Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 542: Hidden rules

Ning Yichen's eyes dimmed, and he turned and left the villa.

He walked out of the door all the time, and then he exhaled a little, and then laughed at himself.

Not all have given up, what is he still missing, not to mention he now...

His throat rolled, and he calmed down and walked into the car.

He just got on the car and the phone rang.

Ning Yichen picked it up and glanced, his pupils contracted abruptly.

Lu Qixi.

Isn't this the girl that day?

It was a coincidence that his mood just fluctuated a little, and her phone came to remind her of what he had done.

Ning Yichen slowly exhaled, took it, and gave a low voice.

But there was no one talking for a long time, and only a shallow breathing sound was heard.

"Lu Qixi?" Ning Yichen had to start calling his name.

The girl's breathing was quick, and after a while, she seemed to make up her mind: "...Well, you said that if I have anything to help you can find you that day, is it... is it true?"

"Of course it is true." Ning Yichen tried to make his voice sound more sincere, "What happened?"

"I..." Lu Qixi hesitated before saying, "If you are free, come... come to Xingyi Company!"

Xingyi? It seems to be an entertainment company. If he remembers correctly, the boss of this company seems to be his future brother-in-law Shen Qiao'an.

Ning Yichen did not hesitate: "Okay, wait a minute, I will come immediately."

Lu Qixi didn't seem to expect that he would promise such a simple, stunned "Oh" sound.

It didn't take long for Ning Yichen to see Lu Qixi at the door of Xingyi Company. She had a rare dress up today, dressed like a high school student, and looked youthful.

Ning Yichen didn't know why, and suddenly remembered that the girl she saw that morning was covered with red marks on her naked back.

He hurriedly discarded these thoughts and walked in front of her with a slight smile: "What's wrong?"

Lu Qixi didn't seem to believe that his promise was true until this time, and there was a hint of blush floating on his face.

"I... I want to be a singer." Lu Qixi bit her lip, "I came to Yangdong City to work hard just to sing, but no company is willing to sign me... when I was in the bar before , A music director of Xingyi said that he was very optimistic about me, let me come as a trainee, and then I came, but now they say that the trainee is full, I..."

Speaking of which, the girl's eyes were red and her voice choked: "I waited a long time for this opportunity..."

"Don't cry." Ning Yichen felt a little funny. "It's just a trivial matter. I'll just make a phone call. Not only will you be a trainee, but also promised to sign your debut, how?"

Lu Qixi's cries suddenly stopped, his eyes rounded with incredible eyes: "Really? Did you agree?"

"Of course." Ning Yichen said he had taken out his mobile phone and was ready to make a call.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Qixi seemed to be hit by this big pie, grabbed his wrist and said, "Well, signing a contract is not necessary, as long as I can be a trainee, just give me a chance!"

Ning Yichen frowned: "Why bother?"

"No, it's so troublesome!" Lu Qixi insisted, "otherwise I'll become the unspoken rule? The nature will change!"

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