool smile, and did not speak.

Yun Shenhan said that Mr. President is no longer Cheng Youlin, but Zhuo Yuwei, the former vice president.

In the explosion four years ago, Cheng Youlin survived, but his physical condition deteriorated. Finally, he announced his resignation six months ago. As he had not yet reached his term of office, Vice President Zhuo Yuwei naturally became the new president.

In the past few years, Ning Yichen has lived in the center of power, and has gained the trust of Zhuo Yuwei in private. After Zhuo Yuwei became president, he was appointed as the chief secretary-put it four years ago, let alone others can’t think of it. Even Ning Yichen couldn't think of it himself.

He was never an ambitious person. When he was the interior officer of the Presidential Palace, he was on the one hand the appreciation of the President’s wife and on the one hand to fulfill his responsibilities as a family of Ning. He never felt that he could go too much on the road of power Far away, but Zhi Xi’s death gave him the desire for power for the first time-only when he was as close as possible to the center of power could he find the truth about the explosion.

That girl, when she was alive, he had no time to do anything for her. Until she died, he suddenly realized that he had no chance to make up. The only thing he could do was to avenge her.

Because of this common goal, he and He Jingyao unexpectedly became friends... Even if they are not friends, they are at least partners.

The explosion changed more than his own destiny.

Although the previous Hejia family was rich in financial resources, it was far from the political center. Since then, He Jingyao has shifted his focus to Yangdong City, and with powerful financial resources and strong wrists to control the political situation, even Zhuo Yuwei has to Avoid his edge.

Yun Shenhan watched He Jingyao upset the city of Yangdong, and even transferred a part of the resources here, hiding under HI's big banner to make a lot of money, and opened a four season bar, although the name Being madly talked about by Huo Yanhui and others did not affect the place as a new meeting point for the dignitaries of Yangdong City.

Ning Ruixin, who was in charge of the security work that day, resigned and took the blame. She did not take it seriously. She went to the United Nations forces and she was there whenever there was a war in the world. In the past few years, she only returned hurriedly once or twice. After being delayed, his father proposed to dissolve the marriage contract several times, but Shen Qiao'an refused to do so and did not know what he thought.

But at least, all of them live well, only Zhi Zhi...

Thinking of this, Ning Yichen exhaled deeply.

"Jingyao is here." Yun Shenhan's eyes suddenly lit up and looked behind him.

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