Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 509: Don't be so close to me

It was the girl that night, the name was... Lu Qixi!

Ning Yichen's pupil enlarged fiercely, stepped forward to catch the girl's hand, and dragged her to nowhere!

"What are you doing!" The girl was shoved loudly and immediately shouted loudly, but soon a warm big palm covered her mouth fiercely.

"It's me!" Ning Yichen lowered his voice.

Lu Qixi fixed his eyes, his eyes were almost staring out!

Ning Yichen was sure that she would not shout, and then she released her, staring nervously at the test sheet in her hand: "What are you... why? Why did you come to the hospital?"

Could it be that……

Lu Qixi froze for a moment before he realized what he was thinking, his face flushed: "Bah! I'm not pregnant!"

Ning Yichen sighed silently, with a slightly unnatural smile: "I don't mean that... are you okay? Where is it uncomfortable? If it was that day..."

"It's just a common cold!" The girl glared at him and pushed him hard, "Don't be so close to me!"

With that, she glanced around nervously, and no one noticed here, so she was quietly relieved.

"Why did your young master come to this ordinary public hospital?" Lu Qixi looked at him depressed.

It was only a few days, and Lu Qixi just wanted to forget what happened that day. I didn't expect to see this man again so soon, her mood is really complicated.

There was a bit of surprise in the air, hate, and unclear... she secretly spurned herself!

"I... my ex-wife was hospitalized, and I came to see her." Wan Ning Yichen added, "It's just based on humanitarianism."

"Ex-wife?" Lu Qixi's eyes widened even wider.

Ning Yichen couldn’t help laughing when she saw her like this: “Yes, it’s already an ex-wife. So even if one day our incident is discovered, you won’t be scolded.”

Lu Qixi suddenly angered: "There is nothing between us! What nonsense you are! You are far away from me!"

The girl shoved him, and then ran away quickly.

Ning Yichen looked at her back and suddenly smiled dumbly.


In the presidential palace, Chu Jinyu watched Su Zhixi leave, the smile on his face never disappeared.

Cheng Youlin rarely ended a meeting early and returned to the Presidential Palace, where he saw Chu Jinyu's smiling face.

"What good things happened?" Cheng Youlin couldn't help laughing, "You seem to be in a good mood recently."

"Yeah." Chu Jinyu said with a smile, "Probably the weather is good recently?"

Cheng Youlin glanced at the cold, deep autumn air outside, and looked at her again: "I heard that you like He Jingyao's little wife very much?"

Chu Jinyu jumped in his heart and said quietly, "I see the boy in destiny."

Cheng Youlin looked at her calmly, "Your temperament has always been cold. Except for Shutong, did you see any female family you are close to. Is there anything special about Su Zhixi?"

Chu Jinyu's breath suffocated.

He even remembered Zhi Xi's name... Did he guess what?

"I don't know." Chu Jinyu laughed quickly. "The fate of people does not necessarily need a reason. I just like her."

"Well." Cheng Youlin nodded. "If you have a child, maybe it's so big."

The expression on Chu Jinyu's face froze suddenly.

"You Lin, are you blaming me for failing to have a baby for you?" she murmured.

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