Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 512: Are you not a woman?

"What about the bodyguard outside the office?" He Jingyao did not look at her, but turned his cold eyes to Adam.

Adam was a little embarrassed. The structure of the office here is different from that of Yanzhou City, so the bodyguards are scattered in the corridor, maybe an oversight...

"Expulse, and replace with a few people." He Jingyao indifferently ordered.

This bright and unwelcome discomfort made Ye Shutong's face look a little ugly.

She pursed her lips before speaking: "He Shao, I have something here, you will be interested."

He Jingyao turned his eyes to her, his expression was cold.

Ye Shutong didn't speak, but gave Adam a glance. Adam understood the situation and quickly turned to leave the office.

"Miss Ye, just say anything." He Jingyao's tone was unsurprised, and he randomly opened a document.

Ye Shutong smiled: "He Shao, in fact, I am very interested when I know your condition. So I have done some analysis and research in private. You know, like I did this research, I am generally stubborn. Fortunately, I finally got a little fruit, so I want to share with you.

He Jingyao raised his head and said nothing.

"You can't touch a woman. After all, this is an allergic reaction." Ye Shutong met his cold eyes. "When estrogen reaches a certain concentration, it will cause harm to your body, so when you touch a woman, you You feel uncomfortable. This is a signal from your body. Essentially, to protect you."

He Jingyao finally smiled: "So?"

"But your wife Su Zhixi is an exception." Ye Shutong's lips were red and red, one by one, "I got her DNA at the last dinner at the presidential palace, so I did a spectral analysis with my friends and finally found out She carries a very rare protein, which makes your rejection reaction ineffective, so she can approach you. But she is still a woman, so when you are with her, she will Your body hurts."

"It seems very reasonable." He Jingyao nodded calmly.

Ye Shutong pursed his lips and didn't seem to expect his reaction to be so calm.

He Jingyao saw this and smiled abruptly: "Is there anymore? I'm listening. Miss Ye's analysis is very interesting."

"He Shao, isn't this conclusion enough for you to make a choice?" Ye Shutong looked at him deeply.

"Yes, I made a choice long ago, but what does this have to do with you?" He Jingyao looked at her with a smile, "As such, Miss Ye, do you also carry this special protein? So, I should also be farther away from you."

"No, I won't." Ye Shutong smiled abruptly, "I'm not like her, I won't hurt you."

"Aren't you a woman, Miss Ye?" He Jingyao's tone mocked lightly.

"I am a woman, don't you see it, He Shao?" Ye Shutong smiled confidently. "But I will not hurt you. If you want to know why, I have..."

"Miss Ye." He Jingyao interrupted her, with a smile that could be called gentle, "Will you hurt me? Does this matter matter? We are just an ordinary cooperative relationship, and we don't have too many meetings. Chance, so what’s special about you, I don’t care."

Ye Shutong's smile froze at once.

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