Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 525: The good things I encountered are all because of you

Chu Jinyu was silent for a while before nodding.

She originally thought that Cheng Youlin would take a more drastic approach to solve this problem, and it would even be detrimental to Zhi Xi when necessary.

But she could not think of it anyway, Cheng Youlin would simply treat Su Zhixi as his own child.

This approach is indeed once and for all. Political opponents have lost their weapons to continue attacking them. The regret that their husbands and wives have no children will be remedied. In any way, this result is more popular with the people.

So the support for Cheng Youlin will probably rise again.

However, this is not Cheng Youlin's character. When he wasn't the president before, he was unwilling to be so full-fledged, not to mention that he is now the president.

No one can treat him as long as he does not violate the Constitution.

Cheng Youlin smiled: "He Jingyao came to see me in the morning and suggested that I recognize Su Zhixi for the reason you want to get it, and he was willing to give up 10% of the profit on the new energy project."

Chu Jinyu was surprised: "He Jingyao? It turned out to be him..."

Since the new energy project is a state-sponsored project, the profit rate is actually not high, 10%... almost half.

This man really has nothing to say to Zhi Xi.

"Yes." Cheng Youlin's smile is a little complicated, "So, you don't have to worry anymore, since I recognized this child, she is my Cheng Youlin's daughter."

Chu Jinyu nodded gently.

Cheng Youlin looked at her pale profile, a bit bitter in her heart.

Even at this point, she didn't believe his intention was just to make her happy.

"Let her come over tomorrow, and I will see her too." Cheng Youlin said lightly.


One hour after the press conference ended, Su Zhixi never recovered.

Until the familiar footsteps sounded.

Su Zhixi looked up and saw He Jingyao strode in.

She stood up and rushed in front of him: "Jing Yao!"

The man hugged her and smiled: "What's wrong?"

"You should know? Mr. President just opened a press conference..." Her face was a little panic. "Why did Mr. President recognize me?"

"Of course because you are flattering." The man raised his lips, and the smile on his eyes was dark and ambiguous.

Su Zhixi was speechless.

He Jingyao smiled lowly: "Don't think so much. Mr. President has no children. Having a daughter can make his image fuller and more complete. You know that the public is more looking forward to seeing a happy and happy presidential couple, no Of course a child is not complete."

"But, am I..."

"This is not important." He Jingyao put his index finger on her lips, "Since Mr. President admitted you, you are his daughter."

Su Zhi nodded stunnedly and threw himself into his arms: "Thank you, Jing Yao."

"Huh? What does it have to do with me?"

"You must have said something to Mr. President, so he would be willing to accept me." Su Zhixi sighed helplessly. "After all, Mr. President's daughter is much better than Mrs. President's illegitimate daughter."

She has no doubt that this is the handwriting of He Jingyao. He probably had a plan when he saw the news breaking out.

He Jingyao rubbed her hair with a smile: "Why are you so sure?"

Su Zhixi's voice was a little husky: "Because the good things I have encountered are all you are helping."

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