As soon as Han Ruoxing said these words, everyone's expressions changed.

Su Wanqin whispered, Ruoxing, why do you think it's man-made? Isn't Tianjun going abroad just to discuss business?

Han Ruoxing said calmly, Just like Sister Jiayu thought it was caused by the weather, I just put forward a conjecture. The search and rescue team hasn't found anything yet, so we will jump to the conclusion that the plane crash was caused by the weather. It would be too arbitrary to slap people here randomly.

Song Jiayu's eyes changed slightly and she said hurriedly, I just thought of this and said it casually. There's no way I'm going to blame you. She choked up as she spoke, I just panicked when I thought about my brother being gone...

Han Ruoxing's voice was even colder, The embassy only said that the plane crashed. It's not sure whether my brother was on the plane, and no one is sure if there are any survivors. How do you know that your brother is dead?

I - Song Jiayu choked and said with an ugly face, The plane crashed and the possibility of survival is very slim. Don't you know it clearly? Which is more important now, my brother, or is it more important for me to talk here and there?

Of course my brother's safety is important. I just can't bear to see people mourning here before they get the news, he said sarcastically, You are very capable and can save Gu Jingyan, so why not think of a way to save my brother.

Song Jiayu's face darkened, At this time, are you still in the mood to care about Brother Gu with me -


Seeing that Song Wanqian's face was getting more and more ugly, Su Wanqin suddenly slapped Song Jiayu in the face and said in a cold voice, Shut up! Is this the time for a quarrel? Your brother's life or death is uncertain now. You don't care about the severity. I Is this how you were taught?”

Song Jiayu covered her face, her expression seemed a little unbelievable, then her eyes became red and she bit her lips.

Han Ruoxing curled her fingers. Su Wanqin's rank was really high.

Her old father was a very partial person, and even if she was at fault for this matter, Song Wanqian would definitely not be willing to have Song Jiayu quarrel with her in front of him.

When the quarrel got serious, he would say any unpleasant things to others. Even if Song Wanqian couldn't speak out due to his identity as stepfather, he would definitely care about Song Jiayu in his heart.

Su Wanqin was very aware of her weight in her old father's heart, which Song Jiayu couldn't compete with anyway, so it was not the best idea to be confrontational. It was to use the years of father-daughter love to make Song Wanqian soft-hearted.

Sure enough, when Su Wanqin slapped her, Song Wanqian frowned.

He said in a deep voice, The children are already so old. Don't do anything. You are worried about Tianjun. If you argue a little, if you slap me, the children will feel discord.

Su Wanqin whispered, If you're anxious, you can't speak so arrogantly. If word spreads, others will laugh at us, the Song family, for our lack of rules and regulations.

This... is a double entendre.

Han Ruoxing was too lazy to argue with her about these words. She turned to Song Wanqian and said, Dad, I'll go with you. She paused and said softly, Whether my brother is on the plane or not, I will take him with you. go home.

Song Wanqian's eyes were a little red again. It wasn't that he didn't want to take Han Ruoxing with him, but he was concerned that she was pregnant now. If something happened to Tianjun, he was afraid that Ruoxing would get emotional and hurt her body.

Han Ruoxing saw his worry and stepped forward to hold his old father's hand, Dad, let's take my brother home.

Song Wanqian felt sad and held her in his arms, Okay, I'll ask someone to get another ticket.

Private flights need to be reported in advance, but now is the Spring Festival, and all units are on vacation. It takes longer than usual to get flight approval, so taking a flight is the fastest way.

Dad, I'm going with you too.

After receiving Su Wanqin's look, Song Jiayu gritted his teeth and spoke reluctantly.

No, Ruoxing and I will go pick him up. You and your mother will stay at home. If...if Tianjun doesn't get on the plane, we will definitely contact our family.

He said the last sentence very softly.

Han Ruoxing knew that it was a luxury hope. They all hoped that their brother would not get on the plane.

Su Wanqin responded with red eyes, Then please pay attention to safety on the road and contact us in time when you arrive.

Song Wanqian responded, and then went out with Han Ruoxing.

On the way, Han Ruoxing called Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan was doing the year-end finishing work. When he saw Han Ruoxing's call, he got up and went out to answer it.

As soon as the call was connected, Han Ruoxing's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone.

Gu Jingyan, are you at home now? Can you help me send my passport?

Gu Jingyan was stunned for a moment, Where are you going?

M country, my brother's plane crashed.

Han Ruoxing spoke calmly, but it caused huge waves in Gu Jingyan's heart.

He asked in a deep voice, Is there any definite news?

Han Ruoxing wanted to cry when she heard Gu Jingyan's voice, but Song Wanqian was in the car. She didn't dare to cry in front of her father for fear that he wouldn't be able to bear it. She just sniffed hard, suppressed the tears, and said softly, Ambassador The embassy has arranged for a search and rescue team to go there and found some plane wreckage, but neither the black box nor the black box has been found. Now I want to fly over with my dad and connect with the embassy to assist in the search and rescue or...claim it.

Gu Jingyan clenched his phone tightly, Where are you now?

On the way to the airport, my place is quite far from the Royal Garden. I thought it would be faster if you were at home. The plane will take off in an hour and a half. Are you at home?

Gu Jingyan glanced at the time and said in a deep voice, Just wait, I'll be there right away.

After that, he hung up the phone. He didn't even have time to go back to the conference room to say a word to everyone. He left in a hurry. When he got to the car, he called Lin Shu and said that he had to go out for something urgent and would not be coming for the next two days. company.

Let Lin Shu take care of the arrangements for the vacation.

Gu Jingyan rushed home as quickly as possible, took the two people's passports and left.

When Gu Jingyang heard the sound, Gu Jingyan's car drove away.

About half an hour after Han Ruoxing arrived at the airport, Gu Jingyan rushed over.

While she and her father were waiting in the hall, she seemed to feel something and turned around, and saw Gu Jingyan running towards her.

Han Ruoxing was stunned. When she came to her senses, Gu Jingyan had already run up to her. He was panting, holding his passport, and whispered, I'll go with you.

Han Ruoxing looked down at her passport, doubts sprouting in her heart once again.

When she made the call just now, she was too anxious and didn't tell Gu Jingyan where her passport was.

In fact, she didn't know where the passports were kept. She only knew that Gu Jingyan had always kept their passports.

The passport was actually kept by her at first, but she had a bad memory and always misplaced things. Once when Gu Jingyan was on a business trip and asked her for a passport, she couldn't find it no matter how hard she looked. Finally, Gu Jingyan went to get a new one. (End of chapter)

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