Han Ruoxing: [What are you thinking about? Does it have anything to do with me whether he had his first love? I don't live with him. 】

Tang Xiaoxiao: [Then why are you asking about Lawyer Mo behind Gu Jingyan’s back? 】

Han Ruoxing typed the next line, thought about it, and deleted it one by one: [Gu Jingyan said that in the future, his children will recognize Lawyer Mo as their godfather. I care about you two, so I have to investigate what is going on with Mo Mingxuan. So I can find a reason to stop Gu Jingyan from thinking about this. My child’s godfather and godmother can only be you two! 】

Tang Xiaoxiao: [! ! ! Do you want to steal my daughter? Stinky cucumber, reveal his dirty information! 】

Shen Qingchuan...

Han Ruoxing, a smooth-tongued and cunning woman, is really good at deceiving people!

He was sure that it was not for this reason that Han Ruoxing came to him to inquire about Mo Mingxuan. Can Gu Jingyan decide who the child will accept as his godfather and godmother? Isn’t it just a matter of her words?

As far as Han Ruoxing is concerned, Gu Jingyan will never be able to defeat her in another two lifetimes!

Let alone asking the child to recognize him as his godfather, even if she asked the child to take her last name, Gu Jingyan, that lustful thing, would probably agree!

How could his little bandit be such a simple and kind-hearted person and become a best friend with such a mean-spirited woman?

But then I thought about the way Han Ruoxing came to him to warn him when he was tricking the little bandit, and I felt that although these two best friends had very different personalities, they had no ambiguity in thinking about each other.

Tang Xiaoxiao: [Stinky Cucumber, my goddaughter is going to be someone else’s goddaughter, what are you doing? 】

Shen Qingchuan directly opened a group voice call.

Han Ruoxing's cell phone rang suddenly in the car, and she hung up immediately without even thinking about it.

Her reflexive action made Gu Jingyan glance at her phone subconsciously.

Han Ruoxing, who had no money, put her cell phone on her knees and looked inexplicably nervous.

Gu Jingyan looked at her, then at the phone, pursed his lips and asked, Don't answer?

The caller from Xiaoxiao must have asked me if I was home. My mobile phone has no data. She kept calling me. How can I let the operator charge me more for this?

Gu Jingyan was silent for a few seconds and said slowly, Our car has on-board WiFi, didn't you know?

Han Ruoxing...

She decided to play dumb and said with a surprised look on her face, I really didn't know, is there any in-car WiFi now?

Gu Jingyan looked at her for a moment and said, I'll connect you.

As he said that he was going to get Han Ruoxing's cell phone, the latter snatched it away very quickly, No, no, no, I'll do it myself.

Gu Jingyan didn't force it, he said calmly, The password is gcwjwss.

Ah? Gu Jingyan said too quickly, Han Ruoxing didn't hear clearly.

Gu Jingyan paused, leaned close to her ear, and whispered, Brother, fuck, I'll try the acronym tonight.

Han Ruoxing...

There was a driver in front of him. Gu Jingyan leaned very close, his voice was low, and the breath of his words gently brushed against his ears, which made Han Ruoxing's heart tremble.

Damn it, seduce her!

Han Ruoxing pushed Gu Jingyan away, blushed and rubbed her burning ears, gritted her teeth and said, That's the acronym for if you dare to use my home network!

Gu Jingyan glanced at her lightly, You don't even know the car WiFi, how do you know the abbreviation of the password?

I - Of course I know, I set that up!

However, she couldn't say this anymore. Who told her to lie just now and say she didn't know about the in-car WiFi?

Han Ruoxing was a mute eating Coptis chinensis, and could only swallow the bitter water in his stomach. I guess, who would set such a shameless password?

That's it... Gu Jingyan thought thoughtfully, I always thought this was a hint given to me by the person who set the password.

Han Ruoxing...

She suddenly thought of the weird look Gu Jingyan gave her when she set the password. Did he always think that the password meant that?

No wonder he had been struggling all night that night. When she was about to fall asleep, she heard what Gu Jingyan said and said it directly if she had anything to say in the future.

She wondered for a long time.

It turns out that’s what it means directly!


Han Ruoxing's face changed colors all over, and finally she said with a stiff expression, You have such a rich imagination.

Gu Jingyan saw her embarrassment in full view, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

But when I thought of her hiding away, afraid that she would find out, I suddenly stopped laughing.

The front foot is still smooth-talking to coax him, but the back foot is trying to avoid him even when answering the phone.

Whose phone call made her feel so guilty?

Gu Jingyan glanced at her cell phone, and Han Ruoxing quietly stuffed the phone into her bag.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched.

very good.

He wanted to see which bitch wanted to poach him again!

Gu Jingyan left after sending Han Ruoxing to the Royal Garden.

Zhong Meilan will never confess honestly. Maybe the reinforcements have moved there by now and he has to go there.

As soon as Gu Jingyan left, Han Ruoxing ran to the bedroom and opened the group chat.

The three of them quickly connected to the microphone.

Shen Qingchuan said speechlessly, Why do you keep hanging up on me after calling me seven or eight times?

Han Ruoxing said, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Gu Jingyan was next to me just now, and I didn't dare to pick him up.

Shen Qingchuan? ? ?

No, we are chatting normally, why do you act like we are having an affair?

Han Ruoxing posted a short video to give likes to a male internet celebrity, and Gu Jingyan could think of 800 scenes in which he was raped. Han Ruoxing acted with a guilty conscience, how could Gu Jingyan not think too much about it?

I'm telling you the news, don't hurt me!

Han Ruoxing comforted her, Don't worry, the content of the chat between the three of us today is known to God and the earth, and I won't tell anyone.

Tang Xiaoxiao urged, Hurry up, Gu Jingyan should be back soon.

Shen Qingchuan...

It felt more like an affair, and his girlfriend even helped look after the affair.

Shen Qingchuan accepted his fate and said, Okay, come on.

Actually, I don't know much about Mingxuan's first love. Mingxuan must have met her during her senior year. The girl was not from their school, but worked part-time at a coffee shop near T University, Mingxuan wrote When I was writing the manuscript, I liked going to that coffee shop, and after going back and forth, the two of them became familiar with each other. After the postgraduate entrance examination, one day he introduced the girl to us.

The girl's name is Jian Wen. She is one year older than Ming Xuan. She worked for half a year after graduation. She was not satisfied with her job, so she wanted to be a graduate student at T University, so she rented a house nearby and worked part-time to earn living expenses. Over and over again Review and prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination.”

Jian Wen is not very beautiful, but she is very elegant and cheerful. Her family conditions are average, but from her conversation, you can tell that this girl is quite interesting and confident. When Ming Xuan is with her, Almost all our eyes were filled with her, and we were actually quite happy at that time. Although Mingxuan, like Jingyan, could do his best in everything, the difference between him and Jingyan was that he really liked Jingyan, and Although he has the ability, Mingxuan was forced to do that step under the heavy pressure of his family. Even though he achieved great results, he was not happy. (End of Chapter)

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