Isn't he openly in love? Then let him collapse in his love affair.

This is how this circle works, you don’t have to make money, but you can’t delay others from making money.

Shen Qingchuan is in this industry, so he naturally understands the twists and turns involved.

Han Lie's traffic was unparalleled in the circle, and many pairs of eyes were watching him eagerly, hoping that he would destroy his house and share the resources.

As a result, the media did not expose any dirty information about him, but he used his love affair to block his own financial path. No wonder the company was anxious.

It's just that this eating scene is a bit too ugly.

The title Tang Xiaoxiao read was a message posted by a small marketing account.

The most popular thing on the Internet right now is the paparazzi who became famous after he revealed that a certain A-list actor cheated on his wife during her pregnancy.

He has revealed a lot of celebrity information, which is mixed between true and false, and several of the big ones came from him first, so when he posted on his blog that a certain top star with the surname H cheated on an actress on the same set as soon as they made their relationship public, When the two gained a lot of CP fans during filming, netizens immediately guessed Han Lie.

Tang Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, These unscrupulous media just took a picture, and they just put it here to look at the picture and talk. My cousin, who is cheating on my cousin?

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips and looked at Han Lie, Let's make a statement together.

Before Han Lie could say anything, Shen Qingchuan said, You can't send it.

Everyone looked at him.

Shen Qingchuan poured a glass of water and said slowly, People are making insinuations. If you publish your household registration book, not only will you not be able to stop them, but you may also divert trouble to the east, making people think that your resources are dependent on Han Lie. That relationship was obtained through the back door.

Besides, the media has not exposed you, so why should we rush to claim it?

Han Ruoxing frowned, What should we do? We can't just not respond and let them smear Ariel, right?

Shen Qingchuan put down his cup and leaned forward, Respond, of course you have to respond, but not the two of you.

Then who responds?

Shen Qingchuan raised his chin at Han Lie, Your girlfriend should show some of her own value.

Han Lie's face turned green, I don't want to ask her for help!

Shen Qingchuan clicked his tongue and said, She kissed you, but you didn't push her away. She asked you to help pretend to be her boyfriend, but you didn't refuse. Now something happened, and you didn't come to her. You are a living Bodhisattva, why don't you come down to earth to save all sentient beings?

Han Lie's face turned red from suppressing it. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, How do you know we are fake?

Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly felt guilty and held the cup, then covered her face while drinking water.

Shen Qingchuan said, Is there something I don't know about in this circle?

After all, Han Lie was too innocent and had no doubts about the two traitors in front of him, but when he thought of looking for Ye Zhen, he still refused to let go.

He couldn't save his face, so Ye Zhen directly called Shen Qingchuan's mobile phone.

Is Han Lie at your place?

Shen Qingchuan glanced at Han Lie, who was tense all over, and said calmly, Here he is.

Ye Zhen said wait for me and then hung up.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Zhen came and shouted as soon as she entered the door, Han Lie, you idiot, you don't have a privacy film on your car, you are stupid!

Han Lie's mouth twitched, Get out!

Silly dog, who should you tell to get out? Ye Zhen glanced at him lightly, Are you still justified in cheating?

Han Lie wanted to chop off her mouth.

Han Ruoxing noticed that Ye Zhen was dressed casually, with a down jacket wrapped outside her pajamas and cotton slippers on her feet.

With her hair tied up casually and no makeup, she lost a bit of charm and added a sense of fragmentation.

No wonder the director likes to film with her so much, Ye Zhen's face has a sense of story.

Moreover, this outfit was obviously hurried over after seeing the hot search.

Still...very loyal.

How about playing cards? Ye Zhen glanced at the mahjong table and looked at Shen Qingchuan, You're not going to call me when you're playing cards?

Shen Qingchuan hugged Tang Xiaoxiao, My girlfriend is here. I call you an ex-girlfriend. Is it appropriate?

Ye Zhen grinned, Are you afraid of losing? Iron Rooster.

After saying that, he looked around and said, Who lost?

The other three people looked at Han Lie in unison.

Ye Zhen turned her head and kicked Han Lie lightly, Get up, little rookie, let me win it back for you.

Han Lie's eyes twitched, You're a noob!

Ye Zhen raised the corners of her lips, What if I win it back for you?

Han Lie didn't fall for the trick, Winning back shows that you are addicted to gambling.

Ye Zhen chuckled lightly, Win it back, and you can kiss me when you go downstairs later.

Han Lie's face was expressionless, Have your spring and autumn dream!

Ye Zhen stopped teasing him, and after driving Han Lie away, she went on stage.

Han Ruoxing was still worried about the scandals on the Internet that were unfavorable to Han Lie, Miss Ye, why don't you deal with Ariel's matter first and then play?

Ye Zhen said while grabbing the cards, Don't worry, let them go crazy for a while.

Han Ruoxing looked at Shen Qingchuan, who gave her a reassuring look.

The three men killed Han Lie and went to Ye Zhen to try the same trick again.

They are all big stars, big stars have money, and if they can win a little bit, it’s a little bit.

However, Ye Zhen was not that easy to deal with.

Not only can she remember the cards, she can also guess the cards. She can guess what you are going to do based on the cards you play.

It was okay for the three of them to trick someone like Han Lie who didn't know how to play. But when they met an expert like Ye Zhen, they didn't even have time to change the cards before they went crazy.

After a few encounters, Han Lie won back all the money he had just lost, and even made everyone vomit a lot.

Queen, are you cheating?

After Tang Xiaoxiao lost, he started to doubt his life.

Ye Zhen hung the lollipop, bent her eyes, took out her mobile phone, opened the payment code, I agree, I agree.

The boomerang comes so fast.

The three people returned the illegal income obtained by cheating and abduction.

Ye Zhen took what she deserved, gave Han Lie a red envelope, and transferred back the money he lost.

Then he looked at the three people in front of him with a smile, You three are so bad at playing decks, you can fool my puppy.

Three people...

Han Lie was confused, What deck?

Ye Zhen glanced at Silly Gou and said, With your intelligence, how come you are in the entertainment industry? You were sold out and you helped count the money. You gained a lot of skin in vain.

Han Lie suddenly wanted to bite someone.

The three of them had guilty consciences, but Han Lie was very generous. He said, It's just a game. What's important about winning or losing? Just be happy.

Ye Zhen looked at the silly boy in front of her and suddenly laughed, Remember to kiss him when you get downstairs later.

Han Lie...

Of course he wouldn't kiss Ye Zhen.

But Ye Zhen was shameless. As soon as she got downstairs, she hugged Han Lie and kissed him in front of Han Ruoxing.

The paparazzi standing guard outside were all shocked. Wasn't it about catching an adulterer?

How about playing?

That day, everyone was waiting for Han Lie to collapse, but at night, the video of Ye Zhen and Han Lie kissing was trending.

(None today) (End of chapter)

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