Tang Xiaoxiao looked in the direction of Shen Qingchuan's finger.

Chen Yeping and Mrs. Chen were sitting together. Chen Yeping was next to a middle-aged man. On the right side of the man sat a middle-aged woman wearing the same festive clothes as Mrs. Chen.

The other person has a medium build and average appearance, but has a very good temperament. At first glance, he is someone from the system.

The middle-aged man looks very similar to the groom. He has an official look, very similar to the big leaders in the group photos her mother puts at home. They are low-key, noble, and not angry.

When Chen Yeping was talking to the man, he arched his back unconsciously, almost looking like a servile person on his face.

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't understand, What happened to that table?

Shen Qingchuan pinched Tang Xiaoxiao's face and whispered, Baby, you are really too innocent. Look at the way Jiang Ye's father looks at the bride.

Tang Xiaoxiao was startled and looked over again.

This time I finally saw clearly that the middle-aged man looked at the bride not as if he were looking at his daughter-in-law, but as if he was staring at a piece of merchandise, looking at her nakedly from head to toe, inch by inch.

She suddenly felt that the pig farmers in her hometown used to look at the pregnant sow in the pig pen with the same look, to see if she was growing well, eating well, and whether the piglets would be strong when the time came. …

Tang Xiaoxiao felt a little uncomfortable for a moment and frowned.

What's wrong? Shen Qingchuan asked her.

Tang Xiaoxiao whispered, The way he looks at the bride is very uncomfortable.

Shen Qingchuan said calmly, It's okay if it feels uncomfortable. If you want to give birth to a baby, he has to see if it's suitable.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes widened suddenly, You mean-

Shen Qingchuan covered her mouth, Baby, keep your voice down, do you want to be shoveled out?

Tang Xiaoxiao stared at her round eyes, digesting this gossip, and then lowered her voice for a long time and said, It turns out that you are not marrying a wife for your son, but a wife for yourself.

This is not a little wife, strictly speaking it is a fertility tool.

Shen Qingchuan looked cold and was not surprised at all by those family secrets.

Jiang Ye is dead. The power and status that generations of Jiang family have fought for cannot be lost in this generation. It is no longer a matter of a day or two for his father to raise a trumpet.

Jiang Ye's parents were married by family, and both of them were in the system. They responded to the family planning policy and gave birth to a son, Jiang Ye. Now that she wants to practice trumpet, Mrs. Jiang can't give birth to a child. She has to find someone else to give birth to her. There are so many pairs of eyes staring at her. , he holds an important position, and many people are looking for opportunities to overthrow him.

And Jiang Ye was unable to have children, so they came up with such a dirty idea to let Jiang Ye get married and marry a woman back to give birth to children for his father.

When other people heard about this, they wanted to run away thousands of miles away. What kind of thing is this to bury people? Only Chen Yeping was anxious to climb up and took the initiative to send his daughter over.

With the title of daughter-in-law as a fig leaf, she will raise her son as a grandson in the future. This justifiable name will make it difficult for people to catch her.

No wonder Mrs. Chen looked so cold at the wedding. Did she already know that?

Shen Qingchuan played with her hand, The Jiang family's eyes are higher than the top. If Jiang Ye hadn't been abolished, the daughter of the Chen family would never have been able to get into the eyes of the Jiang family. Mrs. Chen has a lot of spies in the circle. How could she not understand the Jiang family? situation, but as a woman, she probably can’t stop this kind of thing.”

That's not necessarily the case. Don't underestimate the power of a mother, Tang Xiaoxiao snorted, If anyone plots against my daughter like this, I will fight to the death with my old face and I will not let them abuse my daughter like this.

Shen Qingchuan paused and laughed, I was wrong. After all, rubbish like Chen Yeping is in the minority. Who is a normal parent willing to send their children into a pit of fire?

Tang Xiaoxiao stared at Zhong Meilan sitting not far away, grinding his teeth secretly, thinking that Zhong Meilan, that old witch, would be willing to give up.

Sina took the bride on the stage, stood in front of the emcee, and went through the process.

The bride and groom seemed unfamiliar with each other, and it all depended on what the emcee said.

After finally finishing talking nonsense, the big screen behind them began to play the vlog of the two.

There were so many people attending the wedding that everyone was less interested in this unified part. However, before the vlog of the bride and groom had played much, the video cut to another large-scale picture.

Men's gasps and women's screams rang out from all directions in the banquet hall.

One of the protagonists on the screen is Chen Yeping, but the other is not Mrs. Chen.

Everyone is no longer sleepy at once.

Tang Xiaoxiao quickly pointed the live broadcast on his mobile phone at the big screen.

Qiao Ruoxing was frantically browsing the carnival on the other end, and Tang Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room was stunned to be ranked first on the live broadcast hot list.

Chen Yeping panicked, stood up and shouted, Who did this? Turn it off! Turn it off!

The whole hotel is occupied by Mrs. Chen, so the person responsible for playing the video is naturally Mrs. Chen’s person. Who will listen to him?

The wedding scene was in chaos, and everyone took out their mobile phones to take pictures on the video.

The Jiang family looked ugly. Chen Yeping pulled his in-laws to explain, but the other party shook their hands away. Jiang Ye's parents left the scene with cold expressions.

Chen Yeping's face turned pale. He pulled Mrs. Chen and said in a panic, Siyin, please think of a solution quickly. If this video gets spread, I will be doomed.

Oh, Mrs. Chen smiled, That's really great.

Chen Yeping was stunned for a moment, and the next second his eyes widened, It's you! It's you who did it!

As he spoke, he reached out and strangled Mrs. Chen's neck, Bitch! Do you know how difficult it is for me to get to where I am today? You ruined me!

The force in his hand was very strong and he didn't leave any force behind. He really wanted to strangle her to death.

After being married for more than 20 years, they married such a dogecoin thing!

The bodyguard who had been standing by for a long time saw Chen Yeping making a move and quickly stepped forward to pull the person away, twisting his arms and pressing him on the table.

Bitch! Bitch! Just to be jealous, you ruined me and ruined my daughters. My family is in misfortune! How could I marry a bitch like you! Chen Yeping spitted and spat, obviously extremely angry. .

Liang Siyin touched her neck, walked over, picked up the wine bottle on the table, and hit Chen Yeping directly in the mouth.

The glass was broken all over the table, and Chen Yeping was beaten until his mouth was full of blood. He looked miserable.

The injury on his mouth finally made him shut up.

Liang Siyin grabbed his hair and said with red eyes, No, it's too easy for you to get to where you are today. You lack political achievements. I'll beg your grandpa and grandma to help you attract investment and projects. Others are toasting at the wine table. You don't have the ability to drink. So you can push me out. I drank until my stomach bleeds just after I was born. You touch your upper and lower lips and say Thank you for your hard work, and you will happily take the results and get promoted!

It's so easy to get everything, so you idiot thinks that your abilities are reused! I always thought that you were honest, even if your qualifications are mediocre, but you are simple and caring, but I didn't expect you to be such a toad. Sun Frog, you are so ugly that you have fun, you got your tattered shoes right under my nose, and you even trade my daughter's happiness for your political career! You beast! Why are you wearing a human skin! (End of chapter)

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