Han Ruoxing wanted to say something, but before she could say anything, Gu Jingyan asked softly in a hoarse voice, You don't believe me, do you?

Han Ruoxing was stunned and lowered his eyes.

He knew her so well that he could easily sense what she was thinking.

If Gu Jingyang hadn't revealed his anxiety in front of her in advance because of his anxiety, making her aware of Zhong Meilan's motives, maybe at this moment, Gu Jingyan would have really seen her lying in a pool of blood.

She is not easy to conceive. Maybe this is the only chance for the two of them to be parents, and Zhong Meilan will deprive her of even this opportunity for her own selfish reasons.

If something happened to her today and her child was gone, she would not be able to overcome the hurdle in her heart and continue to be with Gu Jingyan.

Even if she knew, he was in just as much pain as she was, and just as innocent.

She didn't tell Gu Jingyan about her plan in order to make Zhong Meilan's plan go smoothly and get her hands on the stolen goods.

She was afraid that if she told Gu Jingyan in advance, Gu Jingyan would be soft-hearted, so she was unwilling to give this choice to Gu Jingyan.

Han Ruoxing's heart ached. She lowered her eyes and whispered, Gu Jingyan, I don't dare to bet, and I can't bet. I want my child to be born safely. I will get rid of anyone who threatens him. I will not keep him. There is a hidden danger around you.”

Gu Jingyan held her hand tightly and asked her, So in your heart, will I stay?

Han Ruoxing curled her fingers and said after a long time, She is your mother, and people will always be soft-hearted because of that blood relationship.

Gu Jingyan lowered his head and said hoarsely, Axing, no matter how soft-hearted I am, she will hurt you and the child. In your mind, am I the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong?

Han Ruoxing's throat was choked and she was speechless.

Gu Jingyan knelt down, put his arms around her waist, and put his face against her belly, I'm sorry, I didn't do a good enough job, and I didn't give you a sufficient sense of security. I will change it. If you have anything to say to me in the future, Don't let me be the last to know, I'm afraid...

Han Ruoxing felt soft, reached out and stroked the broken hair on the back of his head, lowered her eyes and smiled, Coward.

Can you go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow?

Gu Jingyan's voice was gentle.

Han Ruoxing rubbed her chin on the top of his head, It's up to you.

Gu Jingyan paused.

He called her Ah Xing, but she didn't respond?

The last time he defended Song Jiayu, she didn't react at all.

She...guessed it?

how could be?

Except for a few gaffes just now, he thought he still acted flawlessly.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and suddenly let go of her.

Han Ruoxing looked at him, What's wrong?

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips, It's just...it's all because of the child, don't think too much about it.

Han Ruoxing? ?

Can you still go out and play again?

Han Ruoxing was silent for a moment and then said cooperatively, Don't worry, I am self-aware.

Then there was silence.

There was a bit of embarrassment in the silence.

Han Ruoxing couldn't figure it out. At this point, Gu Jingyan was stunned that he could pick up his amnesia character.

Gu Jingyan cleared his throat to break the awkwardness, You rest first. I'll ask Gao Lan to come in and watch you. I'll go to the banquet hall to take a look.

Wait a minute. Han Ruoxing stopped him. He wanted to set up a character, right? So it doesn't matter if she also sets up a character, right?

Gu Jingyan looked at her, What's wrong?

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips, Have you forgotten the reason why I live here?

Gu Jingyan was startled.

Han Ruoxing reminded, In order to give your children a sound family, work hard to cultivate relationships.

Gu Jingyan?

So do we have to put cultivating relationships on the agenda?

Han Ruoxing discussed with him seriously.

Gu Jingyan licked his lips, How do you want to cultivate him?

Han Ruoxing glanced at his lips and said, muttering, Cultivation of physical feelings first.


Gu Jingyan didn't hear clearly.

Han Ruoxing took action, grabbed his tie and pulled him over, stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips.

Gu Jingyan was startled and subconsciously held her waist.

Han Ruoxing closed her eyes, put on a brave face, and tried her best to tarnish Gu Jingyan.

From the moment he entered the room and saw the war-scarred makeup on his face, she had wanted to do this!

Don't blame her for being greedy, Gu Jingyan's pink and phoenix eyes are so attractive!

If Mo Mingxuan's peach blossom eyes give people the feeling of he likes me, then Gu Jingyan's phoenix eyes definitely give people the feeling of he is seducing me.

Especially the blood from the props rubbing at the corner of the eyes is a bit pitiful. It really lures you into jumping into the trap and you can't stand it. For Yan Gou, it really can't stand it!

Gu Jingyan played the role of his amnesiac character conscientiously. No matter how much Han Ruoxing kissed him, he would not respond.

Han Ruoxing opened her mouth and took a bite on his tongue. Gu Jingyan frowned in pain.

Han Ruoxing let go of him and said with unsteady breath, Are you just like a piece of wood, trying to develop a relationship with me?

Gu Jingyan's ears turned red, but he still pretended to have lost his memory and said, Sorry, I'm not very good at it.

Han Ruoxing...

For a moment, I didn’t know if he was trying to round out his character or if he was deliberately teasing people.

Han Ruoxing coughed lightly, Let's stay here for today. I'll teach you next time.

Gu Jingyan raised the corners of his lips without any trace, and whispered, Trouble with Teacher Han.

Han Ruoxing...

Admiring her embarrassed expression, Gu Jingyan left briskly.

When Gu Jingyan arrived at the scene, the master of ceremonies had already started speaking on the stage, and the wedding ceremony was about to begin.

He sat back in his original seat. Mo Mingxuan looked at him and said, I thought you sent Ruoxing to the hospital.

Gu Jingyan said calmly, Gao Lan helped treat the wound. It's not serious for the time being.

Mo Mingxuan frowned, You lost so much blood, are you okay?

Gu Jingyan looked at him, Whether something happens or not is not your concern. Use this care more for the people around you, settle down as soon as possible, and let Aunt Su feel at ease.

Mo Mingxuan stared at Gu Jingyan for a while and said nothing.

Tang Xiaoxiao held up her cell phone for a long time before finally waiting for the ceremony to begin.

The groom Jiang Ye stood in the audience wearing a suit, watching the bride walk towards him step by step with the support of Chen Yeping.

Jiang Ye was neither tall nor short, but he was very thin. The suit he wore was empty on his body, which inexplicably reminded Tang Xiaoxiao of the word on the Internet - thin dog.

Even though she was thin, she looked very lackluster. She stood there unconsciously hunched over, her eyes were all green and black, and she didn't have the energy of a young man. Especially when she looked at the bride, she looked slightly impatient.

Shen Qingchuan clicked his tongue, That thing is really harmful. When I saw him two years ago, he was quite normal, but now he looks like a skeleton. No wonder his parents want to practice trumpet.

Tang Xiaoxiao was curious, Didn't you say that he was exhausted and couldn't have sex, so how could the bride give birth?

Shen Qingchuan smiled but said nothing.

Tang Xiaoxiao pushed him, Why are you laughing? Tell me.

Shen Qingchuan sighed and lowered his voice, Look down the stage and look at the table of the groom's parents.

(None today) (End of chapter)

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