Su Wanqin's expression softened, Stop saying such things again. You must discuss with me before doing anything in the future. Don't make your own decisions and do bad things with good intentions, which will harm Jiayu.

The man responded, I understand.

Su Wanqin wanted to say something else, but the door was suddenly pushed open. She was startled, and Song Jiayu rushed in and said, Mom, brother is okay!

Su Wanqin glared at her, There are no rules and regulations. You don't even know to knock on the door when you enter the house?

Song Jiayu apologized, but was still very happy. She pulled Su Wanqin and said happily, My brother didn't get on that plane. He took the flight back. I said that my brother is so lucky, how could something happen?

After finishing speaking, he paused and said, Mom, you are not surprised at all.

Su Wanqin said helplessly, Your dad just called me to tell me.

Then you didn't tell me, which made me cry for so long, she said, looking at Su Wanqin's still-lit cell phone and curiously said, Mom, who are you talking to on the phone?

Su Wanqin's expression remained unchanged and she said calmly, An old classmate.

As soon as he finished speaking, the person on the other end of the phone suddenly called out, Jiayu.

Song Jiayu was startled for a moment. That voice was full of inexplicable emotions, which inexplicably gave her a strange feeling.

But she still said politely, Hello, uncle.

The person over there was stunned for a moment, breathing a little heavier, and didn't speak for a long time.

Mom, what is this uncle's last name and how should I call him?

Su Wanqin did not answer this question, but just said, Go downstairs and tell Sister Sun to prepare more dishes that Tianjun likes. Your father and others will be back for the New Year's Eve dinner soon.

Song Jiayu was a little surprised, but she didn't ask any more questions and turned around and went out.

Su Wanqin glanced at her phone. She hadn't hung up yet. She was silent for a while and said, Wait a little longer. When the time is right, I will explain everything to her.

The man let out a disappointed Yeah and said after a long time, I saw her last time where you lived, and she has grown so big.

Su Wanqin's face darkened, Have you come near my house?

I...I was just passing by.

The Song family lives in a villa, and there are security guards on duty outside. Who can pass by the villa?

Su Wanqin's anger and blood surged, and if she finally endured it, she said, Don't do this next time. What if we are caught by the security guards? What do you want our mother and daughter to do?

The man said hoarsely, I just miss the child so much.

I will send you photos of Jiayu. As we said, everything is for the sake of the children.

The man responded, I know.

Su Wanqin comforted the other party for a few more words and hung up the phone.

After much thought, Su Wanqin decided to call her classmates in country M. She was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case...

Everyone thought Han Ruoxing would drive straight to the Song family, but she took a detour to Jiangsheng Group.

When she arrived, she turned to look at Gu Jingyan, the co-pilot, Mr. Gu, please go slowly without seeing me off.

Gu Jingyan...

Gu Jingyan turned to look at Jiang Sheng, whose door was closed, pursed his lips and said, It's a day off today.

Han Ruoxing said Oh and said calmly, Just right, quiet, suitable for overtime work. Don't you like to work overtime the most?

Song Wanqian and Song Tianjun looked at each other, and they both saw one sentence in each other's eyes - Qiu Hou has come to settle accounts.

Gu Jingyan was silent, and it took him a long time to say, I also have to celebrate the festival.

Song Wanqian and his son had blank expressions on their faces.

How did you get your wife if you don't even know how to speak?

Then you go back to your home for the holidays. The online ride-hailing driver hasn't taken leave yet, so you can take a taxi back, she said, throwing her passport to him, Goodbye.

Gu Jingyan pinched her passport and finally realized that Han Ruoxing was angry that he had left her at home without a word, and planned to go abroad alone with Song Wanqian to find out about Song Tianjun.

Gu Jingyan really didn't want to let Han Ruoxing travel around while pregnant, and Song Tianjun's life or death was uncertain at the time, and the mood swings of great joy and great sadness were very bad for her.

But he had no right to stop it, because he was her brother.

At around five o'clock in the morning, Song Wanqian sent him a WeChat message, informing him from the airport that flights had resumed and he would be able to fly at around seven o'clock.

Song Wanqian didn't want to take Han Ruoxing with him, so he asked him to persuade him again. Of course, Gu Jingyan couldn't persuade him, so he just came and left without saying goodbye.

Unexpectedly, people who have woken up so late in the past woke up very early today.

Gu Jingyan looked at Song Wanqian, who also felt guilty, so he advised, Ruoxing, it's difficult to drive on New Year's Eve, otherwise let Jingyan go back with us to have a New Year's Eve dinner.

Dad, the New Year's Eve dinner is a family meal. What does Mr. Gu have to do with our family?

Song Wanqian looked at Gu Jingyan, I'm asking you, what's the relationship?

Gu Jingyan's lips moved and he said, The relationship between partners.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what this bitch was talking about, and immediately threw Gu Jingyan out of the car with a dark face.

The car sped away. Song Wanqian looked at Gu Jingyan who was retreating and coughed, My dear, are we a little bit offended?

Han Ruoxing said with a stern face, My brother is fine. If something happened to my brother, he didn't let me go. I will hate him forever!

Song Wanqian closed his mouth and shrank his shoulders, and after a while he said, Actually, I asked Jingyan not to call you.

Dad, why are you still talking to him? Have you forgotten that when we didn't recognize each other before, you came to see me and he tricked me into standing on the calf stretcher for half an hour? He has lost his memory, and so have you. ?”

Song Wanqian's originally open-minded mind suddenly became narrow-minded due to her daughter's words.

Although what happened today is not Gu Jingyan's attention, he is indeed not a good person, so he can be left alone.

Song Tianjun looked surprised, With Gu Jingyan's brains, can he still deceive you?

Song Wanqian really didn't want to mention that unbearable past, so she said with a dark face, Shut up.

Song Tianjun refused, How did you lie?

Did you fall for him when he lied to you?

You didn't respond for half an hour and you just kept standing?

Do your legs hurt after standing?

At the end of the question, Song Wanqian couldn't bear it anymore and gritted his teeth and said, Stop the car and throw this brat out of the way!

Han Ruoxing called Lin Shu before the car had driven far and asked him to pick up Gu Jingyan in Jiangsheng.

So not long after she left, Lin Shu drove over.

Seeing Gu Jingyan's disgraced look, Lin Shu couldn't help but be happy. When Gu Jingyan got in the car, Lin Shu joked, I was so anxious to give someone my passport, but in the end, my wife didn't even let you have a New Year's Eve dinner with me?

Gu Jingyan said with a dark face, Shut up!

Lin Shu smiled and started the car.

The old lady called one after another, asking Gu Jingyan to take Han Ruoxing back to her old house for New Year's Eve dinner.

Gu Jingyan rubbed his temples, She went back to the Song family.

The old lady's enthusiasm disappeared instantly and she said coldly, Oh, then don't come either. I'll ask Uncle Qin to prepare something.

Gu Jingyan... (End of chapter)

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