Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 554: With me there, he should never want to sit firmly

Behind him came the sound of pushing the door.

Ning Yichen turned around, his eyes tingling involuntarily.

The man was wearing a black trench coat, and the whole person was tall and cold, exuding the breath of no one else, the beautiful face had no expression on his face, and his eyes were dark and dark, as if all emotions were trapped in it, there was nowhere to escape.

After four years, this man's temperament became more cold and restrained, making it impossible for people to explore his thoughts.

After four years, Ning Yichen believed that he had become too strong, but he would still subconsciously avoid his eyes.

"Why are you late today?" Yun Shenhan said with a smile. "Come sit down. The new bartender has developed a new product. I think it's very good. You can also try it."


Hearing these three words, the man's expression slightly trance, but soon, the trance color quickly dissipated, as if it was just the illusion of others.

He Jingyao nodded to Ning Yichen slightly, saying hello, then sat down next to the two, and took the cocktail from Yun Shenhan's hand.

"How is it?" He shook his cup, his voice low and his tone very soft.

Ning Yichen shook his head: "It's very difficult. Zhuo Yuwei, the old fox, hid deeply. He had secretly handled the matter in those days, and I had nowhere to start."

He Jingyao raised his lips and grinned.

"It's okay, we still have time." He looked at the crystal cocktail in the glass and his voice was soft and cold. "He is now the president, and he will certainly forget his sex. You don't need to act lightly for the time being."

"Well." Ning Yichen nodded and then laughed, "He is very suspicious. Although he trusts me at present, the real core things will never pass my hand. It is difficult to get tangible evidence. "

"It doesn't matter if there is any evidence, I just want him to pay the price." He Jingyao raised his lips coldly.

As the only vested interest in that explosion, Zhuo Yuwei could never stay out of the matter. For him, just knowing this is enough.

"You are too exposed, he has begun to fear you." Ning Yichen reminded faintly, "especially your placement of people in the Parliament made him very annoyed."

He Jingyao smiled and took a sip of the cocktail. He seemed to have tasted for a long time before he spoke lowly: "He was right when he was annoyed. I just want him to know that with me in, he should never want to sit firmly in his seat. ."

Ning Yichen and Yun Shenhan glanced at each other, their eyes showing helplessness.

Although He Jingyao used to be a tool, he has never been so sharp, but now, this man is like a gambler who is forced to a desperate situation, and his wrists have a crazy meaning.

Fortunately, he is He Jingyao after all. Even if he is crazy, he still retains a somewhat cruel calm and sober. It is this calm and sober that makes them not worry too much.

"Oh, where did you hide Yan Zhao?" Yun Shenhan suddenly remembered something, but the tone was helpless. "Although Xue Fei never said, but I can see it, she has always been thinking of Yan Zhao. Also There are little dumplings, you can't let my little niece without a dad."

He Jingyao smiled: "Don't worry, he will be back in at most a month."

Yun Shenhan's eyes lit up: "So, your illness is getting better?"

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