Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 527: You are the breaking news

"You Lin." Chu Jinyu smiled faintly. "You are here."

"Well, this is Zhi Xi?" Cheng Youlin walked over, sat down between the two, and looked at Su Zhixi seriously.

"You... hello." Su Zhixi's heart beat faster.

After all, Mr. President is Mr. President, the feeling of watching on TV is completely different from seeing myself.

The kind of majesty she was born with made her nervous.

Cheng Youlin's eyes were a little deep, and she seemed to see others through her.

For a long time he smiled and said: "No need to be cautious, it's also your home as it stands."

"Well. Thank you." Su Zhixi quickly thanked.

"You talk slowly." Cheng Youlin saw that Su Zhixi was uncomfortable, so she didn't stay long and quickly stood up and left.

Su Zhixi looked at his back, not knowing why, and suddenly felt that Mr. President was a little... lonely?

She unconsciously turned her eyes to Chu Jinyu.

Chu Jinyu smiled and gently touched the top of her head: "Zhi Xi, you just need to know that your biological father is a very good person, that's enough."

Su Zhixi heard a melancholy tone, her lips moved, and she couldn't help but ask, "Is he no longer there?"

"If he is still there, seeing you don't know how happy you should be." Chu Jinyu laughed. "He especially likes children."

So to speak, her biological father has passed away.

Su Zhixi pursed her lips and nodded gently.


Outside the courtyard, Han Ying blocked Ye Shutong with a smile on her face: "Miss Ye, Madam is not convenient to see you now."

Ye Shutong's face had obvious anger: "Aunt has never stopped me."

"You also know that the wife found her own biological daughter not long ago. At this time, the mother and daughter are talking inside. It is better not to disturb Ms. Ye." Han Yingmian said with a needle.

Ye Shutong's complexion is even worse.

With her own daughter, her niece can of course be put aside.

However, it was Su Zhixi...

The identity advantage she had originally had disappeared.

Thinking of this, Ye Shutong squeezed his fist hard, and the hands of his fingernails hurt.

"Since this is the case, I will not bother." Ye Shutong lowered his eyes and turned to leave the presidential palace.

When she walked out of the gate, her complexion was still extremely unsightly.

A young man came towards us, but Ye Shutong didn't pay attention.

But the other party stopped and called, "Miss Ye."

Ye Shutong's footsteps took a closer look, and then he smiled: "It turned out to be Master Ning."

They are all people in this circle, they may not be familiar with each other, but there is almost nothing they do not know.

"It's me." Ning Yichen smiled. "Yesterday, the wife of the president handed me a task. I just had a little eyebrow and was preparing to come back to my wife."

"Really?" Ye Shutong asked perfunctoryly.

"This incident happened to be related to Miss Ye." Ning Yichen laughed again. "It was you who forced the President and the President's wife to jointly hold the press conference yesterday? You guessed that Su Zhixi was the President's personal secret. Have a baby, so the news broke out."

Ye Shutong's eyebrows moved violently: "Master Ning, what are you talking about?"

"My ex-wife Su Lianxi was suddenly treated differently by the President's wife. Miss Ye must be very curious." Ning Yichen smiled. "For you, it is not difficult to figure out this matter."

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