Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 510: All blood rushed to a place

"Of course not, don't think too much." Cheng Youlin smiled and went into the inner room to change clothes.

Chu Jinyu looked at his back and tightened his lips.

Couples for many years, enough to let them fully understand each other.

Therefore, he must have doubts.

Although, even if he knew the truth, he might not have treated Zhixi. After all, Zhixi was no longer the fragile little baby. Besides, He Jingyao was protecting her, but Chu Jinyu still had to be vigilant.

She never gave her anything, but she couldn't hurt her.

Chu Jinyu laughed bitterly and said to Han Ying: "Don't call Zhixi again anytime soon."

Han Ying's pupil dilated suddenly and nodded gently for a long time.


When Su Zhixi returned from the presidential palace to the Wanhe Qianfeng Garden, He Jingyao had not returned.

She had to go back to the room to read a book, but Su Zhixi prefers to lean on the man's side, turning a book in her hand. At that time, no matter what was written in the book, she was extremely happy and sweet.

Therefore, she was the only person left in the empty room, and she suddenly felt lonely.

That's not okay, you can't stick to him all the time? Su Zhixi was alert to himself and remembered the projects he was responsible for before. Since the operation was on track, he didn't seem to have invested much, which is not enough.

So she held her laptop and sat at the bay window to work.

It's dark till this busy.

Su Zhixi turned off the computer and left the room to come downstairs, but still did not see He Jingyao's figure.

She was a little disappointed.

Li Bo smiled: "Mrs. Young, let's have dinner first. Young Master may come back late today."

Su Zhixi nodded.

But she didn't expect that He Jingyao could be so late.

Until half past eleven, Su Zhixi had finished reading a book. After taking a bath, he could fall asleep at any time, and he was still missing.

During this period, she sent a message of condolences, and He Jingyao simply told her to go to bed early.

Hmm... then go to bed early.

Su Zhixi obediently turned off the bedside lamp and lay down, but did not fall asleep as quickly as before.

She was tossing and turning for a long time before falling asleep.

In a trance, Su Zhixi felt that someone was pressing her.

The man's scorching palm reached into her dress, with deep desire and urgency, Su Zhixi could even hear his suppressed breath.

Su Zhixi instinctively reached out and hugged him.

The man's breathing was even heavier, and she suddenly kissed her lips heavily, rubbed her wantonly, and pryed her teeth deep to plunder her breath... Su Zhixi finally woke up from her sleep come.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a man's sexual-feeling and depressed face.

"Jingyao..." she said hoarsely, her eyes still a little dazed.

"Um" he whispered, kissed her small chin again, and took a bite without taking it lightly.

"It hurts..." Su Zhixi took a breath, "Don't bite..."

Her voice was lazy and loving, and He Jingyao listened to his ears, only to feel that the whole body of blood rushed to a place, and the muscles were trembling slightly because they were too tight.

Su Zhixi was hurt by his arm.

"Jingyao?" Her voice was already confused.

The man sucked heavily on her lips again, and then stood up, the throat rolled continuously for several times, before it was able to suppress the violent desire-flame.

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