What is his plan that he doesn't want her to participate in?

Han Ruoxing thought for a while and decided to be sensible.

Gu Jingyan didn't mention the room allocation again. The two of them went to the old house to pay New Year's greetings to their grandma and stayed there until evening.

When he returned home, Han Ruoxing found that his home had changed.

The stairs and bedroom floors were uniformly covered with thick wool carpets.

Han Ruoxing was stunned and turned to look at Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan frowned, Grandma is too exaggerated.

Han Ruoxing...

Grandma knows she slipped a bit this morning?

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips, Grandma, this is called carefulness.

He went up and stepped on it, It's quite soft.

The corners of Gu Jingyan's lips curled up, and when Han Ruoxing turned his head, his expression instantly calmed down.

I'm going to the study.

Han Ruoxing said Oh, then lowered his head and chuckled, as childish and duplicitous as ever.

On the second day of the new year, Song Tianjun took a plane to Country M to investigate the cause of the plane crash.

Gu Jingyan is going to visit several relatives of the Gu family to pay New Year's greetings.

The old lady attaches great importance to these relatives and visits them during every year and festival.

When they were married, she and Gu Jingyan would go out together every year, but after their divorce this year, it was inconvenient for her to go, so Gu Jingyan had to go alone when visiting relatives.

Han Ruoxing asked Song Tianjun to send her some of Caline's most classic products, and when she had nothing to do, she learned to distinguish the flavors among them.

I have to go to the company after the Chinese New Year, and I can't know anything about Caline's stuff.

When she was taking a pen to record the smells she could distinguish in the room, Tang Xiaoxiao called and asked her to come over and play mahjong.

There aren't enough people even if I'm gone. Gu Jingyan has gone to visit relatives, just the three of us?

Tang Xiaoxiao encouraged, Call your cousin over. The three of us can win his money. He is top-notch and rich.

Han Ruoxing...

Isn't this a bit unkind?

She cleared her throat, Wait a minute, let me ask.

The first-day box office performance of The Killing was mixed.

On the first day of the new year, there were more than 70 million, ranking fifth.

Comedies and science fiction films in the Lunar New Year this year are very strong. In addition, domestic animations are also very good. As a suspense movie, Murder suffered a lot during the Spring Festival.

After all, during the Spring Festival, everyone still likes to watch some family-friendly popcorn movies.

But even so, Murderous Intent has been on several hot searches.

Of course, this must be credited to the romance between Han Lie and Ye Zhen.

For a few days, the fans of the two families are still at odds. When the movie reviews for Death were opened, all the fans were scolding each other. The impression was very bad. However, on the second day of the second year of junior high school, the ratings were not low. On the first day, a certain domestic platform It got a score of 8.9.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some fans brush up data and deliberately increase their scores.

But it doesn’t matter.

Ever since Ye Zhen and Han Lie's romance was exposed, the official blog has been in ruins.

I don’t post anything anymore. I just post one sentence and the other one curses. What else?

Everyone’s current attitude towards this movie is that it’s fine as long as they don’t pay compensation.

The fans made a big fuss, so this romance successfully reached my uncle.

She still remembers making a video call to her uncle and grandma on the first day of the new year after the New Year greetings. When she was about to hang up, her uncle asked her, Xingxing, did they get along while you were filming?

Han Ruoxing said in a nonchalant manner, I don't know, I guess so.

The uncle's frown deepened. Just when Han Ruoxing was worried that the other party would ask too many questions and reveal his secret, his uncle asked a question that confused him very much. He said, Is there any other girl who can like him?

The sons of the Song family and the Han family seem to be quite worthless in the eyes of their elders.

The call was answered shortly after the call was made.

Han Lie's voice was as cold as ever, Cousin, do you have a problem with me?

Han Ruoxing cleared her throat, Would you like to play mahjong?

Han Lie?

He pursed his lips and said, I'm not very good at playing.

That's great - no, I mean that's good. I'll teach you.

After the love affair was exposed, except for a certain satellite TV New Year's Eve party, Han Lie postponed all other activities for the time being, so now he has more free time, so he readily agreed.

Han Ruoxing immediately sent the address to Han Lie.

The two soon got together at Yunding International 902.

Han Lie did not know how to play as he said. He lost hundreds of dollars in an hour with a base of five and ten dollars.

The three of them opened the WeChat payment code, each said Thank you, cousin and waited for Han Lie to transfer the money.

Han Lie looked at the three of them, pursed his lips and said, You three are playing decks, right?

Tang Xiaoxiao said immediately, No, no, don't talk nonsense.

Shen Qingchuan clicked his tongue, If you don't believe us, don't you still believe your cousin? Will she cheat you?

Han Ruoxing cleared his throat, How about I pay for you first? When I get back, I can just practice my skills.

This move turned retreat into advance, immediately making Han Lie ashamed of his suspicion just now.

No, I have money.

With that said, he readily transferred the money.

Han Ruoxing touched her non-existent conscience and thought, she is still too young.

Fuck! Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly exclaimed, Axing, you have become a mistress!

Han Ruoxing?

Tang Xiaoxiao looked at her phone and read, Less than 72 hours after Zhen Lie's CP was released, Han Lie and his beautiful lady went to the love nest together.

The accompanying picture is a photo of the two meeting at the gate of the community.

Han Ruoxing took a taxi and waited at the door for Han Lie to arrive. She got into his car and drove to the parking lot.

The reporter happened to take a photo of Han Lie picking her up.

Fortunately, she was wrapped tightly and the reporter did not take pictures of her face, but she was short of arms at the time, and after getting in the car, she deliberately put her cold hand on Han Lie's face, which made Han Lie shiver from the cold.

This scene happened to be photographed by reporters.

Han Lie was scolded as crazy.

As soon as his relationship was publicized, he started flirting with other women and had ambiguous relationships with other women. He was quickly dubbed a scumbag and Aquaman by marketing accounts.

Tang Xiaoxiao said angrily, Are these people sick? Riding in a car is cheating?

Shen Qingchuan was not surprised, In the entertainment industry, small things are also big things. Not to mention taking a car, helping you with chopsticks, they can make up a sadomasochistic relationship for you.

After saying that, he glanced at Han Ruoxing and said, Sister-in-law, it's okay for you to be a little fool. Han Lie is a top-notch guy. You touched his face in his car. It's strange that the fans aren't worried.

Han Ruoxing also blamed herself, I thought the car doors were closed at the time, who knew this could be photographed.

Han Lie said calmly, It's not about this. If they want to mess with me, even if this doesn't happen, they will still think of other ways.

Them? Shen Qingchuan paused, Your boss?

Han Lie nodded.

Han Lie scolded his immediate boss for not telling anyone and disclosing his relationship without consulting the company. The company was very angry with what he did.

Han Lie's agency contract expires in half a year. He has yet to agree to renew the contract. Now that something like this has happened, the company both hates him for cutting off his financial resources, and is also afraid that he will change jobs with his traffic.

After Han Lie became famous, the company successively recruited many new people according to his template.

Now that the leader can no longer control him, they don't mind completely pulling him down from his position and cultivating a new one to rise to the top. (End of chapter)

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