Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 544: Accompany me to old age

"Jing Yao..." Su Zhixi shuddered slightly.

"Huh?" the man whispered.

"I..." Su Zhixi took a deep breath and suddenly felt that she couldn't go on like this.

She has escaped for too long and cannot pretend that nothing exists because of his spoiling and indulgence.

"I have something to tell you." She looked back at him with a tear in her eyes.

He Jingyao's eyes sank slightly, and suddenly stretched his fingers against her lips: "I don't want to listen."

Su Zhixi opened her eyes slightly: "But..."

"I know what you want to say." He smiled hoarsely. "But, it doesn't matter."

In the past few days, she has seen the struggling and sorrow hidden under her casual smile, all he sees clearly.

He did not miss the tears on her cheeks early in the morning.

He Jingyao originally thought that she would silently put this matter in her heart until she completely accepted this fact, but she was still Su Zhi after all.

Thinking of this, the man bowed his head and gently dropped a kiss on her forehead: "Listen to me, the result is not as bad as you think, I have enough financial resources to attract enough talents to study my condition, maybe a few They can work out a result in a month, and I can still accompany you to old age, eh?"

Su Zhixi's tears came out unconsciously. She hugged him tightly and choked back slightly: "Really? You can accompany me to old age... When you are eighty years old, your hair is gray."

"Huh." He Jingyao chuckled softly. "I think even if you're eighty, you're still a shy little old lady."

Su Zhixi couldn't help but chuckled, and shed tears all over his chest.

"But, but if..."

"No," the man interrupted her assumption calmly. "I believe things are artificial. If you can't find a solution for more than ten years, it means that I am destined not to live long, and it has nothing to do with you."

Su Zhixi sniffed his nose: "It's okay, obviously... obviously I squeezed you out."

When faced with her, his energy will be exceptionally strong, so he may die young.

Brother Huo's words, she heard clearly.

In fact, this is also the case. Since they met, this man's weak self-control and abundant and energetic energy are all the best proof. How can Su Zhixi not believe it.

"Squeezed?" He Jingyao snorted softly, his voice low, "Su Zhixi, you are too worthy of yourself. It depends on your physical strength..."

Su Zhixi could not help crying and laughing.

She choked, and suddenly said in a dumb voice: "If there really is one day, I will go with you..."

He Jingyao froze for a moment before he understood what she meant.

His face sank: "Su Zhixi, what are you talking about!"

"I'm not talking nonsense!" Her tone was very firm. "I've decided! It's like refusing to separate from me even if staying with me would die early."

He Jingyao smiled angrily: "Can this be the same?"

"Of course." Su Zhixi hugged him hard, his voice choked loudly, "If, if I don't make this decision, how can I continue to be with you in peace..."

Moreover, this decision was not difficult for her at all.

If one day he is gone, what is the point of her being alone.

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