Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 524: Mr. President's daughter

Su Zhixi pursed her lips.

Although she would like to know who her biological parents are, the label "Mrs. President's illegitimate daughter" does not seem to be so pleasant.

Is this really the case?

Su Zhixi lay on the bed and sighed faintly.

She remembered the previous meetings with the wife of the president. In fact, the gentleness and kindness of the wife of the president were all from the heart, so she already believed the news.

It's just that Su Zhixi's heart is somewhat complicated.

I don't know how long after that, there was a tuk tuk knocking outside the room.

Su Zhixi jumped out of bed to open the door, and saw Li Bo standing outside, smiling and said, "Young lady, watch the live broadcast of Capital Station."

"What?" Su Zhixi froze.

"Mr. President and his wife are developing the cloth meeting, and made a clarification and explanation for today's news." Li Bo said with a smile, "Young Master specially reminded me to let you watch."

Su Zhi Xi nodded, and went downstairs with Li Bo to the living room.

The face of Mr. Cheng Youlin, the president, appeared on TV. Chu Jinyu stood beside him and shook hands with him. His eyes were slightly red, but there was a smile of relief on his face.

"...Thank you very much for your concern. I know you all regret that my wife and I have no children, but in fact, we had a baby 20 years ago, but there were some accidents, and the child was gone." Cheng Youlin's The tone was painful and complicated, "That year the political situation was turbulent, and by chance, we lost the news of the child. It was not long ago that we finally found her trail-yes, as the Internet broke, she I grew up in Yanzhou City, grew up to be a beautiful and gentle lady, and have been married to an outstanding young man. I have a very happy life. My wife and I are very happy."

Speaking of which, he and Chu Jinyu glanced at each other.

"Out of the protection of this child, we will not announce her identity." Chu Jinyu continued, "Please also urge the media not to follow up. In due course we will arrange for her to meet with the public, but not now. I think this kid needs a little time to get used to it."

Su Zhixi was stunned when he saw this.

In the lens, the president and his wife left to join hands, and the two looked extremely happy and contented.

She turned her head to look at Li Bo, and found her voice for a long time: "Li Bo, do you know what's going on?"

"It doesn't matter." Li Bo smiled. "The point is, you will be Mr. President's daughter in the future."

Su Zhixi was in a trance again.

Is she...not an illegitimate girl? Why did Mr. President recognize it so simply.


On the other side, Chu Jinyu, who had left the site of the press conference, was even more trance-like than Su Zhixi.

Although facing the media just now, her performance was impeccable, but in fact, she still does not understand what is going on.

The Cheng Youlin beside him had put away the smile just now, silent and restrained.

Chu Jinyu finally couldn't help but stop: "You Lin, why is this?"

Cheng Youlin looked at her and sighed deeply: "This is the once and for all solution. The news continues to ferment and it will not do me any good. I might as well just recognize it. I can't let the people think that I am wearing a green hat. ?"


"But that kid has nothing to do with me, do you want to say this?" Cheng Youlin looked at her lightly.

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