Han Ruoxing...

What a great time to come!

Gu Jingyan came over and stood between Mo Mingxuan and Han Ruoxing. He lowered his eyes and looked at the peace charm in his hand. He reached for it and played with it in his hand. He said lightly, If it works like this, you can give it to yourself later. Asking for a marriage charm.

Mo Mingxuan paused and looked up at him.

Tang Xiaoxiao lay in Shen Qingchuan's arms and stared wide-eyed, Shura Field, Shura Field, shouldn't there be a fight?

She obviously didn't understand Gu Jingyan. What Han Ruoxing thought was that fighting was something young people did. Gu Jingyan must be more childish than this. He was a little bit like a schoolboy.

Sure enough, just as he finished thinking about it, Gu Jingyan's hand slipped, and the peace charm fell into the cup on the table, floating above the water.

He was stupefied for a moment and quickly reached out to pick it up. However, because of his panic, he pressed the peace talisman deeper.

When he took it out, the peace talisman had long been soaked by water, and the runes on it had become blurred.

Gu Jingyan frowned, as if he was very annoyed, If this safety charm touches water, can it still keep you safe?

Mo Mingxuan curled his fingers and stared at the peace talisman for a few seconds. He slowly raised his eyes and smiled lightly, You can only pray once a year in the Immortal Temple. If you pray more, it won't work. If Star prayed for your safe return, and it came true. I asked her for a peace charm, and I won’t ask for anything else this year.”

Gu Jingyan's face darkened visibly.

Tang Xiaoxiao grabbed Shen Qingchuan's collar excitedly.

Poaching in front of Gu Jingyan, my God, so exciting!

Han Ruoxing took the peace charm from Gu Jingyan's hand and joked with a smile, When it touches water, it will bloom. The meaning is even better. It's very good. Thank you.

Mo Mingxuan smiled, Then I'll leave first. You have a good rest and recover from your injuries.

Han Ruoxing responded, Be careful on the road.

Mo Mingxuan nodded and said to Gu Jingyan, Take care of her.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, who should I tell him?

Han Ruoxing was afraid that Gu Jingyan, a jealous man, wouldn't be able to hold his anger anymore and would blow himself up by saying something, but Gu Jingyan was stunned and said, Worry more about yourself.

Mo Mingxuan said nothing more and left quickly.

Tang Xiaoxiao wanted to say something else, but Shen Qingchuan hugged her and went out, Let's go, let's go too, don't disturb others' recovery.

Tang Xiaoxiao pulled his head, gritted his teeth and said, If you're not injured, why do you need to heal?

Shen Qingchuan kissed her on the face and whispered, You blind person, do you have to be a light bulb? Gu Jingyan has a dog's temper, be careful he gets angry and won't bite Han Ruoxing or both of us.

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately closed his mouth.

As soon as the two left, the room suddenly became quiet. Gu Jingyan glanced at the peace charm in Han Ruoxing's hand, pursed his lips and said, Let's go, I'll take you home first.

Han Ruoxing opened the quilt and was about to get off.

But Gu Jingyan held her shoulders, bent down and picked her up.

Han Ruo

Han Ruoxing...

Okay, let me perform with you.

Han Ruoxing curled her lips and said, Is it none of my business?

Even as he said this, his hand did not loosen.

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and smiled, then lifted her up and left with her in his arms.

When they got into the elevator, Han Ruoxing leaned on his shoulder and asked, Are you going to the police station soon?

Well, Gu Jingyan thought for a while and explained, It's not about bailing, it's just a routine inquiry.

Then I'll go with you.

Gu Jingyan paused, looked at her body's bleeding state, and asked, How will you respond when the police ask you to do an injury assessment?

Han Ruoxing...

I forgot about this.

It seemed that she couldn't go over and add insult to injury for the time being, but soon she thought of another question, If I didn't fall, will she be acquitted?

Gu Jingyan didn't look at her and said calmly, The cleaner who was cleaning the tung oil in the hotel just now accidentally fell and injured himself.

Han Ruoxing was stunned, The cleaner...injured himself by falling?

if not?

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and said, Shall we take you to the monitoring room for a look?

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips, I just asked casually.

Gu Jingyan glanced at the peace charm in her hand, pursed his lips and said, The water got on my neck.

When Han Ruoxing heard this, he immediately changed his hand to take it. Gu Jingyan said again, Change your hand and wipe it evenly on the other side?

Han Ruoxing...

Put it in my pocket.

Gu Jingyan said calmly.

Won't your pocket get wet?

Gu Jingyan said, It doesn't matter, I'm wearing thick clothes.

He said it very calmly, as if he just mentioned it casually, as if he really didn't care, he just thought it was inconvenient.

Han Ruoxing thought for a while and realized that this guy had become childish just now, so he probably wouldn't be jealous anymore, so he listened to him and put the peace charm in his pocket.

After getting in the car, Gu Jingyan asked the driver to drive, while Han Ruoxing asked, Are you taking your sister with you?

Gu Jingyan said, Lin Shu sent him as a gift.

Then why don't you let Lin Shu even take us back, and why don't you even call a driver?

Gu Jingyan said, It's inconvenient.

If there is any inconvenience, it's not like Lin Shu didn't pick us up.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her, Lin Shu probably doesn't like having his boss sitting next to him when he's in love.

Han Ruoxing! ! !

She was shocked for a long time. She opened her mouth, then opened her mouth again, and after a long time she said, They are working for you. When you disappeared, they were under pressure to help you unite the people of the team. How could you repay a favor like this?

Gu Jingyan...

Then I'll call him and ask him to come back?

...It doesn't have to be so direct.

Han Ruoxing wanted to say something else, but Gu Jingyan suddenly said, The Immortal Temple... did you go with him?

Han Ruoxing...

Did the topic jump too quickly?

Gu Jingyan has regained his memory. Based on her understanding of him, he must have had a thorough understanding of what happened during this period with Lin Shu, but the specific situation is definitely not as clear as her.

It was difficult for him to hold it in for so long and finally found a suitable opportunity to ask.

Han Ruoxing deliberately said vaguely, That's about right. I stayed in the mountains for a few nights.

Gu Jingyan's eyebrows twitched, Are you a little too ignorant to avoid suspicion? Mo Mingxuan looked at her with such unclear eyes, couldn't she tell?

Han Ruoxing said, I thought you would never come back. You told me before that if you die before me and the days of missing you are too painful, find someone to accompany me and let me love him well. You Will bless me.”

The corners of Gu Jingyan's mouth twitched.

Is that what he said?

What he clearly said is - you can love him, but you can't love him more than me!

Taking advantage of his amnesia to fool him like this! Have you wanted to break up a long time ago and don’t want him anymore? (End of chapter)

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