Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 513: Gene attraction

She stared hard at He Jingyao, her face pale: "He Shao, I thought you were a reasonable person... Su Zhixi is not suitable for being your wife."

"So?" He Jingyao's sarcasm is even heavier.

"I am the best person for you." Ye Shutong said this quietly. "In the future, I will inherit the Ye family. If we are married, the effect on HI will be obvious."

He Jingyao paused and suddenly nodded with a smile: "Yes, in this way, you are indeed very suitable, but there is a problem, you may have overlooked Miss Ye."

Ye Shutong's red lips slightly raised: "What?"

It seems that no matter what questions He Jingyao poses, she can confidently solve them.

"I'm not interested in you." He Jingyao smiled faintly. "For me, you don't have any attraction. From the first sight of you, I don't have any urge to you. So very Sorry."

Ye Shutong's pupils expanded suddenly, and his breathing was slightly quick.

For a long time, she grinned hard: "He Shao Shao, did you misunderstand something, I just think... Marriage can maximize the benefits, as to whether you are interested in it... This is not important, I certainly appreciate He Less you, but it means nothing else."

"Really." He Jingyao's smile was lazy, "This is too wrong for Miss Ye."

Ye Shutong smiled proudly: "This is my own choice."

"But I don't have any interest in such a marriage. The most important thing is that I never planned to divorce." He Jingyao flicked his fingertips casually, as if to throw off some nasty dust, "Miss Ye does not have to Worried."

Ye Shutong's face changed again.

She looked at him deeply and finally lost her calmness: "He Jingyao, for that woman, did you even ignore your life?"

He Jingyao's eyes cooled down: "I don't think our relationship has reached such an extent that you can freely beak on my private affairs, Ms. Ye, please take care of yourself."

Ye Shutong blushed.

She took a deep breath before reluctantly speaking: "He Jingyao, you should know that your attachment to Su Zhixi is only a genetic cause."

He Jingyao smiled abruptly: "You are right, genetic attraction is the purest. It also honestly let me know that you have no slight attraction to me."

"I don't believe it!" Ye Shutong raised his chin and walked in front of him, his eyes scorched, "I don't believe you are not interested in me at all! Why don't you dare to see me?"

He Jingyao slightly lowered his eyes and looked at her face coldly.

"Miss Ye, you seem to have misunderstood." He said one by one, "I don't want to have too much contact with you, not because of fear, I just don't want my wife to be unhappy."

After finishing his speech, he ignored Ye Shutong's unsightly complexion and gestured with a smile: "Sorry, I'm going to work. If Miss Ye has nothing else, please go back."

"Her Jingyao..." Ye Shutong gritted his teeth.

However, the man on the opposite side just smiled coldly and slightly mockingly, as if mocking her self-assertive passion.

Ye Shutong finally had no way to persevere, turned and strode out of the office.

He Jingyao looked back indifferently and picked up the coffee on the table.

The coffee has been completely cold, and the lips and teeth are cold and bitter.

The restlessness at the bottom of my heart seemed to calm down a little.

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