As soon as the person was subdued, comrades from the Discipline Inspection Commission came over.

The police comrades were also stunned. They came to grab business at the beginning of the year?

After the two parties communicated, they found out that the comrades from the Discipline Inspection Commission were here for Chen Yeping.

As early as two days ago, Mrs. Chen submitted Chen Yeping's criminal evidence of accepting bribes and dereliction of duty. In the past two days, colleagues in the team worked overtime to check this. After confirming the authenticity of the evidence, they came to ask for help. People drink tea.

As soon as Chen Yeping saw the people from the Discipline Inspection Commission, he was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, his face white and his whole body shaking, like a dead dog.

This coward's legs were so weak that he couldn't walk. The comrades from the Discipline Inspection Commission were stunned and the two of them lifted him up.

When passing by Liang Siyin, Chen Yeping seemed to suddenly come to his senses and shouted, Siyin, wife, wife, please help me, I can't go in. Mom is so old, and Jinyu has just entered college. I What should they do if they go in? It was that woman who seduced me. She is pregnant and I can’t do anything about it. Siyin, Siyin, please help me. I will listen to you in everything from now on. Siyin, I beg you... …”

The man who was so proud of his promotion to a noble rank a while ago was now kneeling in front of her, tears streaming down his face, without any dignity at all.

Liang Siyin felt extremely calm. The moment she saw the true nature of this man, she woke up.

Chen Yeping cheated and refused to divorce, not because he loved her more, but because at his current stage, she was his best choice. She could not only take care of the family, but also pave the way for his career with all her heart.

Once he reaches the top and has more options, he won't hesitate to kick her out.

When the Jiang family proposed marriage, if he could have thought more carefully for his daughter to refuse, she would not be so decisive today.

But this bitch man has no conscience for a long time. For his own sake, his own daughter will be pushed into the fire pit.

Thinking of this, Liang Siyin raised her hand and slapped him.

Are you worthy of mentioning your daughter? Why didn't you think about your daughter when you betrayed your family and your career? Let me tell you, not only you, your lover, but also that bastard you and her, no one can have a good time. !”

Chen Yeping's figure swayed, and he was so angry that he was about to take action, Vicious woman, you poisonous woman!

The comrades from the Discipline Inspection Commission grabbed him, and Liang Siyin took the opportunity to slap him twice more.

The comrade from the Discipline Inspection Commission weakly stopped him and reminded him, After all, don't do anything.

Liang Siyin straightened up her appearance and said warmly, Comrade, all of Chen Yeping's stolen money is with a woman named Feng Miaomiao. Her address is Building 1303, Building 3, Fulin Community. You have to go there quickly. Things are so big tonight, maybe She would get wind of it and move assets.”

Chen Yeping was still yelling, but his words could not hurt Liang Siyin at all. She would take back those things that Chen Yeping gave to the mother and son.

She wanted the mother and son to have nothing, to be trampled into mud, and never to be able to stand up again in this life!

The farce at the wedding ended with a bang.

Han Ruoxing felt a little regretful that she did not witness the scene of Zhong Meilan being pinned to the ground by the police. Fortunately, Tang Xiaoxiao, her best friend, recorded the video for her and provided commentary.

The handsome policeman just tried so hard, and the old witch lay on the ground unable to move. She was yelling, scolding Gu Jingyan and Gu Jingyang for a while, but it was useless. Finally, Gu Jingyan asked the policeman how many days he should be detained for insulting others, and she Just be honest.”

The police are the only ones who can deal with such evil people. If you say anything to her, you will only give her face!

Shen Qingchuan handed over a cup of tea and said, Have a rest, ancestor, your mouth hasn't been in tune since you came in.

Tang Xiaoxiao took a sip and suddenly said, Where is Gu Jingyan? Is he going to plead for Zhong Meilan?

Shen Qingchuan said, If he is asking for mercy, why should he call the police? He should go to Mrs. Chen. No, Ms. Liang went to find out the situation. Zhong Meilan and Chen Yeping are so close. It is really a big deal to have some financial exchanges.

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door.

Tang Xiaoxiao said, It must be Gu Jingyan, I'll open the door.

As a result, he ran to open the door. The door was not Gu Jingyan's, but Mo Mingxuan's.

Tang Xiaoxiao made a move and immediately said loudly, Lawyer Mo, you are here.

Han Ruoxing threw the bitten apple into Shen Qingchuan's arms and immediately lay back on the bed, looking weak for a moment.

Shen Qingchuan...

This drama queen is so awesome.

He put the apple back into the fruit plate, stood up and said, Mingxuan, you're not leaving.

Mo Mingxuan walked in and saw Han Ruoxing with a sick look on the hospital bed. He frowned and said, Come and see how Ruoxing is doing. Why didn't you send her to the hospital?

It's not that we won't send it away, it's because Gao Lan said it's not a big problem, so let's observe it first.

Mo Mingxuan didn't say anything. He walked to the bedside and called softly, Ruoxing, how are your injuries? I'll take you to the hospital.

Han Ruoxing shook her head, Lawyer Mo, I'm fine. Sister Gao Lan said it was a skin injury and asked me to go home and rest. Just keep the wound out of the water. I'm really worried about going to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. She paused to tell the lie. He had to be more realistic, and added, Gu Jingyan happens to have to go to the hospital for a review tomorrow, so I'll go there with him. It's too late today, so I won't go.

Mo Mingxuan frowned, glanced at the bandaged wounds on her head and legs, and asked in a low voice, Is everything okay?

Han Ruoxing joked, Can you still not believe Sister Gao Lan's level?

Mo Mingxuan pursed his lips and frowned, I really don't understand why Aunt Zhong did this. It hurts you and Jingyang. What is she trying to do?


Tang Xiaoxiao was filled with indignation. Just as he was about to speak, someone grabbed his butt, and his voice immediately turned into a rooster's crow.

She blushed and kicked Shen Qingchuan in the butt, Bitch thief! Take advantage of me secretly!

Shen Qingchuan casually patted the dust on his pants, Why do I need to be so secretive when I take advantage of you?

Tang Xiaoxiao was about to beat him up immediately, but Shen Qingchuan hid behind Mo Mingxuan and followed her around the pillar with King Qin.

Mo Mingxuan was troubled by the two of them, so he pulled Tang Xiaoxiao and asked, Miss Tang, what were you going to say just now?

Tang Xiaoxiao was confused, What?

Mo Mingxuan shut his mouth and said, It's nothing.

Thief, don't hide, come out! Tang Xiaoxiao pressed Mo Mingxuan's shoulder and wanted to jump over to catch him. When Shen Qingchuan saw this posture, he raised his hand to catch her and pulled the person away from Mo Mingxuan. Caught back before.

You're a female hooligan, why are you jumping into Mingxuan's arms?

Tang Xiaoxiao grabbed his ears,

Where did you catch me just now?

Shen Qingchuan paused, reached out and patted her butt, and asked in a low voice, Does the tail bone still hurt?

Tang Xiaoxiao's expression changed several times, and finally she bit him on the shoulder with an ouch.

Han Ruoxing smiled and looked at Mo Mingxuan, Lawyer Mo, it's getting late, you should go back.

Mo Mingxuan was silent for a while, then took out a peace blessing from his pocket and handed it to her, When we went to the Immortal Temple before, I asked for it for you. They said it was very effective in keeping you safe.

Before Han Ruoxing could speak, Gu Jingyan's voice came slowly, What temple of gods?

(Nothing today, my dear son who got married on New Year’s Day, happy wedding~) (End of this chapter)

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