Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 526: This kind of life experience is not something I can decide

All the good things that happened to her were behind the man's shadow.

Su Zhixi didn't even need to guess.

"That's your luck." He chuckled and bit her ear.

Su Zhixi suddenly felt sore eyes.

"Well, it's my luck."

Meeting him was the greatest luck in her life.


The next day.

Su Zhixi was picked up early in the morning by the people in the presidential palace. He Jingyao did not go to the company, but stayed at home to watch the snow.

The phone rang at this time.

He took it, his voice lazy: "Father."

"Your daughter-in-law..." He Yirong's voice was extremely complicated. "Is it Mr. President's daughter?"

"It seems you know?" He Jingyao raised his lips. "How about, is the identity of Mr. President's daughter more important than his niece?"

He Yirong took a deep breath: "Jing Yao, this is not the key! No matter what earth-shaking changes in her identity, she will hurt you, how can you be obsessive!"

"But late." He Jingyao smiled faintly. "Do you think I can divorce her casually now?"

"You..." He Yirong choked, "You did it on purpose!"

"Huh... It's not something I can decide about such a life experience." He Jingyao's tone became more diffuse, "Are you stupid as a President?"

He Yirong was speechless.

In the end he could only grumble and say, "Anyway, in two weeks, you have to come back and do another check!"

After that, he hung up the phone forcefully.

He Jingyao heard the busy tone on the phone and threw the phone aside, his expression calm.


presidential palace.

Entering here again, Su Zhixi's feelings are more complicated than any other.

When she saw Chu Jinyu, her lips moved, and she didn't know what to call for a while.

Chu Jinyu still smiled kindly as usual, his eyes slightly flushed.

"... Madam." Su Zhixi finally spit out these two words.

"Huh." Chu Jinyu responded, and didn't seem to be lost. She took Su Zhixi's wrist and spit out a low voice, "I'm wronged you."

Su Zhixi shook her head: "Mom has always been kind to me."

"Zhou Rong...she is a good woman." There was a trace of nostalgia on Chu Jinyu's face, "I was living in the same delivery room with her...She was in poor health, and the child died shortly after birth... so I Give you her and ask her to take good care of her, she agreed very excitedly."

Su Zhi looked at her stunned.

"It was more than 20 years ago, the medical conditions were still relatively backward, and the hospital was chaotic. You can hide her husband by doing some tricks," Chu Jinyu said, shaking her head gently. "Thank her husband for her It was not at the time of production, but came afterwards."

Su Guoan...

At that time he might still be there with Lin Shuyue.

Su Zhixi pursed her lips.

"Ma'am, I want to know..." Su Zhixi hesitated and asked, "Who is my father?"

Chu Jinyu froze for a moment.

At this moment, a deep voice lightly sounded: "You silly boy, your father is of course me."

Su Zhixi raised her head violently and saw that Mr. President Cheng Youlin was not far away. She was a little helpless and her face was flushed and she didn't know how to call someone.

Mr. President is too devoted, but she really can't yell at her father.

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