Gu Jingyan hugged her tightly and said calmly, I will do what I say.

Qiao Ruoxing closed her eyes, calmed down her anger, stopped paying attention to him, and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep was not stable. In my dream, I saw Song Tianjun getting on the plane. On the way, the plane lost control and disintegrated in the air. Song Tianjun was smashed to pieces by the wings and his flesh and blood were mixed.

Qiao Ruoxing woke up from her nightmare in a cold sweat. The sky was bright outside the window and Gu Jingyan was no longer beside her.

She took the phone and looked at it. It was not yet seven o'clock.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, put on her coat and walked out.

The house was quiet, only Aunt Huang was cleaning up Gu Jingyang's house.

Qiao Ruoxing suddenly had a bad feeling. She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and played Gu Jingyan's call, but no one answered the call. She called Song Wanqian instead, but no one answered either.

Qiao Ruoxing returned to the bedroom with a pale face. There were no passports and visas on the bedside table.

Son of a bitch!

Even if she left secretly, she even hid her passport and visa!

With a cold expression on her face, Qiao Ruoxing hurriedly put on her clothes and walked out.

Gu Jingyan's cell phone can still be connected, but it doesn't answer the call. They probably haven't boarded the plane yet.

Qiao Ruoxing drove a car randomly from the garage and chased her to the airport at full speed.

On the way, he received an inexplicable sales call, and he kept promoting houses. After hanging up for a while, he called again. He was already upset. After three calls in a row, Qiao Ruoxing's temper got worse.

She picked up the phone and said with a cold face, Which agency are you from, what is your employee number, and where did you get my personal information? Who sold it to you? Do you know this is called harassment? I can go to court and sue you. !”

There was silence for a moment, and then a voice came, Why are you so angry when you wake up so early in the morning? Did Gu Jingyan mess with you?

Qiao Ruoxing's heart trembled and she almost rear-ended the car in front of her. She hurriedly pulled over and called out in a hoarse voice, Brother, are you still alive?

Song Tianjun......

I'm alive...Is there a problem?

No problem... Qiao Ruoxing said and couldn't help crying.

Qiao Ruoxing cried uncontrollably, which made Song Tianjun bewildered and comfort him with a clumsy mouth, What's wrong, who bullied you? Is it that bitch Gu Jingyan? I'll go back and beat him for you.

Qiao Ruoxing choked up and said, No one bullied me, it was you. You scared us to death, you know?

Song Tianjun had no idea. He had just gotten off the plane and had no idea about the crash of the private plane.

Brother, what's going on? Why weren't you on that plane?

Song Tianjun had a sullen face before telling her the cause and effect.

After talking to Qiao Ruoxing on the phone that day, he did get on the plane, but before taking off, he received a call from a friend.

The past of Dr. Huang that Qiao Ruoxing asked him to check before was found by his friend. He originally said that it was sent to him by mobile phone, but Song Tianjun was always cautious, so he told his friend that he would go over and get the original copy.

My friend lived some distance from the airport, and the round trip took nearly two hours. The captain had to take a detour to bring his daughter who was studying abroad with him. The time had already been booked. If he postponed it, he would have to go there. It might be midnight.

It was really unsafe for a girl to wait there for several hours, and Song Tianjun was not sure how long his trip would be delayed, so he asked the captain and the others to fly back to pick up his daughter and get the things by himself. Then take the flight back.

So they parted ways at the airport. Song Tianjun took a taxi to find a friend to get some materials. The captain and co-pilot flew to Jiangcheng with a plane full of supplies.

Song Tianjun got his things and arrived at the airport three hours later. He booked the fastest flight to Jiangcheng and started to rush back.

The private plane crashed at sea five hours after takeoff. Song Tianjun was on another passenger plane at the time and there was no signal, so he didn't know about the crash at all and slept on the plane for a few hours. Just now, the plane Land.

As soon as he got off the plane, he contacted Qiao Ruoxing. Because he arrived earlier than expected, he originally wanted to call and prevent his sister from coming, but he didn't expect that his family thought he was on the crashed plane and his sister was listening. When I heard his voice, I was so emotionally broken.

After the plane landed, the captain and the others asked someone to check it and made sure there was no problem before taking off. How could something happen?

Song Tianjun's heart sank when he thought of his purpose of going to Country M this time.

It took Qiao Ruoxing a while to calm down, Brother, I'm going to pick you up at the airport now. You can look for dad and Gu Jingyan at the airport. They are flying to country M to find you.

Song Tianjun responded and explained, Be careful when driving, and we will discuss other matters when we meet.

Qiao Ruoxing said Hmm and called Brother before hanging up the phone.

Song Tianjun paused.

Qiao Ruoxing's voice was still a little hoarse and she said softly, Let me know in advance when you change flights next time. Don't scare me.

Song Tianjun's heart softened, I know, there will be no next time.

Song Tianjun used the radio and quickly found Gu Jingyan and Song Wanqian who were about to board the plane.

Song Wanqian heard her son's voice on the radio and almost thought she was hallucinating. Until she saw Song Tianjun, her tense mood finally relaxed a little.

When Song Tianjun came over, the old father picked up the luggage bag in his hand and threw it firmly on his butt twice, You brat, if nothing happens, why don't you call me to make sure you're safe! What a bastard! Let me worry about you. !”

Song Tianjun, a grown man, was beaten by his old father at the airport and watched by that bitch Gu Jingyan. He immediately felt extremely embarrassed.

He gritted his teeth and said, You yourself misunderstood, how can you blame me?

Gu Jingyan watched the excitement for a while before speaking, Uncle Song, it's not too late to go back and beat him again. With so many people watching, let Tianjun save some face.

Song Tianjun's mouth twitched, Are you speaking human language?

Gu Jingyan said earnestly, Love is deep and responsibility is deep, please understand.

It's not you who dares to beat me!

Of course, Song Wanqian didn't really try hard. He was too scared. Although he was always very strict with his son, this was his and his lover's first child. How could he not feel pain?

So after two hits, he stopped, and then went over and hugged Song Tianjun in his arms. He was so strong that his fingers were trembling.

Song Tianjun's body was stiff, and it took him a long time to relax.

After his mother passed away, his father was depressed for a long time. He had not hugged him like this for a long time. Especially after he became an adult, he rarely said anything about himself, let alone hugging him. Between men, it always feels like everything is left unspoken.

But in fact, even fatherly love needs to be expressed.

Song Tianjun patted his old father on the shoulder, sighed, and whispered, It's okay, it's okay, am I back? (End of Chapter)

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