Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 552: He has fallen, so he can't walk out anymore

If it were not for her, Gu Bingjun would not go to country S.

If it were not for her, Zhi Xi would not attend that day's celebration.

Her favorite man, her only daughter, died because of her.

Thinking of this, Chu Jinyu was shaking like a bran.

Cheng Youlin looked shocked and took her into his arms: "Ayu, this is not your fault! Don't think so! If you have to be like this, I would rather you continue to hate me and complain about me..."

Chu Jinyu's tears fell down, and regrets, sorrows, guilt, and a certain amount of unclear emotions broke out at this moment.

For so many years, she has always been light to Cheng Youlin, even with a little alert, this is the first time, she feels that this embrace can also be relied on.

It turned out he knew everything, but he said nothing. Even Gu Bingjun's death, he silently endured it, even if misunderstood, he never excused himself.

She has missed too much, lost too much... if she continues to immerse herself in her world, I am afraid that even this man will leave her.

"You Lin..." she suddenly choked, "Help me... revenge Zhi Zhi."

Cheng Youlin froze for a moment, a glance of ecstasy flashed across her eyes.

He took hold of her wrist, and his voice trembled a little: "Ok... of course! She is also my daughter, and she... must not die in vain!"

Although Cheng Youlin's statement to the outside world was a terrorist-terrorist attack, he knew that it was not that simple. The biggest possibility was that someone inside wanted him to die.

However, compared to internal power struggles, it is clear that terrorist attacks are more easily accepted by the people and it is easier to mobilize their emotions. So externally, he chose the term terrorist attack, but he knew clearly that this matter had nothing to do with terrorists.

Cheng Youlin can't pretend that nothing happened, even if he is willing to calm down, He Jingyao is not willing.


Wanhe Qianfeng Park.

In the living room, with the TV on, He Jingyao stood there quietly, listening to Cheng Youlin's speech, and listening to his painful and sad tone announcing Su Zhixi's death.

Li Bo hesitated and said, "Master, do you want to turn it off..."

"No need." He Jingyao's tone was dull, and suddenly turned and walked upstairs.

Li Bo looked at his back, and his tears had a tendency to collapse again.

For a whole month, the young master showed almost no emotion. Except for searching the whereabouts of the young lady all the time, he didn't ask about anything else.

The old man came to persuade, the wife called to persuade, and the two young masters of Huo family also talked to him, but the young master never gave a slight response.

Li Bo never thought that one day, the young master will be here with emotion. Sometimes even he couldn't help but hope, maybe Mrs. Shao didn't die? Perhaps...she is somewhere in this world, waiting to return to the young master?


He Jingyao returned to the room.

There was no loud sound of water in the bathroom, no figure of her skincare products beside the dressing table, and no curve of the bulge after she fell asleep on the bed.

But why did he hear her delicate laughter, the sound of running on the carpet, and the sound of patting his face when applying skin care products.

He Jingyao never thought that one day he would sink to a woman.

But when he had fallen, he could no longer walk out.

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