Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 511: Let her go

"Sleep, I won't bother you anymore." He laughed hoarsely, sorted her messy pajamas, turned over and stood up to the bathroom.

Su Zhixi did not respond for a long time.

This man let her go again?

Su Zhixi was surprised, and there was a faint restlessness in her heart. She asked him deliberately, but not long after her sleepiness struck, she fell asleep again.

When he woke up, He Jingyao was no longer at her side, Su Zhixi blinked blankly, suddenly jumped from the bed and rushed downstairs quickly.

"Jing Yao!" she asked breathlessly, standing still in front of Li Bo.

Li Bo looked at her messy hair, slightly surprised: "Young Master has gone to the company."

"Isn't he coming back at noon?" Su Zhixi pursed her lips.

"Yes." Li Bo nodded unclearly.

"So, he will come back late at night..." Su Zhixi murmured.

"Young lady, what's the matter with you?" Li Bo asked uncomfortably.

Su Zhixi was silent for a while, and suddenly shook his head: "I'm fine."

After talking, he turned and walked into the room.

He Jingyao is restraining himself, and even deliberately avoided her for this.

But why...

Su Zhixi pressed her lips tightly.


HI Group's branch in Yangdong City is located in the city center, surrounded by high-rise buildings.

In the office, He Jingyao stood by the window and looked at the bustling downstairs, breathing deeply.

He loosened his tie a little annoyed, his thin lips twitched into a thin straight line.

It didn’t take long for Adam to come over with a pile of documents: "Sir, this is morning..."

"Leave it first." He Jingyao commanded coldly, his tone impatient.

Adam was slightly surprised, but he didn't say much. Instead, he put the document on his desk and tentatively said: "You have a few more meetings in the afternoon. Would you like..."

"Then tell me again in the afternoon!" He Jingyao interrupted him a little violently, but the voice fell. He slightly touched his eyebrows in annoyance and eased his tone. "It's okay, go out first."

Adam left silently.

He Jingyao took a few deep breaths, but still had no effect.

Since yesterday afternoon, he has begun to fall into anxiety. This morning it is not known how many senior executives and assistants have been reprimanded by him.

He Jingyao knows where his antidote is.

But he was also very clear that this was abnormal. So he can only restrain himself and challenge his limits.

If Su Zhixi was by his side at this time, I am afraid his self-control will collapse immediately.

Thinking of this, He Jingyao laughed a little self-deprecatingly, walked to the desk and opened the document.

However, it didn't take long for Adam to come in again.

He looked up displeasurely: "What's wrong?"

"Sir." Adam seemed to be afraid of his eyes and swallowed before saying, "Miss Ye Shutong came, she said, there are important things to tell you."

"Let her go!" He Jingyao said coldly.

"She said it was about the young lady..." Adam spit out the sentence with difficulty.

He Jingyao's eyes dimmed, and he sneered for a long time: "Is it."


A crisp female voice suddenly sounded, with the sound of Tuk Tuk's high heels stepping on the ground, Ye Shutong came in.

With a faint smile on her face, she held a document in her arms.

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