Han Ruoxing glanced at Gu Jingyan.

This guy was obviously angry, wanted to get angry, and wanted to maintain his amnesia persona. After holding it in for a long time, he said, Since you thought I was dead at that time, why did you go to the Reincarnation Stone to make a wish?

Han Ruoxing wanted to tease him again, but Gu Jingyan seemed really sad, and his eyes were a little red when he asked this question.

She relented. He could continue to pretend to have amnesia if he wanted to. No matter what the difficulty or the reason, she would make it smooth for him. If he came back well and still pretended to have her in his heart, what else could he not get used to? Why deliberately tease him and make him sad.

This silly dog, he would really take what she said seriously.

She looked into his eyes and said softly, Because I don't want anyone else to accompany me. Even if you're not around, I'll still feel lonely even if I'm in a sea of ​​people.

Gu Jingyan looked at her blankly, then suddenly looked away.

His fair skin was stained with crimson inch by inch, spreading from his neck to the tips of his ears.

He tried his best to suppress the upturned corners of his lips, coughed lightly and said, Glib tongue.

Han Ruoxing smiled and looked out the window.

Gu Jingyan didn't hide his emotions that well, especially when it came to her matters. Mo Mingxuan was so smart, he might have guessed something.

I don't know if what happened tonight will affect Gu Jingyan's plan.

Mo Mingxuan...

There are indeed many strange things about Mo Mingxuan. For example, the kidnapper who kidnapped them happened to be the ex-husband of his previous client, and he happened to have a conflict with them. The kidnapper happened to have prosopagnosia and mistook Gu Jingyan for Mo Mingxuan. .

There are so many coincidences, and even if they all have reasonable explanations, they are still weird.

She could easily guess Gu Qinghai's motive.

But if all this is related to Mo Mingxuan, what is his motive?

In Gu Jingyan's photo album, there are many photos of the two of them. In Gu Jingyan's mobile phone schedule, Mo Mingxuan's birthday was even specially noted. Mo Mingxuan must have a lot of weight in Gu Jingyan's heart. What's the reason?

She didn't think she was that attractive, which made Mo Mingxuan attack Gu Jingyan in order to get her.

Not to mention that people's emotions are uncontrollable, if Mo Mingxuan knew her well enough, he would know that even if something happened to Gu Jingyan, she would never have any development with him.

Just like Gu Jingyan has nothing to do with Song Jiayu, this is the bottom line.

She can't find another man, so she's looking for his friend to flirt with him?

They had pretended to be close before, with the intention of using him to lure Gu Jingyan out.

Mo Mingxuan was so smart. If he could guess her motives, there was no way he could not guess her thoughts.

Gu Jingyan had warned her several times before not to get too close to Mo Mingxuan.

That kind of warning was not entirely out of jealousy.

Han Ruoxing pondered for a moment, then took out her mobile phone and called Shen Qingchuan and Tang Xiaoxiao together to form a group of three.

Han Ruoxing: [Ask you something @Shen Qingchuan. 】

Shen Qingchuan: [? ? ? 】

Shen Qingchuan: [If you want to ask, just ask, why are you still in a group? 】

Han Ruoxing: [I’m afraid you won’t tell the truth, so let Xiaoxiao supervise you. You won’t tell lies in front of her, right? 】

Shen Qingchuan: [……]

Tang Xiaoxiao: [If you dare to lie, I will move out tonight. 】

Shen Qingchuan grinds his teeth. Gu Jingyan is a piece of shit. When looking for a wife, he can't find someone who is easy to coax. He has to find such a monkey spirit. If he can't fight, he will be hurt!

Shen Qingchuan: [Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? I won’t tell lies even when I’m carrying a little bandit. Can’t there be more trust between people? 】

Han Ruoxing: [Sorry, I'm pregnant, and the baby is pressing on my heart. As a result, I'm a little narrow-minded now. I like to think about all kinds of things. Please be more considerate. 】

Shen Qingchuan...

Is this child pregnant in my heart?

Shen Qingchuan: [Sister-in-law, what do you want to ask? 】

Han Ruoxing: [Everything you know about Mo Mingxuan from childhood to adulthood, tell me everything you know. 】

Shen Qingchuan: [? ? ? 】

Tang Xiaoxiao: [! ! ! 】

Shen Qingchuan: [Sister-in-law, why do you ask this? 】

Han Ruoxing: [Don’t ask questions that you shouldn’t ask. 】

Shen Qingchuan: [……]

Shen Qingchuan: [Sister-in-law, if you want to know about Mingxuan, why don’t you ask Jingyan? They grew up together and have been together longer than me. Jingyan knows everything about Mingxuan best. How nice would it be for you to ask him? ah. 】

Han Ruoxing: [I asked him, didn’t he know that I was asking about Mo Mingxuan? 】

The key point is that Gu Jingyan is still working on his amnesia character, so she can't ask. The most important thing is that this dead guy may not tell him if she asks him. It's not like she hasn't asked before.

Shen Qingchuan: [? ? You still have to carry him]

Han Ruoxing: [Will you tell me or not? 】

Tang Xiaoxiao: [Move! Moving tonight! 】

Shen Qingchuan: […I said it’s not okay? In fact, I don’t know much. 】

According to Shen Qingchuan, before high school, Mo Mingxuan was no different from them. They went to school step by step and took the college entrance examination. The biggest difference was probably that his family was more strict.

No matter where you go, you must report it to your family. If there is no call within the specified time, his family will frantically contact all the people around him who can be contacted until they can contact him.

Later, he and Gu Jingyan were admitted to the same university, but Shen Qingchuan didn't get enough points and went to another university, so he had less contact with them.

Gu Jingyan was inseparable from him. Their colleges were close to each other, and their dormitories were even in the same building.

Gu Jingyan went to the Youth League Committee, Mo Mingxuan went to the Student Union, Gu Jingyan went to the science and technology competition, and Mo Mingxuan went to the joint debate competition of major prestigious schools.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them seemed to be competing with each other, chasing after each other, and no one was convinced by the other.

But only Shen Qingchuan knew that the two had a very good relationship in private.

Mo Mingxuan had a high fever before the finals of the debate competition. He was completely weak, but he still insisted on participating. It was Gu Jingyan who ran to their dormitory and carried him to the competition venue.

Mo Mingxuan was playing with his opponents on the field even though he was sick. Gu Jingyan sat next to him and supported him. After the game was over, he carried him to the hospital without waiting for the results to be announced. That day was the day when he would be awarded the prize in the Science and Technology Innovation Competition. I didn't go.

The laboratory where Gu Jingyan often did experiments caught fire. When everyone ran out, only Mo Mingxuan rushed in. He thought Gu Jingyan was inside, even though Gu Jingyan went to the office to deliver materials.

It is said that the fire was so intense that Mo Mingxuan was pulled out and still crying at the door, although Mo Mingxuan himself said not.

But Shen Qingchuan, as a client, witnessed with his own eyes how good the relationship between the two was, so good that he was even a little jealous.

The turning point came after Mo Mingxuan got a girlfriend.

Tang Xiaoxiao: [He still has an ex-girlfriend? Ah Xing, why not Gu Jingyan? Gu Jingyan’s first love is you. How nice is the blank paper. You can draw whatever you want. If your first love is still unforgettable, what will you do if his first love comes back? 】

Han Ruoxing: [...] (End of this chapter)

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