Han Ruoxing also came close behind.

As soon as they met, they threw themselves into Song Tianjun's arms and hugged him tightly.

After Han Ruoxing was recognized back to the Song family, she rarely expressed such strong emotions.

Although the family showed great enthusiasm for Han Ruoxing, after all, they had lost more than 20 years of relationship, and there was still some subconscious alienation in their daily interactions.

Song Tianjun sometimes thought sadly that after missing him for so many years, it would be difficult for his sister to have a good relationship with him.

But now that he was hugged tightly by Han Ruoxing, he realized that he was really thinking too much.

My sister probably followed his old father who was not good at words and kept silent. If something really happened, she would be more anxious than anyone else.

Thinking about the crying on the phone just now, and looking at those rabbit-like eyes, Song Tianjun couldn't help but rub her hair, and said in a warm voice with a smile, I'm almost a mother, and I cry every now and then. Nose, I will be laughed at by my nephews from now on.”

Han Ruoxing sniffed and said hoarsely, Whoever laughs will beat him up.

Song Tianjun snapped, If the son is not the godfather, beat the child's father.

Gu Jingyan lying on the gun...

Han Ruoxing didn't answer. She didn't even look at Gu Jingyan. She pulled Song Tianjun and said, Dad, brother, get in the car first. Let's talk in the car.

As he said this, he picked up the luggage on the ground. Just as Gu Jingyan was about to reach out to pick it up, Han Ruoxing ducked to avoid his touch.

Gu Jingyan was stunned.

Song Tianjun glanced at the two of them, then took the luggage from Han Ruoxing and threw it to Gu Jingyan, No expression!

Gu Jingyan...

After a few people got into the car, Song Wanqian asked what was going on, and Song Tianjun repeated the experience he had told Han Ruoxing to his old father.

Song Wanqian still had a layer of cold sweat on his back after hearing this.

After a long while, he said, Get along well with your friend, he saved your life.

Song Tianjun said helplessly, I know.

It was obviously his own caution to get the original document, but thanks to the phone call from his friend, if he got on the plane an hour later, his father and sister might really have to go to Country M to collect his body today.

Song Tianjun quickly contacted the embassy of country M and reported the situation on his side.

The embassy also informed them of the progress there. The location of the black box has been located and is currently being salvaged. The whereabouts of the two captains are still unknown and it is very likely that they were killed.

After talking with them, Song Tianjun finally decided to fly to Country M again on the second day of the new year, firstly to investigate the cause of the accident, and secondly to deal with the funeral affairs of the two captains and appease their relatives.

One of the two captains is a white man, and the other is from Jiangcheng. They both have rich driving experience. In fact, one of them is Song Tianjun’s original aircraft driver’s license instructor, so he can be said to be both a teacher and a friend.

Before everyone got on the plane that day, they were still chatting about family matters and saying that they wanted to pick up their daughter to go home with them for the Spring Festival. However, within a few hours, everything changed.

Compensation is a trivial matter. He must find out the real cause of the plane crash, so that no one's accident can be in vain.

The car was halfway through before Song Wanqian remembered to call Su Wanqin.

When the call was connected, Su Wanqin asked with concern, Old Song, have you landed?

Song Wanqian said, We are back.

came back?

Su Wanqin was surprised.

Song Wanqian said happily, Tianjun is back. He didn't get on the plane. Due to some delays, he took another flight. He was on the plane before, so he didn't contact us.

Su Wanqin's expression changed slightly, she couldn't help but tighten her hand holding the phone, and asked in a low voice, Are you saying Tianjun is okay? Is he by your side?

Yes, I asked him to tell you a few words, Song Wanqian said and handed the phone to Song Tianjun.

Before Su Wanqin could recover, Song Tianjun's voice came from the other end of the phone, Aunt Su, it's me.

Su Wanqin's heart was suffocating, and she said after a long time, Just come back. You didn't know that we got a call from the embassy yesterday. We were all frightened. We thought you were really... just fine. Just fine. Just talk to your dad. Come back early. Auntie asked Sister Sun and the others to prepare more dishes. Today, New Year’s Eve, our family will have a reunion dinner to help you get rid of any bad luck.

Song Tianjun smiled lightly, but the smile was very shallow and did not reach his eyes.

Thank you Aunt Su, we will be there in a moment.

Su Wanqin said a few more words, such as paying attention to safety, before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Su Wanqin felt uneasy.

She paced back and forth in the room, thought for a long time, and then made a call with her mobile phone.

As soon as the call was connected, a man's voice came from the other end, Wanwan...

Su Wanqin said solemnly, Tianjun is back.

The voice on the other end paused, then said in panic, How is that possible? I obviously watched him go up!

Shut up! Su Wanqin looked ugly, I told you not to do unnecessary things. Why didn't you listen to me and attack Tianjun?

The man said in a rough voice, He has already traced the nurse. If I don't do anything, sooner or later he will trace me!

Su Wanqin said coldly, How could he find out about you? Even the police can't find out about you! Have you forgotten your current identity?

That nurse doesn't know anything. So what if Tianjun sees her? But you are the one who's adding insult to injury! Someone tampered with him on the plane. Wouldn't he have thought that it was related to the matter he was investigating? You're really going to be stupid to death. Got it!

The man closed his mouth and didn't speak for a long time, but his heavy breathing showed his dissatisfaction.

It took him a long time before he asked, Why are you so afraid that I will attack Song Tianjun? He is Song Wanqian's son. Why, have you had feelings for him after raising him for so many years? Or are you now content with the status quo and want to continue to be safe and sound? Be your Mrs. Song?

Su Wanqin's face darkened, What nonsense are you talking about?

You know what I'm talking about! If something happens to Song Tianjun, there's only one Han Ruoxing left, so why should you be afraid? That old guy's partiality is so biased that he's so biased, and you still want to care about his son's life and death? I think you're really living too much. Comfortable, I have forgotten what happened back then.”

Su Wanqin clenched her hands tightly, the anger in her eyes still lingering, and she said after a long time, I know you are doing it for Jiayu, but now is not the time. You have alerted the snake and made Tianjun suspicious. With his temper, he will definitely get to the bottom of it. You are not afraid of the living dead, do you want Jiayu?

The man was stunned for a moment and did not speak.

Don't forget what you told me when you accepted all that. Don't say you regret it!

The silence lasted longer this time. After a long time, he said, I am also anxious. Seeing Jiayu being bullied like this, how can I feel better? As long as you mother and daughter live well, I will accept that I will have no name or surname for the rest of my life... …” (End of this chapter)

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