Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 543: You have slept with me so many times, don’t you want to sleep today?

Ning Yichen glanced at her, and then she realized why the girl had been in Yangdong City for so long before she waited for such an opportunity.

Her principle is too strong.

"In this case, it seems that I have tucked you into the trainee's team. It is also a hidden rule." Ning Yichen smiled. "What's the difference?"

Lu Qixi was speechless.

"Then... forget it." She dropped her shoulder in disappointment. "I'll think of another way."

Ning Yichen smiled helplessly: "I help you, just as a friend, not... compensate, do you understand?"

Lu Qixi glanced at him silently: "But if it wasn't for that night, would you treat me as a friend?"

"Yes." Ning Yichen said decisively, "Don't forget that you helped me first that night...If there is no later thing, I will also find a way to reward you."

Lu Qixi seemed to be persuaded by him: "Then... Then when you return my favor?"

"Yes, just when I pay you back." Ning Yichen nodded. "Not because I slept with you."

Lu Qixi blushed and glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, I sneaked a glance around, as if I was afraid of being discovered.

Ning Yichen's eyes flashed a smile, took out his phone and made a call, and soon after he ended the call, he looked at her gently: "You just take a resume to find a director named Qin, he will help you Get everything done."

Lu Qixi nodded stunnedly.

"I'm gone, you can contact me at any time." Ning Yichen waved his phone, turned and strode away.

The sky was dark, and the man's back quickly merged into the dusk.

Suddenly Lu Qixi felt that her heart was beating a little faster, and she quickly pressed it with her hand.

Jump what jump, yuck!


The night before the celebration.

After two days, Su Zhixi has fully memorized the booklet given by Ning Yichen. She believes that she can complete the whole process perfectly.

She put down the booklet and was going to take a shower in the bathroom. When she looked back, she saw He Jingyao's naked upper body. Her broad shoulders were full of power, but she didn't appear abrupt. The eight abdominal muscles were smooth and distinct. The points are exaggerated, and one less point is not enough. The sex-conscious mermaid line is directly inserted into the inverted triangle, but it is just blocked by the bath towel, which makes people unavoidably regretful.

Su Zhixi was fainted by the trembling male color... Rao was seen many times, at this moment her cheeks were still involuntarily red...

Her eyes dodged for a moment: "Why don't you wear a careful in the cold."

He Jingyao chuckled, stepped forward to hug her from behind, opened her long hair, lowered her head and blew around her neck: "Su Zhixi, you haven't seen it yet."

This woman, no matter how long in the past, seems to be unable to correct her shy problems.

"Then...then you have slept with me so many times, don't you want to sleep today?" Su Zhixi reasoned arrogantly.

He Jingyao gave her a meaningful look, and his voice fell in a low voice: "You are right. This argument... is very full."

After talking, he bit her earlobe.

Su Zhixi suddenly felt that a puff of numbness spread from ear to body, making her even toes curled up uncontrollably.

But in such a confusion, she suddenly burst into tears.

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