Song family.

Song Wanqian drank the sobering soup and was helped upstairs by Su Wanqin to rest.

The nanny is cleaning up the mess in the restaurant.

When Song Tianjun came out of the bathroom, he saw Song Jiayu picking up the photo album of Han Ruoxing's childhood.

She clenched her fingers slightly, and the expression on her face was hidden in the dark, making it hard to see clearly.

But the raised knuckles showed that she was not calm at the moment.

Song Tianjun said nothing, just stood not far away and looked at her quietly.

Song Jiayu stared at the photo album for a few seconds, then threw it heavily on the table, then turned and went upstairs.

After she left, Song Tianjun stepped forward and picked up the photo album.

There were still finger marks on the leather cover of the album that Song Jiayu had just grasped hard. Song Tianjun smoothed those marks quietly and then opened the album.

Originally I wanted to see my sister when she was a child, but as I was flipping through it, I realized something was wrong.

What about the photo of the mud monkey?

He frowned and turned over it again.


He turned to ask the aunt who was clearing the table, Besides Jiayu, has anyone else touched this photo album?

The nanny thought for a while and said, Mr. Gu has turned over it. At that time, you and Mr. Song went out to move things to Miss's car. Mr. Gu looked over it for a while.

Song Tianjun's eyelids twitched.

Steal photos?

What people do?

He took out a few photos from the album, closed the album again, put it back in the box, and then said to the nanny, If my dad asks about the photos, just tell me that I took some and put them in my office.

Okay, Master.

After going to bed late and having a hangover, Gu Jingyan fell into a very deep sleep. When he opened his eyes, it was already bright.

He wanted to raise his arm and check the time on his phone, but when he moved, his arm did not rise.

He paused and turned around to see Han Ruoxing sleeping soundly with his arm pillowed on his head.

His eyelids twitched suddenly, and he immediately realized that the two people under the quilt were barely wearing any clothes.

His whole body went numb and he jerked his hand back.

Han Ruoxing's head fell on the pillow and she woke up.

She frowned and said sleepily, What are you doing so early in the morning?

Gu Jingyan sat up, covering his lower body with the quilt, looking ugly, Why are you on my bed?


Han Ruoxing opened her eyes, You haven't sobered up yet?

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to touch Gu Jingyan's face, and the latter rolled to the end of the bed just like Tang Monk who followed Pansi Cave.

Han Ruoxing...

The corner of her mouth twitched, Is there shit on my hands?

Gu Jingyan...

Han Ruoxing wore a suspender skirt. When she sat up, a shoulder strap slipped from her shoulder. Gu Jingyan instantly saw the dots of red marks on her neck.

Damn it!

He looked tense and looked a little gray. He clutched the quilt and muttered for a long time before saying, Get dressed and go to the hospital.

Han Ruoxing? ? ?

Why go to the hospital?

The prenatal check-up is next week.

Gu Jingyan clenched his hands, his chest heaved violently, and said hoarsely, Why don't you push me away?

Han Ruoxing was baffled.

Do I still need to push? Didn't you bounce it off yourself?

I mean last night! Gu Jingyan's lips trembled, As long as you push me, I won't...I won't... He couldn't continue, his eyes were full of panic and self-disgust.

Go to the hospital, Gu Jingyan's voice was hoarse, Go to the hospital immediately.

Han Ruoxing's eyes changed when she looked at Gu Jingyan.

She opened her mouth several times and closed it again.

Finally, I couldn't help it anymore and whispered, Don't you think that the two of us last night -

After speaking, he clapped his hands gently and said, Are you applauding?

Gu Jingyan?


Of course not! Am I crazy?

Han Ruoxing was speechless. Why did Gu Jingyan always think that he could show off his talents when he was drunk? What misunderstanding does he have about himself?

Gu Jingyan was stunned for a moment, still a little unconvinced.

His eyes fell on Han Ruoxing's neck, You... on your neck...

On the neck?

Han Ruoxing pulled the mirror and touched it, You said this, I shaved after taking a shower last night.

Gu Jingyan...

Han Ruoxing leaned over, blinked, and teased him in a low voice, Do you think it was you who kissed me?

Then he put his neck close to hers and said, Kiss one and let me compare it to see if it looks like it.

Gu Jingyan's lips trembled, and he forcefully pulled out the shirt she was sitting on, and went to the bathroom with a straight face.

Han Ruoxing said tsk and couldn't help but be amused!

Gu Jingyan stayed in the bathroom for a long time. When he finished washing and opened the door, he saw Han Ruoxing wearing pajamas, blocking the door.

Gu Jingyan's hand wiping his hair paused, trying to get around her.

Han Ruoxing moved lightly and blocked him again.

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and looked at her, Is something wrong?

Han Ruoxing looked at him with gleaming eyes, It's okay.

Gu Jingyan...

Can you please give me a moment?

Han Ruoxing narrowed her eyes and said, Okay.

As she spoke, she moved to the side, but her foot stepped on the water on the ground and slipped. She almost split herself on the spot. Fortunately, Gu Jingyan had quick eyesight and quickly held her armpits.

Han Ruoxing's heart was pounding, and she hugged Gu Jingyan's waist like an octopus, with a cold sweat breaking out on her back.

Gu Jingyan put his hands under her armpits, lifted her up, and then threw the towel in his hand on the water stain at the door.

Wait me a moment.

After saying these words, Gu Jingyan put on his bathrobe and went out.

Han Ruoxing was wondering why he was there when Gu Jingyan came up after a while.

He held a pair of non-slip slippers in his hand and placed them at her feet, Wear these.

Han Ruoxing was stunned.

When did you buy it?

She lowered her eyes, stuffed her feet in, flexed her toes, and turned to look at Gu Jingyan. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Gu Jingyan say, After the New Year, I will have someone install another bed in the guest room next door. I will stay there. there.

Han Ruoxing made a move. Is Gu Jingyan not going to tell her about his recovery of memory? Why should he pretend to be the same as before and keep a distance from her?

She didn't speak, she just stared at Gu Jingyan, her eyes making Gu Jingyan's hair stand up.

Just when Gu Jingyan was thinking about speaking again, Han Ruoxing said lightly, No.

Gu Jingyan frowned, I can't remember you now. It's not appropriate for a man and a woman to sleep in the same bed.

Han Ruoxing glanced at him, I don't really want to sleep with you, but I'm pregnant now. If I slip like I did just now, there won't even be anyone around me, the baby will be reincarnated, and I won't be found out yet. Hospital.

The corners of Gu Jingyan's mouth twitched, Can't you say something auspicious?

The child is reincarnated... Bah!

Han Ruoxing shrugged, I always have to consider the worst case scenario.

When Gu Jingyan thought about that moment, the hairs on his back stood up, and he immediately gave up the idea of ​​splitting up rooms.

Han Ruoxing looked at his troubled expression, worried that something would happen to her if she lived alone, but also worried that her secret would be revealed if she lived together.

The good thing about the drunken scene is that he exposed all his secrets and thought he acted flawlessly.

Han Ruoxing was not in a hurry to expose this. What she was more curious about now was that if Gu Jingyan's recovery of memory was hidden from others, why should he also hide it from her? (End of chapter)

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