Gu Jingyang was startled and turned to look at Gu Jingyan.

The latter did not look at her and said calmly, She is responsible for everything. No one can help her.

After all, Gu Jingyang was raised by Zhong Meilan, and he was once the jewel in his hands. Even if Zhong Meilan hurt Han Ruoxing and framed her today, he couldn't bear to see her miserable state.

She wanted to plead with Gu Jingyan and ask her brother to help her. Even if she had to settle the score, it would be too shameful to do it in private with so many people watching.

But before she could speak, Shen Qingchuan said, Jingyang, with so many people watching, think clearly. If you get up to help, the Gu family may also be involved. Even if the final investigation result has nothing to do with the Gu family, this The public opinion generated in the process has a great impact on the Gu family.

Gu Jingyang hesitated.

Tang Xiaoxiao also joined in, You are really cruel when you should be kind, and you have to be a holy mother when you should be cruel. I think the pot she threw at you just now was too light. She had to take it. Send it in so that your mind can clear up!

This was said so bluntly that Gu Jingyang couldn't help but look ugly.

She looked around, but no one around her was willing to help.

Zhong Meilan has been extremely popular in the wife circle in recent years, but popularity and reputation are two different things. Others praise her not because she is a good person or understands people, but because of the Gu family, in fact, her friends who often make afternoon teas Anyone who is better than her in some aspects has not been squeezed out by her overtly or covertly.

If you are used to being arrogant and arrogant, once you fall into the quagmire, you will often add insult to injury and watch the joke.

Jingyang! Zhong Meilan was still calling Gu Jingyang's name. Liang Siyin was disgusted with her. After holding in her resentment for so long, she was not willing to let her go easily. She pinched her face hard and thrust her face towards the audience. Fight.

Don't you like to be in the limelight? Come on, let everyone see your selfish, dirty face!

Chen Yeping cheated and used my money to support his mistress and illegitimate child. He was disgusting. But you, Zhong Meilan, bullied me, humiliated me and lied to me in the name of a friend. You are a thousand times more disgusting than him!

You invited the ladies to get together, and you kept the accounts at my hotel eight times out of ten. Which time did I not give you enough cards?

You want to give golden bird's nests as a gift to your wife on your birthday. You are afraid of buying fake products in China, so I personally went to Malaysia to prepare the goods for you.

Your ex-mother-in-law is celebrating her birthday. I will provide you with a venue and help you plan and prepare the birthday banquet. Zhong Meilan, how have I ever been sorry to you over the years to allow you to humiliate me like this!

Liang Siyin accused Zhong Meilan of being ungrateful and ruthless every word.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. Zhong Meilan's image of a noble lady collapsed and her face was lost. She couldn't break away, so she said angrily, I don't tell you, it's not for your own good. You don't have to use the ten million to deal with that woman. You think Chen Yeping Will he want you? He has given birth to a boy, what are you giving birth to, three losers! He doesn’t want you a long time ago!

Liang Siyin's face darkened, and she raised her hand and slapped her, You also have a daughter and you are a woman. How could you say such disgusting words?

You dare to hit me! Zhong Meilan turned pale with anger. While fighting with Mrs. Chen, she shouted at Gu Jingyang, Gu Jingyang, are you dead? Are you just going to watch me being beaten?

Gu Jingyang clenched his fingers.

Tang Xiaoxiao provoked her, Okay, okay, go ahead. You are so filial. See if you help her and she will remember you in the end. Next time she frames you again, don't ask us to help.

Shen Qingchuan whispered, I didn't help much.

Tang Xiaoxiao gave him an elbow.

Gu Jingyang bit his lips and slowly turned his face away, no longer looking at Zhong Meilan.

Just when Zhong Meilan was about to scold her for being unfilial, Liang Siyin grabbed her hair again.

Chen Yeping is a piece of shit! If I hadn't been advising him behind the scenes all these years, with his pig brain, how could he be where he is today?

You too, Liang Siyin lowered her voice, Old Mrs. Gu would rather hand over the position of the mistress of the family to Han Ruoxing than give it to you. This is because people have long seen that you are a selfish and useless waste. Do you want to control the Gu family and be the mistress of the Gu family? Just go ahead and dream!

Gu Jingyang couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and said, Brother, I'm going to the bathroom.

Gu Jingyan nodded and looked at the time.

It’s about time, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, the police rushed to the scene, and the ridiculous show on the stage finally came to an end.

The police pulled the two away. Zhong Meilan saw the police and thought that the savior had come. As soon as they were pulled away, she cursed and asked the police to arrest Liang Siyin, saying that she had intentionally caused harm and wanted to sue her.

Intentionally hurting? Liang Siyin smiled, We were obviously fighting each other.

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves to show the police the scratches Zhong Meilan had just left on his arms.

Comrade police officers, you must be aware of everything.

Zhong Meilan was furious, Shrew! It was obviously you who made the first move!

Liang Siyin pretended to hit her, and Zhong Meilan was so frightened that she shrank behind the policeman. She still looked like a wealthy lady.

The police stopped the two people and asked, You are so brave, you want to do something in front of us?

The leading policeman glanced at the scene and thought to himself, no wonder the person who called the police asked a few more policemen to come. The scene was in such chaos. According to the usual police habits, the two people obviously couldn't hold each other back.

Two young policemen were responsible for maintaining order at the scene and evacuating irrelevant people. The other two policemen interrogated the two, Who is Zhong Meilan?

Zhong Meilan was startled, feeling uneasy, and quickly took out her cell phone to call for reinforcements.

Liang Siyin quickly threw her cell phone to the ground and said loudly, Comrade police, she is Zhong Meilan.

Zhong Meilan looked ugly. She hurriedly picked up the phone and wanted to call her again. The police stopped her and said, Zhong Meilan, someone called the police and claimed that you endanger public safety. Please cooperate with our investigation.

What endangers public safety? You must be mistaken. Zhong Meilan waved the policeman's hand and refused to cooperate.

We will investigate if there is any. Now please come with us.

Are you sick? You didn't arrest the one who beat me, but you came to arrest me? If you have any questions, go talk to my lawyer, I won't go!

Seeing Gu Jingyan's cold eyes in the audience, Zhong Meilan suddenly understood why these police were here. She panicked instinctively and shouted at Gu Jingyan loudly, Gu Jingyan, are you crazy? You called the police and asked people to arrest your mother. Are you still a human being?

The police did not listen to these nonsense, and reminded them again with a serious expression, Of course you can hire a lawyer when we investigate clearly, but for now, please cooperate with our investigation!

Zhong Meilan refused to cooperate and even waved her bag around, hitting the police officer closest to her.

The police warned her three times in a row, but when she didn't stop, they immediately arrested her for assaulting a police officer. (End of chapter)

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