Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 508: Have nothing

The hospital was filled with the smell of disinfecting water.

Ning Yichen's face was as thick as water, and he walked in without squinting until he walked into a certain ward.

"Yichen!" Lin Shuyue came to him crying as soon as he saw him.

Ning Yichen stepped in a cold tone: "This lady, please take care of yourself."

Lin Shuyue had to stop her footsteps, sobbing silently.

On the hospital bed, where Su Lianxi was lying, there seemed to be no more noise.

"How is she?" Ning Yichen looked cold.

"It didn't take long before the operation, but... but the doctor removed her son-gong!" Speaking here, Lin Shuyue burst into tears.

But Ning Yichen still has no expression: "It's a blessing to survive. I have paid her medical expenses, enough for her to be discharged."

If it weren't because Su Lianxi was his wife, if it wasn't because their divorce procedures had just been completed, Ning Yichen wouldn't want to go at all.

But since he had already been here, the mission was completed.

"Take care." When he had finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Master Ning!" Lin Shuyue finally dared not call his name again, "Lian Xi has also followed you after all, you are so cruel..."

This is another set.

This family is really a virtue.

Ning Yichen didn't even bother to listen, and simply accelerated his pace.


Lin Shuyue looked at her decisive back and wept bitterly.

Su Guoan dragged his weak body into it, tired as if he had been old for many years: "Don't cry..."

"It's all you, it's you!" When Lin Shuyue saw him, he thrashed and beat him.

Su Guoan was pale with a blank face, and his head was still for a while, letting her vent.

During this time in Yangdong City, he could not do business, so he took all the funds to invest, but unfortunately the investment failed and owed a lot of debt.

He never told Lin Shuyue's mother and daughter that until last night, the debt collectors came to the house to mortgage their house. Su Guoan was still in the hospital last night, and Lin Shuyue was also in the hospital with her bed. There was only Su Lianxi at home. She was just divorced. It was when she was in a bad mood, so she immediately quarreled with the debt collector. Take out the real estate certificate.

I don't know what happened in the middle, the group of beasts even gave Lotus to the wheel*

Lian Xi was taken to the hospital with heavy bleeding, and the doctor had to remove the uterus to save her life.

Thinking of this, Su Guoan trembled again.

Lin Shuyue thumped and beaten again, and soon lost her strength and fell into a chair to continue sobbing.

The animals, animals! Just yesterday, her lotus was still a virgin, and it turned out to be so bad... Even the Zi-gong was gone, she was almost destroyed in her life!

Su Lianxi on the bed has actually woken up.

When Ning Yichen walked in, she was already awake, so she listened clearly to his routine greetings.

Close your eyes, and those disgusting and humiliating memories swarmed to make her sick!

Is this how God punishes her? Because she did something wrong?

But what did she get after doing so much? She has nothing!

Thoroughly, nothing...

Su Lianxi smiled miserably and silently...


When Ning Yichen came downstairs, a young girl came head-on, holding a test sheet in her hand and crying with a face.

That face made him feel **** familiar!

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