Then the passport that was not found was turned over by the nanny under the mattress one day during cleaning. From then on, Gu Jingyan never let her keep the passport again.

After the two divorced, she took away all the commonly used documents, except her passport, which she forgot because she didn't use it often.

Qiao Ruoxing pursed her lips, took the passport, and asked in a low voice, You and I are not married now. There is no need for you to go.

Gu Jingyan's eyes darkened, Tianjun and I grew up together. Before something happened to me, he tried his best to find me. Now that he is in trouble, how can I just watch and be indifferent.

Qiao Ruoxing didn't say anything. She wanted to see something else from those eyes, but Gu Jingyan's expression was open, no different from before.

Song Wanqian called her, Ruoxing, it's time to apply for a visa.

Qiao Ruoxing came back to her senses and responded.

Because a relative had an accident abroad, and Song Wanqian's company has always been a major taxpayer in China, the embassy explained the situation, and the Special Affairs Office opened a green channel and several staff came to handle the matter on site. .

Everyone acted efficiently and quickly applied for the visa. After passing the security check, we were waiting in the departure hall.

Song Wanqian was tense physically and mentally and was in no mood to talk. Qiao Ruoxing was about the same. Although Gu Jingyan's abnormal behavior tonight made her have too many questions, now was not the time to talk about it.

It's a holiday today. Have you made arrangements with the company? Will there be any problems if you're not here?

Qiao Ruoxing asked softly.

She knew that Uncle Gu was still dormant and looking for opportunities. Rationally speaking, it was not rational for Gu Jingyan to leave at this time.

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and said, The company has Lin Shu, but the most important thing now is Tian Jun.

Qiao Ruoxing said nothing, quietly and eagerly waiting for the boarding reminder.

However, the weather was not good. There had been strong wind warnings for the past two days. When they drove to the airport, the wind became even stronger and there were large snowflakes mixed in.

Within an hour, the snow was already falling heavily and the wind was still raging. Half an hour before boarding the plane, a voice came over the radio.

Due to the weather, the flight to country M has been postponed. It is expected to be postponed until around 10 noon tomorrow. The specific time will be notified separately.

When Qiao Ruoxing heard the broadcast, her face became particularly ugly.

The same goes for Song Wanqian. However, if flights are canceled or delayed due to weather conditions, no one can do anything but wait.

Gu Jingyan whispered, Uncle Song, go home first and we'll come back tomorrow morning.

Song Wanqian pressed her temples and whispered, Take Ruoxing back to rest. I'll wait here. I won't be able to sleep when I go back anyway.

Qiao Ruoxing said, I won't go back either. I'll wait with you.

Song Wanqian frowned, Be obedient and don't act nonsense. You are not alone now. You still have my granddaughter in your belly. It's hard to sleep here and you can't rest well. What should I do if something goes wrong?

Qiao Ruoxing asked hoarsely, What about you? How old are you? If I let you wait here alone, wouldn't I worry?

Song Wanqian choked and couldn't say anything to refute for a long time.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said, Uncle Song, the plane can't fly. There is no difference between waiting here and waiting at home. The flight will resume tomorrow and it will take more than ten hours. If you don't get enough rest or something goes wrong on the way, she will not only have to take care of your stomach. There, I have to take care of you.

Gu Jingyan paused and then said, The doctor said that the fetus is unstable in the first three months and her physical condition is not good. What if-

Shut your crow mouth!

Song Wanqian said angrily, You can't say something auspicious!

Although he scolded Gu Jingyan, fortunately, Song Wanqian didn't insist on staying here anymore.

Gu Jingyan was right, there was still a lot to do on the plane and after he got off the plane, so he had to conserve his energy.

Gu Jingyan did not send Song Wanqian home, but drove them directly back to the Royal Garden.

Qiao Ruoxing originally wanted to remind Gu Jingyan that there was no bed at home, and the old father's waist was not good, so he couldn't let anyone sleep on the sofa.

As a result, Gu Jingyan directly drove Gu Jingyang away.

Well, to be precise, he should have been deceived.

At first, when Gu Jingyang saw Song Wanqian coming, he said, There is no bed at home. Where will you let Uncle Song stay?

Gu Jingyan threw the clothes directly to Gu Jingyang, Go out and buy some food.

Gu Jingyang was very reluctant, but she was afraid of Gu Jingyan, so she had no choice but to succumb to his power.

While getting dressed and going out, he asked Gu Jingyan what he wanted to buy.

Gu Jingyan explained a lot to her, and after sending her out, he locked the door and said calmly, After you buy it, just take it home and eat it yourself. Don't come back at night.

Only then did Gu Jingyang realize that Gu Jingyan was planning to kick her out to make room for his father-in-law, and he was immediately furious.

Knocking on the door and clamoring to come in, Gu Jingyan directly turned on the noise reduction system, so the room became clean.

Through the window, I could only see Gu Jingyang shouting, but could hardly hear what she was shouting.

Gu Jingyang knocked for a while, but when he saw that no one paid attention to her, he cursed and left.

Qiao Ruoxing was very surprised.

Gu Jingyang has never been that easy to talk to, so it was surprising that he stopped talking so quickly today.

As soon as Gu Jingyang left, Gu Jingyan asked the live-in nanny to change the bed in Gu Jingyang's house with a new set of bedding, and temporarily placed Song Wanqian in Gu Jingyang's house.

Song Wanqian was exhausted both physically and mentally, so he took a shower and rested early.

After Qiao Ruoxing washed up, she lay on the bed and couldn't sleep at night, clutching the bracelet Song Tianjun gave her.

When Gu Jingyan came out of the bathroom, he saw Han Ruoxing looking at her phone in a daze.

Gu Jingyan threw the towel aside, sat on the bed on the other side, and whispered, Go to bed early, we have to go to the airport tomorrow.

Han Ruoxing came back to her senses, responded, and put the phone on the bedside.

Gu Jingyan lay down and turned off the light.

The two of them were silent, no one spoke.

After a while, Han Ruoxing said, Gu Jingyan, where did you find your passport?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, Aunt Huang sent it, I don't know. Ask her later.

Han Ruoxing said nothing and tossed and turned on the bed, making pancakes as if she couldn't sleep.

Just when she turned over again, Gu Jingyan stretched out his long arms and hugged her.

If you don't sleep like this, you can stay at home to catch up on your sleep tomorrow, and Uncle Song and I will go.

Han Ruoxing frowned, Do you think I can sleep at this time?

You have to sleep even if you can't, Gu Jingyan closed his eyes and said in a very soft voice, Take care of yourself first, then you have the energy to do other things.

He paused and then said, Or do you want me to tell Uncle Song that you didn't sleep all night?

Song Wanqian was worried about her son, and she also felt sorry for her daughter, especially when her daughter was still pregnant.

Han Ruoxing looked ugly, gritted his teeth and said, Despicable! (End of Chapter)

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